City of Hermosa Beach --- 10-13-98

Approval of Updated/Revised/New Class Specifications as Approved and Recommended by the Civil Service Board


Staff recommends approval of the class specifications for Administrative Assistant, Personnel Assistant, Crime Scene Investigator, Accounting Supervisor, Information Systems Technician, Associate Engineer, and Assistant Engineer as reviewed and approved by the Civil Service Board.


During contract negotiations in prior years between the City and the various employee associations the titles of a number of class specifications were updated and/or changed. However, the written class specifications, or job descriptions, were not updated to reflect the new titles. These class specifications are now being updated.

In the 1998-99 budget, the City Council approved three new positions. These three new positions have been staffed with either contract employees or part-time personnel. Now budgeted as regular full-time civil service positions class specifications need to be established.

Following discussions and recommendations these class specifications were approved by the City's Civil Service Board at their meeting of September 23, 1998.


For the classifications of Administrative Assistant, Personnel Assistant, Crime Scene Investigator, Associate Engineer, and Accounting Supervisor the changes made to the specification are primarily titles only. Some language has been updated, such as that included in the drivers' license requirement and a consistent format has been used. Where appropriate, additional duties have been included in some class specifications that had been included in criteria for premium compensation.

Two changes are included in the class specification for Administrative Assistant. First,

the title has been changed from Administrative Aide to Administrative Assistant. This title is more commonly associated with the type of duties performed and is widely used in the clerical field. Secondly, the class specification is being updated to incorporate those duties that were previously considered for premium pay. As all incumbents perform these duties and have been receiving the premium pay, it is appropriate to include them in the class specification and make them requirements of the positions.

The classification of Personnel Assistant was established to reflect the specialized duties and responsibilities performed in the Personnel Department. Previously, this position was classified as an Administrative Aide and received a premium pay incentive in recognition of the specialized personnel related functions. The title of this position has been changed to Personnel Assistant and the specialized duties have been incorporated into the class specification.

The Crime Scene Investigator classification has been changed from the previous title of Property and Evidence Technician. Other changes reflect the actual duties performed in the position and the increase in scope of work performed.

The title of the current Assistant Engineer classification has been changed to Associate Engineer. The new title of Associate is commensurate with duties performed at the journey (full functioning) level. Other changes have been made to more accurately reflect the duties performed.

The classification of Accounting Supervisor is a change from the previous title of Accountant. The Accountant had been receiving premium pay as a Finance Supervisor. The premium pay was eliminated and the title was changed to Accounting Supervisor. The class specification is being updated to reflect the title change and the addition of supervisory duties.

Two new class specifications are included for your review. The classification of Information Systems Technician describes the duties currently performed by a contract Data Processing Technician. With changing this position from a contract employee to a regular civil service position, the establishment of a formal class specification is necessary. The title of Information Systems Technician is more appropriate as the duties include not just personal computers and data processing equipment but also other systems such as responsibility for the citywide telephone system. The other new class specification is Assistant Engineer. A newly budgeted position was approved in the 1998-99 budget for an entry-level engineering position. This new position replaces a part-time temporary position. As there was no class specification for an entry-level engineering position, it is necessary to establish one. The title of Assistant Engineer is appropriate for an entry-level classification in this field.

All of the changes to the above jobs have been approved through adoption of memoranda of understanding and/or the city budget. These revised class specifications establish current, up to date specifications for each position.

Attached for your information, review, and approval are the updated class specifications and, where appropriate, the previous class specification.

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