City of Hermosa Beach -- 02/11/97




Roll Call


Chairperson Mitchell,

Commissioners Abrams, Aronoff, Dunbabin,

Absent: Commissioner Koppel

Staff: Rooney, Flaherty

Approval of Minutes November 20, 1996

Motion: "To approve as submitted."

Aronoff/Dunbabin All Ayes

Citizen Comments:

Jennifer Pauts: Palm Drive at 14th Street

Addressed the Commission regarding the AVP tournament. Thinks that beach access should be looked at seriously. Can't park near her home during events--feels like a prisoner in her home. Thinks the City has too many events--especially big events. Thinks the City should look at events and limit them.

Donley Falkenstien: 1412 Palm Drive

Says he is part of Alliance to Keep Beach Access Free and that he has a petition with 4,700 signatures on it. Says the AVP is out of control and that the event denies access for people that don't come for volleyball because they lose parking. No parking = No access. Commission should read the Coastal Act. Why should everybody always be displaced? Hopes that the Coastal Commission staff report is given to Commissioners. Presented Commission with a packet of information and newspaper articles.

Staff Report

Commission Parks Tour Date: Sunday, February 2, 8:00 a.m.

Joint meeting with the DEC: Tentative Date: Wednesday, February 5, 7:00 p.m. Commissioners request that the DEC set the agenda.

Staff Note:

  1. Check with the HB Garden Club to determine if there is any interest in maintaining and renovating the Valley Park Garden they maintained in the past.

Citizen Comments:

Donley Falkenstien: 1412 Palm Drive

Suggest that the film festival call UCLA to secure some of their short films. Objects to the City sharing a skateboard park with Redondo Beach--not going to serve Hermosa. Thinks the southwest corner of South Park would be a good location. Asked if admission would be charged for the film festival citing it as one more event charging admission on our beach.

Motion to adjourn: Abrams/Dunbabin All Ayes

Adjourned: 9:15 p.m.