City of Hermosa Beach --- 09-14-99



I have met with residents in the area east of Pacific Coast Highway between 16 th Streets and Aviation to Prospect. They are interested in circulating a petition in their neighborhood to determine if there is interest in forming an assessment district to pay for the undergrounding of utilities. As you know, this is the first step in the process. The petition would need to have 60% of the property owners in the area sign. If the petition receives 60%, then it will be presented to the City Council for approval and further action. If the City Council wishes to proceed, then a series of resolution would be adopted ordering the preparation of an engineer's report which would include determining the benefit for each property in the proposed district.

Overall, the entire process, once the petition is received, takes about one year before the property owners would receive a ballot and vote on whether or not they wish to proceed with the assessment district.

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