City of Hermosa Beach -- 06-10-97



1. Roll Call . Pledge of Allegiance

James Dewey, Jerry Newton (ABSENT), Dean Nota, Patricia Spiritus, Dallas Yost

2. Public Comments:


3. Consent Calendar

3.1 Approval of Minutes 3/5/97;3.2 Finance Reports;3.3 Allright Parking Report; 3.4 Upcoming Planning Commission Items (June)

JD, DY Note corrections to the Minutes. ACTION: To receive and file 4:0

4. Calendared Items

4.1 In-Lieu Parking Program - Status Report

ACTION: To receive and file 4:0

4.2 Parking Structure - Status Report

ACTION: To receive and file 4:0

4.3 Validation and Employee Parking Programs - Discussion

ACTION: To continue to next meeting

4.4 Lower Pier Streetscape, Parking and Downtown Reinvestment - Status Report

ACTION: To receive and file 4:0

4.5 Lower Pier Avenue Closure Hearing - Memo

PS notes that one of the great features of the downtown plan is its flexibility which allows the City to re-visit this issue. DN recommends that any Commissioner input be expressed at scheduled hearing.

ACTION: To receive and file 4:0

4.6 Banner Program 1998 - Memo

ACTION: To receive and file 4:0

4.7 Rotation of Chair

ACTION: To defer rotation until after Council consider new appointment or re-appointment of three members with terms that expire 9/15/97 (Newton, Nota, Spiritus) 4:0

The DEC members proceeded to discuss the role, purpose, and future of the DEC, noting that many of their original functions have been absorbed by the City Council, and that quarterly meetings have not allowed them to respond to downtown issues.

FURTHER ACTION: JD moves that that the DEC ask the City Council, if they decide to make appointments/reappointments, to provide the DEC direction and clear role through a new agenda or charter: 3:1 (PS)

5. Staff Items NONE6. Commissioner Items NONE7. Tentative Future Agenda NO DISCUSSION8. Next Meeting September 3, 19979. Adjournment