City of Hermosa Beach --- 07-27-99





Staff recommends that Council:

  1. Appropriate $74,354.76 from the Equipment Replacement Fund for the purchase of three (3) new black and white patrol cars for the Police Department.


Police Department vehicles are part of the inventory of the Equipment Replacement Fund. For the current 1999/2000 fiscal year, three (3) black and white patrol cars are scheduled for replacement. It is recommended that Council authorize staff to purchase three patrol cars from the Wondries Fleet Group of Alhambra, California.

The Wondries Fleet Group holds the sole contract (Bid #200205) with the County of Los Angeles and is the provider of many of the patrol cars to police agencies in the County. These vehicles come from the manufacturer as a "police packaged" vehicle meaning that special enhancements and modifications have been made to the vehicle for the specific use of police patrol work.

As the Wondries Fleet Group has established a government contract with the County of Los Angeles, City rules allow the purchase of equipment from a sole source vendor under these conditions. The advantage of using this contract purchase is because of favorable pricing and because the vehicles come equipped as police packaged cars.

The CMAS contract with the State of California has been reviewed as well and the pricing arrangements with the Los Angeles County are more favorable.


The funds required for the replacement of these vehicles have been accumulated in the Equipment Replacement Fund for the current 1999/2000 fiscal year.

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