City of Hermosa Beach -- 09-21-99



The meeting was called to order by Vice-Chair Perrotti at 7:10 p.m.
Commissioner Ketz led the pledge of allegiance.

Roll Call

Present: Commissioners Hoffman, Ketz, Schwartz (arrived at 7:12 pm), Pizer, Vice-Chair Perrotti
Absent: None
Also Present: Sol Blumenfeld, Community Development Director
Michael Schubach, City Planner
Diane Cleary, Recording Secretary


MOTION by Commissioner Ketz, seconded by Commissioner Pizer, to APPROVE the Consent Calendar.

AYES: Hoffman, Ketz, Pizer, Vice-Chair Perrotti
NOES: None
ABSENT: Schwartz


John and Janet McHugh, 718 First Place, Hermosa Beach, addressed Section 17.64.010 at 125 Pacific Coast Highway regarding the block wall which separates commercial from the residential. Ms. McHugh stated that she understood that the wall was to remain at a 12 foot height. She further stated that on September 1, 1999, construction crews arrived and removed the wall with no notification. She said large pieces of the block wall fell into the area where the cars had been parked. She questioned the contractor at the time, and he stated that they have insurance. She further stated that on September 15 and 16 as demolition occurred on the proposed hotel site, at least 20 tanks that were buried several feet underground were being lifted and punctured, causing the entire contents of yellowish-brown fluid to spill into the soil with an estimate of 40-50 gallons of fluid being released from each tank. She stated the City was informed and the Fire Department stopped the job with a stop work order which was placed on the job until further testing could be done. The Los Angeles County Environmental for Underground Tank Storage or Removal stated that all contractors know to stop work immediately when underground tanks are found and apply for a removal permit. She stated that this was not done. She further said the County will be testing all of the areas and reviewing reports where the tanks were disposed. She indicated that work started again yesterday and she informed the City. She said that the contractor was not notified of the stop order. She requested that all permits be held until the contractors are informed to comply and satisfy the requirements of the County and City Building and Safety Codes to insure it is a safe project.

Director Blumenfeld clarified that there are two issues involved. One issue has to do with the property line wall separating the Holiday Inn from the McHugh’s property. He stated the existing wall could not remain because it was not built to the current Building Code standards, and therefore the wall was to be demolished and be replaced with an 8 foot high wall as approved by Planning Commission. He said that the owner is considering installing a higher wall, but that is at his discretion with Commission approval.

He stated that the other issue has to do with a Building Permit. He indicated that the former site was occupied by an auto use with hydraulic lifts in place, and the contractor should have stopped work and notified the County when the hydraulic lift tanks were discovered. He said that the issue has been referred to the State and County, and building permit will not be issued until the site is clean.

Commissioner Pizer questioned if there is a requirement that the neighbors be notified prior to demolition of a wall. Director Blumenfeld stated a notice is required to be posted on the site. He further indicated that if a project starts prior to the permitted construction hours, it is stopped when the City is notified of the complaint.

Mr. Mark Hanch, 720 First Place, Hermosa Beach, is one of the McHugh’s tenants and requested a 12 foot wall for privacy since there is parking behind the wall which may create noise and lighting.




Staff Recommended Action: To continue to the October 19, 1999 meeting.

Vice-Chair Perrotti opened the public hearing.

Jerry Compton stated he met with the Planning Department and stated they are requesting an additional continuance, as they are making modifications to the project. He indicated that this would be the second continuance.

Vice-Chair Perrotti closed the public hearing.

MOTION by Commissioner Ketz, seconded by Commissioner Pizer, to CONTINUE CON 99-24/PDP 99-28 – Conditional Use Permit, Precise Development Plan and Vesting Tentative Parcel Map #25664 for a two-unit condominium at 321 10 th Street to the October 19, 1999 meeting.

AYES: Hoffman, Ketz, Schwartz, Pizer, Vice-Chair Perrotti
NOES: None


Staff Recommended Action: To continue to October 19, 1999 meeting pursuant to applicant’s request.

Director Blumenfeld stated the applicant has requested a continuance, as the applicant is resolving issues that affect their Precise Development Plan and Certificate of Appropriateness relative to the Historic Preservation Ordinance.

Vice-Chair Perrotti opened the public hearing.

Vice-Chair Perrotti closed the public hearing.

Commissioner Pizer asked if the building is currently being seismic retrofitted. Director Blumenfeld stated that retrofit work approved by Council last year which is close to being finished. He further indicated that this request is for improvements that go beyond the approved plans for seismic retrofit.

MOTION by Commissioner Schwartz, seconded by Commissioner Pizer to CONTINUE PDP 99-29 -- Precise Development Plan for interior and exterior remodel to a designated historic landmark building to the October 19, 1999 meeting.

AYES: Hoffman, Ketz, Schwartz, Pizer, Vice-Chair Perrotti
NOES: None



Staff Recommended Action: To approve said request.

City Planner Schubach summarized the staff report. He stated a study was submitted and shows that there is adequate parking available at anytime during the day, and staff finds no difficulty in changing from a retail to restaurant use. He also indicated that this location has been approved previously for a restaurant several years ago but was never implemented.

Vice-Chair Perrotti opened the public hearing.

Mr. Ed Hoban, employee of Pick-Up Stix, stated there are 14 seats in the restaurant with a great percentage of take out. He also indicated that their closest stores are in the San Pedro Market and Torrance.

Vice-Chair Perrotti closed the public hearing.

Commissioner Pizer pointed out that the City Council is trying to discourage further expansion of the restaurant business and encourage retail business in the City. He doesn’t think this restaurant is consistent with the future plans of the City.

Commissioner Hoffman stated that this project may not be part of the mix that the Council was addressing and this particular project because it was in the pipeline, would not be subject to any Council actions or sanctions.

Commissioner Schwartz stated they have seen this substitution of use before and the parking is more than adequate.

Vice-Chair Perrotti expressed concerns with the parking study and stated the holiday weekends and volleyball tournament parking should be included in the study. He stated, however, that this establishment will be small and balances off with the Brooklyn Pizza that was originally there. He stated concern with the existing space where the warehouse was located.

MOTION by Commissioner Ketz and seconded by Commissioner Hoffman to APPROVE PARK 99-5 – Parking Plan Amendment to allow conversion of an existing 1700 square foot retail/office use to a restaurant, "Pick-Up Stix," within the Plaza Hermosa Shopping Center at 1559 Pacific Coast Highway, aka 705 Pier Avenue.

AYES: Hoffman, Ketz, Schwartz, Vice-Chair Perrotti
NOES: Pizer



Staff Recommended Action: To approve said request.

City Planner Schubach summarized the staff report and stated that the project meets all Codes, has an adequate landscaping plan, is under lot coverage and has correct open space and correct parking.

Vice-Chair Perrotti requested that in the Draft Resolution, page 3, Section 3, Item 2, "R-3" be replaced with "R-2B." Director Blumenfeld stated this will be corrected for the final reading.

Vice-Chair Perrotti opened the public hearing.

Cheryl Vargo is representing the applicant and stated that the project meets all the development standards and exceeds them in some regards. She indicated that subsequent to the plans being submitted, the property owner requested to change the plans by separating the structure with a 10 foot separation between the two units. The plan will require some interior modifications to the plans, but there is no proposal to change the front, rear or side elevations. She requested a continuance for the changes.

Delcy Guthrey, 824 Seventh Street, Hermosa Beach, expressed concern with the construction in her area, and stated driveways and streets are being blocked. Director Blumenfeld stated if a complaint is received regarding access being blocked, staff immediately calls parking enforcement. He further stated that there is no limit on how many construction sites can occur in an area.

MOTION by Commissioner Hoffman and seconded by Commissioner Pizer to CONTINUE CON 99-25/PDP 99-30 – Conditional Use Permit, Precise Development Plan and Vesting Tentative Parcel Map #25628 for a two-unit condominium at 839 7 th Street and 838 8 th Street.

AYES: Hoffman, Ketz, Schwartz, Pizer, Vice-Chair Perrotti
NOES: None


Staff Recommended Action: To direct staff as deemed appropriate.

Director Blumenfeld summarized the staff report. He reviewed the concerns of the Commission of the July 21, 1998 meeting and summarized the revised project. He further reviewed additional conditions and stated that a lot boundary survey has been included as a Condition of Approval to confirm the accuracy of the proposed plan if the project is approved.

Commissioner Ketz asked if a license by the DMV is required of mobile homes. Director Blumenfeld clarified that they simply have to be certified by HUD.

Commissioner Ketz asked for clarification of a two-story mobile home. Director Blumenfeld stated they are typically double wide format, but can be transported in sections on a base that contains a chassis and fits on a roadway.

Vice-Chair Perrotti asked if there would be a difference between a mobile home and manufacturing housing. Director Blumenfeld stated manufactured housing is also not precluded under the law as long as it is certified by HUD requirements as a "mobile home."

Commissioner Ketz asked about the three spaces in the middle of the site plan and how much space is available in this area between Lots 10 and 39 and the parking space. Director Blumenfeld stated there may be about an 8 foot clearance, but the parking could be shifted to the south slightly to make the parking reconfiguration work.

Director Blumenfeld clarified that Space 63 is an existing space and is not being counted. He stated that in total, there are 4 spaces that are being converted to 3 mobilehome spaces in the central area of the plan, and there is 1 space being added which is "Space 40". He stated some items that are stored at the rear of the site will be moved and a new pad will have to be installed at the rear of the site also, involving grading and putting in a retaining wall.

Commissioner Schwartz asked how strong of a control mechanism is available to get all of the issues addressed. Director Blumenfeld stated they have worked with the State to direct the owner to remove the existing foundations. He further said staff is working more closely with the State and the City is moving toward getting permit authority and inspection authority on the site. He said this process may take a few of months.

Commissioner Pizer asked what the requirements are for private open space. Director Blumenfeld stated for a multi-family unit is 200 square feet per unit, and under the condominium requirements, there is an additional 100 square feet per unit. He said staff felt it was possible to equate the "common" open space to this project, as it involves existing units or coaches which cannot be reconfigured for additional private open space.

Vice-Chair Perrotti indicated that the Commission expressed concern regarding access for emergency vehicles. Director Blumenfeld stated that when he discussed this matter with the Fire Chief he was not concerned about access through the site, but access to the site to address fire safety issues.

Vice-Chair Perrotti opened the public hearing.

Mr. James Joffey, property manager of J&H Management for the mobile home park, stated that the current plans were done as a cooperative effort to solve some problems and alleviate the negative issues that were brought up before. He pointed out that the trailer park is very old which was rezoned a mobile home park. He stated the current plan is not perfect and is not expected to be approved today. He stated the proposal is to comply with a need of the City to have affordable housing units plus one more. He also said they have rebuilt some of the older units in terms of electrical, plumbing and structure and remodeled them. He indicated they are trying to preserve the integrity of the park as it is now and approve the vacant spaces that were vacated by previous management, restore the affordable housing units that were there, improve some parking situations and add some common area.

Mr. Joffey also clarified that the mobile homes are registered with HCD, Housing and Community Development. He said that all new mobile homes sold after 1984, were put on the local property tax roles and paid local property taxes. Also when a mobile home resold after 1984, the buyer had a choice of either paying sales tax and staying on HCD registration fees every year, or they could bypass and not have to pay the sales tax and then go on property tax roles. Eventually almost all of the park will be on local property taxes. He further stated that the two-story homes are transported as two stories and then the roof is put on site. Also, the mobile home park comes under Title 25 addressing drainage issues and issues of setbacks.

Commissioner Pizer asked how much open space will be provided. Mr. Joffey stated there has been a suggestion of providing 1200 feet of new open space, and they are willing to comply with this. He said it could be located at Space 61 which is the flattest area of the slopes.

Commissioner Hoffman asked what the square footage is of a typical unit that is existing. He is also concerned with maintaining affordable housing. Mr. Joffey stated probably from 400 square feet to 1200+ square feet. He indicated that the new units being added would be approximately twice or three times the size of the older units and he said that the rent will not be doubled or tripled. He also said the units will be considered affordable housing units. He further stated that no study has been made of the median income of the park as it is at this point in time.

Director Blumenfeld pointed out that the City does not have rent control, but the mobile homes are considered as low/moderate income housing and the State has indicated they could qualify in the City’s last Housing Element. He further said that there has not been a rental study done and staff does not have this information.

Commissioner Pizer asked if the utilities are being charged to the tenants. Mr. Joffey stated that some of the utilities are billed directly to the residents by the utility company.

Commissioner Pizer asked if there is only one trash area for the park. Mr. Joffey stated yes but is not opposed to putting another one in, but the trash truck would have to have access. Director Blumenfeld pointed out that there is a condition in the Resolution that the trash area enclosure be relocated so that it doesn’t encroach into the parking area.

Mr. Joffey summarized that the park would be upgraded aesthetically with the proposal.

Lawrence McDermott stated that the City requires that prior to issuing permits on the three prime spaces, the other two would have to be filled first, the drainage would have to be resolved and a specific surveyed site plan that dimensions all of the spaces in the park exactly would have to be done. He further indicated that the area that is storage would be taken out, adding more guest parking.

Scott Kinney, 531 Pier Avenue, Space 28, pointed out that the lots on the west side, spaces 28, 29 and 30 are not 62 feet long but are approximately 46 or 47 feet long. According to the plan at 62 feet in length, the 24-foot setback from the wall would be an additional 18 feet to the west before it could actually even begin. He further said that starting from the wall and going 24 feet to the west, the retaining wall would be close to 10 feet. He also said that what is deceptive in the plot plan is the guest parking. He said it is not new parking but is his parking. He stated that the proposed parking for the proposed new space 40 is his driveway and has been for 12+ years. He said it came with his place and is contracted that they have two parking. Also, he said that the debris in the parking spaces is people paying $50 for those spaces that aren’t mandated to come with the mobile homes to park extra vehicles or to have their sheds there. He stated that the plan adds units and removes existing parking. He requested that the four lots in the middle be restored and leave the rest of the park alone.

Kay Kinney, 531 Pier Avenue, Space 28, stated that their parking is for two cars, and it is in their escrow agreement that they have two parking spaces. She said that they also have a shed and is concerned with losing their back steps. She also stated she needs her parking access nearby. She pointed out that the hillside is very steep, and the children currently play in the parking lot which is their only open space to play. She also indicated concern with the larger new homes having enough parking, and also their size cutting off the sunlight. She pointed out that if she sold her mobile home, the space rent is $765 on top of a mortgage, and mobile homes are difficult to sell. She also pointed out there were four single wide trailers in the space where the three manufactured two-story homes are proposed to go.

Barbara Watson, 531 Pier Avenue, Space 54, stated that the space rent on a single wide is $700 and the proposal is for a double wide with a possible increase in rent. She said this would not help the affordable aspect of the mobile home park.

Commissioner Hoffman asked how many of the 67 lots have parking on their own parcel. Ms. Watson indicated that most have at least one space.

Laurie Hudson, 531 Pier Avenue, Space 56, stated the mobile home park as been an eyesore with no correction of the safety and cosmetic issues. She stated she has a very nice home, but the pride of ownership has diminished in the park.

Marie Horwitz, 531 Pier Avenue, Space 15, stated she has lived in the park since 1985. She further stated she could provide the Commission with pictures of the double wide homes. Also, she indicated there is only one trash can currently and the other can is posted that it is the exclusive use of the office building. She feels the two-story homes would affect the light and would not be in conformance with the rest of the park.

Linda Slonecker, 531 Pier Avenue, Space 60, stated she submitted a letter and reviewed the issues she raised in the letter as follows: The addition of another mobile home (and presumed parking space) will further impede or prevent the safe circulation of vehicle traffic; the parcel may be unsafe for a mobile home site, and the open area across from Space 60 has underground tanks designed to catch and drain runoff water from the park’s streets; and the small open area of land at the southwest corner is the last safe play area for the children of the park to play together without being in the streets of the park.

Jeff Hersh, 531 Pier Avenue, Space 30, thanked the Commission, Ms. Moss, owner of the park and Mr. Joffey of J&H Management. He stated there are differences of opinion, but feels everyone wants to make changes to the park. He said the issue is manufacturing housing versus mobile homes. He indicated that Title 25 is specific as to what is a mobile home, trailer and what constitutes manufactured housing. He said the foundations were built prior to and without any consent/approval/notification from the Commission and Council. He also noted that coming back years after the fact and granting approval is kind of like rewarding misbehavior. He said they are dealing with manufactured housing, not mobile homes. He feels it could be a condo-type situation without the benefit of any standard setbacks. He proposed that the Commission may want to seek the advise of City Council as to whether the homes comply with HCD regulations. Also, he invited the Commission to come and walk the park.

Patricia Love, 531 Pier Avenue, Space 26, stated Marineland is a family atmosphere and she loves the residents and everyone gets along well. She expressed concern with the hill being at an 80 degree incline, and a higher retaining wall may be needed.

Jacqueline Plane, 531 Pier Avenue, Space 9, agreed with Mr. Hersh and stated the issue is manufactured homes. She also stated that there needs to be an improvement process. She stated that the manufactured homes do not need to be double two stories, and there is a way to make the park start to grow and improve.

Chris Love, 531 Pier Avenue, Space 26, stated that by getting rid of parking spaces in the area where he is located and putting something else in place would cause congestion. He stated that they park underneath their overhang. He said by doing a turnaround is difficult now and would be worse if the proposed configuration is brought in place. Also, the hill is extremely steep and sandy, and the retaining wall would have to be high and strong. He also feels that nothing would be gained by having the new type of mobile homes go in, especially two stories. He said it would not go with the general overall character of the park and the parking would be minimized. He suggested that the Commission take a second look at the plans and see the park.

George Watanabe, 531 Pier Avenue, Space 14, expressed concern with the environmental impact. He stated the park has wild animals and the hill is all sand. He questioned how heavy equipment will get into that area and is concerned with the effects of the construction.

Karen Brunz, 531 Pier Avenue, Space 46, stated that the park is for sale and the tenants are interested in buying the park. She asked if this would affect the Commission’s decision.


Mr. Joffey stated he sent a letter out inviting anyone in the park who had questions to call him. He said he heard from no one. He stated that the situation of the parking for Space 28 will be Space 40, and he said no one will lose any parking. He stated there is long-term storage in the area which is not appropriate and the general consensus of the park is for more parking. He said the area that is now being used for storage should be parking for the residents’ use for their vehicles they use on a daily basis. He indicated that the park is under jurisdiction of HCD and Title 25 and every concern raised this evening is dealt with by the enforcement of Title 25 under HCD currently. Nothing in the plan will change this. He stated that Title 25 states that a storage shed placed on a mobile home space may not exceed 100 square feet. He furthered clarified that some of the speakers are renters and do not own their homes. He said they are adding another space to add more affordable housing, and the new spaces will have on site parking. He also clarified that no one will lose their back steps. He stated also the homes are very easy to sell, as they have sold six in the last six months and every home in the park has sold much higher than their book value. He stated that the owner spent $300,000 to put in a new utility system for the benefits of the residents and improvements have to be made. There are plans of the underground utility system, and the drainage system works very well. He requests that the project be approved for the benefit of the park.

Vice-Chair Perrotti asked where the location of the tanks are for the drainage system. Mr. Joffey stated they are under proposed Space 63 and stated there will be access to them.

Vice-Chair Perrotti closed the public hearing.

Commissioner Hoffman stated there are other alternatives besides larger square footage units, two-story manufactured homes that might impact in keeping with the existing park. He stated, however, there are a lot of other problems that need to be corrected and is by State authority.

Commissioner Ketz stated she has problems with the proposed plan and is not to scale. She feels Space 40 and Space 63 are not engineered and not determined as usable lots. She stated the park should go back to the way it was originally if that’s the only option.

Commissioner Schwartz stated the park is in need of improvement, and the reconfiguration gives some opportunity to make things better. She indicated that there has been conflicting testimony, however, and she is not sure what has been presented will work. She would like to see the prior improvements be made before putting in the new units. She would also like to see an existing parking plan. Director Blumenfeld stated that staff has an aerial and indicated that some spaces are designated parking in the area that is proposed.

Commissioner Pizer encouraged a better solution than what was presented. He stated the parking west of Space 39 severely restricts the traffic flow in that area. He would like to visit the site and verify plans. He would also like to see more open space for the residents. He also asked if Public Works has looked at the drainage and landfill situation. Director Blumenfeld stated they looked at the initial plan and felt it was inadequate, so staff is requiring that a drainage plan be provided which would be submitted to Public Works for approval. He pointed out that part of the site floods when it rains and a sump pump would be required.

Vice-Chair Perrotti indicated that he has several problems and concerns with the plans that are proposed including the retaining wall area, the parking, the drainage and the manufactured housing and stated that City Council may have to be involved.

MOTION by Commissioner Ketz and seconded by Commissioner Hoffman to DENY PDP 99-34 – Precise Development Plan to reconfigure mobile home spaces by relocating one and adding one space at 531 Pier Avenue, Marineland Mobile Home Park.

AYES: Hoffman, Ketz, Schwartz, Pizer, Vice-Chair Perrotti
NOES: None

The Commission took a break at 9:30 pm.
The Commission reconvened at 9:40 pm.

Vice-Chair Perrotti announced that Item 17, Adjournment to Development Standards Workshop will be held on October 6, 1999 at 7:00 pm.


Staff Recommended Action: To approve said request.


Staff Recommended Action: To approve said request.

City Planner Schubach summarized the staff report. He stated the storage area needs to be larger in the garage and the private open space needs to be increased. Also, a condition be added for three-quarter baths in the basement level rooms. He said staff would like to see landscaping on the west side along with 30" box trees be added. He indicated there is an extra guest parking space on each lot for the two lost on the street. In addition, there will be two other spaces. Also, the full 23 feet of turning area needs to be provided behind the parking space off the alley side.

Elizabeth Srour, 1001 Sixth Street, Manhattan Beach, is representing the applicants. She stated the Commission has a copy of the rendering and the applicants will be living in one of the units. She stated that Cindy Cooper is the architect for the project and has achieved a custom look with this residential complex. She indicated that by utilizing both lots and incorporating the entry area courtyard shared by the two residential condominiums, enhances the openness, the sense of privacy and the usable open space and passive open space for light and air. She further said that although each new association will be totally independent, the entrance ways were designed to be adjacent to one another and creates a very nice open courtyard effect between the two buildings. She stated this enhances the streetscape with landscaping, and the driveway approach is at the front of each unit. She pointed out that the units have been designed to comply with the Development Standards for the condominium use as well as the zoning. She also pointed out that each association has seven on site spaces that they control for a total of 14 spaces, and the Code would require only 6 spaces per lot.

Ms. Srour stated that with regard to storage for each of the units, there is adequate storage, and she stated they will be working with staff to satisfy what the Code requires in the garage. She noted that the complex is setback 5 feet from the property line, and the Code only requires 2 feet at the front, and its height is quite a bit lower, with the front of building being about 1 foot less than the 30 foot height limit. She stated that the adjacent properties are older, and the project has been designed and developed to the standards and effect of 1972 with a 35 foot height limit. She also said that the easterly facade has minimal windows, and the front and rear facades have been stepped back to enhance the building’s relationship with the adjacent properties. She stated they will work with staff regarding the Conditions of Approval.

Ms. Cindy Cooper, 936 Hermosa Avenue, Hermosa Beach, is the architect for the project and stated they are more than willing to conform to some of the issues brought up. She stated there is 456 square feet of storage in the rear units, with some at each level of the building. She requested that the extra space on each lot be utilized as a compact space, solving the backing up problem.

Vice-Chair Perrotti asked about the parking for the existing property. Ms. Cooper stated there is no parking currently and is a nine-unit building which is quite old and has not been occupied for two years with problems of repair.

Commissioner Hoffman questioned why the buildings are identical. Ms. Cooper stated they were trying to create a uniform look for the project with a shared courtyard going down the center.

Commissioner Schwartz would like see some of the metered parking be restored and feels there would be adequate space for one. Ms. Cooper stated that the lots are 30 feet wide and with a two-car garage requirement and a driveway that is 17 feet wide and the extra spaces being on the rear side, it would be difficult to get a metered spot in front of 2 two-car garages. She said she would like to use the open space and landscaping on the sides of the project to frame it, instead of doing a focus in the center and losing the majority of landscape on the parameters of the project on the east and west sides.

Ms. Srour pointed out that the primary goal of the owners is to create two separate independent associations, and each lot is totally self-sufficient. She also pointed out there are some very large projects close by which do not have this required parking today. She feels the Commission is asking the property owner to help compensate for a development that occurred many years ago that doesn’t provide the necessary parking. Also, the project is close enough to the downtown area where there is some very significant improvements to public parking that are being provided with the parking structure.

Commissioner Schwartz stated she is just suggesting modifying the design to give back one of the street spaces that has been removed.

Vice-Chair Perrotti opened the public hearing.

Ms. Jan Scherb, 77 15 th Street, Hermosa Beach, stated she bought the condo she lives in because of the balcony size and its facing the ocean and on other side of her is one story building, and she has enjoyed it for 14 years. She said now she is faced with losing her sunny open balcony to a blank wall and will affect their property value. She questioned if there is sensitivity to lost views and quality of life.

Commissioner Pizer pointed out that there is no view ordinance in the City.


Ms. Srour commented that the architect has taken a great deal of consideration with the roof structures at the first third and rear third of the lots which vary between 28 to 29 feet and is a benefit to the adjacent buildings. The easterly corners are recessed much farther than needed by Code. She is pleased to present this proposal and has incorporated a lot of the goals of the Commission and is asking for approval of the project.

Vice-Chair Perrotti closed the public hearing.

Commissioner Pizer stated he likes the look of the building and the common entry.

Commissioner Schwartz pointed out that with her calculations there would be enough space for a metered parking space and would like to see this provided. She also noted that the massing in the front of the buildings is nicely done, and she does not want to lose the details in the rendering.

Commissioner Hoffman expressed concern with the mirrored image of the buildings and the creation of a boxy look with a lot of driveway in the front, offering very little visual relief.

Commissioner Ketz stated the design has a guest parking enclosed, not meeting the minimum requirements and turning radius. A lot of the open space is on the roof and without the window boxes in the front, the building would look severe. She stated the deck is articulated somewhat and she likes the roof line. However, she would like to see more deck.

Vice-Chair Perrotti feels the development will be much better for the area as a whole than the existing property. He pointed out the occupants will now all be parked on site and is willing to lose the on street parking space. He also feels there should be some variation with the appearance of the buildings with perhaps varying the garage doors or trellises under the windows in the front. He further pointed out that the proposed standards have not been implemented, and it would not be fair to the applicants to meet these as of yet.

MOTION by Commissioner Schwartz and seconded by Commissioner Pizer to APPROVE CON 99-27/PDP 99-32 and CON 99-28/PDP 99-33 – Conditional Use Permits, Precise Development Plans and Vesting Tentative Parcel Map #25650 for a two-unit condominiums at 53 & 55 15 th Street and 59 & 61 15 th Street with the following conditions: 1) The architect work with staff to get an additional parking space in the front and allow a more landscaped entry area into the center between the units; 2) That there be more differentiation between the two units; and 3) That the decoration and elaboration that is part of the two units be more integral to the design and connected to the building.

AYES: Hoffman, Schwartz, Pizer, Vice-Chair Perrotti
NOES: Ketz


Staff Recommended Action: To recommend approval of said text amendment and adoption of the Environmental Negative Declaration.

Director Blumenfeld summarized the staff report and stated that staff is recommending approval of the attached Resolution.

Vice-Chair Perrotti opened the public hearing.

Vice-Chair Perrotti closed the public hearing.

Vice-Chair commented that the Text Amendment will provide clearer language and will benefit the City.

MOTION by Commissioner Hoffman and seconded by Commissioner Pizer to ACCEPT TEXT 99-1 – Text amendment to eliminate the maximum of two stories for buildings in the R-1, R-2 and R-2B Zones and adoption of the Environmental Negative Declaration.

AYES: Hoffman, Ketz, Schwartz, Pizer, Vice-Chair Perrotti
NOES: None


Code interpretation regarding circular driveway located in front yard area at 712 Marlita Street.

Director Blumenfeld summarized the staff report.

Mr. Louis Tomaro, architect for the project, stated there was approval about a year and a half ago and since then, they have been working with the landscape architect. He further indicated the intent of the driveway is not to be used for parking and would just be for aesthetic appearances.

Commissioner Hoffman asked what the advantages are with a circular driveway and also asked what kind of treatment will be provided in the semi-circle to help the aesthetics of the project. Mr. Tomaro stated the current tree will be removed and replaced with two trees in keeping with the landscape style.

Director Blumenfeld suggested that low shrubs could be planted to act as screening in the circular area.

Mr. Tomaro clarified that both concrete aprons would be replaced and the existing curb cut is on the east side in front of the garage. He further stated that the circular drive was originally drawn with both curb cuts.

Vice-Chair Perrotti stated that the intent of the Ordinance is to avoid a situation where someone could pave over their front lawn to add another parking space. He also said a circular driveway adds to the aesthetics of a property.

Commissioner Hoffman noted that there are not that many lots in Hermosa Beach wide enough to give a turning radius where a circular driveway is possible. He stated half of the front of the driveway could be a driveway leading directly into the garages.

Commissioner Ketz commented that there is too much pavement on the front yard of the property.

Commissioner Schwartz also agrees there may be too much concrete and if it is allowed, the landscape area in between should have adequate landscaping.

Mr. Tomaro stated they are working with the landscape architect and the house is very nice and will be landscaped well.

MOTION by Commissioner Schwartz and seconded by Commissioner Pizer to ACCEPT the interpretation that the semi-circular driveway is not precluded.

AYES: Hoffman, Schwartz, Pizer, Vice-Chair Perrotti
NOES: Ketz

Code interpretation of Section 17.64.010 regarding roof equipment parapet screening as allowable exception to height limit at 125 Pacific Coast Highway.

Director Blumenfeld summarized the staff report.

Mr. Jeremy Hsu, architect for the Holiday Inn Express and the project, clarified that the height over the height limit is 4 feet. He further indicated that roof is 8 feet below the top of the parapet where the equipment sits. The actual parapet is 8 feet high which is the height of the stairway, elevator, boiler and equipment housing and is less than 5 percent of the overall roof area.

Director Blumenfeld clarified that the rest of the Code Section states that the amount allowed to exceed the height limit is only that amount allowed to meet the Building Code.

MOTION by Commissioner Ketz and seconded by Commissioner Schwartz to ACCEPT Code interpretation of Section 17.64.010 regarding roof equipment parapet screening as an allowable exception to height limit at 125 Pacific Coast Highway, Holiday Inn Express.

Election of the Planning Commission Chairman and Vice Chairman.

MOTION by Commissioner Pizer and seconded by Commissioner Hoffman to NOMINATE Vice-Chair Perrotti for Chairman and Commissioner Ketz for Vice-Chairman.

AYES: Hoffman, Ketz, Schwartz, Pizer, Vice-Chair Perrotti
NOES: None

Tentative future Planning Commission agenda.

Community Development Department Activity Report of July, 1999.

f. City Council minutes of July 13, 27, and August 10, 1999.




Chairman Perrotti announced that the workshop will be adjourned to Wednesday, October 6, 1999.

MOTION by Commissioner Schwartz and seconded by Vice-Chair Ketz to ADJOURN the meeting at 10:50 pm.

No objections, so ordered.

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