City of Hermosa Beach -- 04-29-97



It is recommended by the Parks, Recreation and Community Resources Commission that Council:

  1. Approve the updated list of recommended improvements for Hermosa Valley Park; and

  1. Direct staff to return to Council with an implementation plan for this project; and

  1. Include Commission subcommittee input in the development of the implementation plan for this project.


With the UUT fund balance of over $1.6 million, the Parks, Recreation and Community Resources Commission selected a subcommittee (Koppel/Dunbabin) to identify pressing capital improvement needs in our park and recreation facilities. These recommendations were approved by the Commission at their February 19, 1997 meeting.

At the March 25 meeting, City Council approved the list submitted by the Commission with revisions to include:

  1. Retain the basketball courts.
  2. Do not provide 10-12' pathways through the park.
  3. Pursue an alternative area to accommodate current uses of the existing concrete pad.

At their April 16 meeting, the Commission reviewed these directions from Council and incorporated these and other additions suggested by the public (in bold) as identified in the grid below.



Facility / Area

Commission Recommendation


  • Renovate or replace the restrooms.


Renovate walkways only as required to meet ADA standards.


  • Plant mature trees around the sports. field (note: leased from School District).
  • Improve park perimeter with fence or landscaping.

Address erosion issues in the park.

Basketball Court

Resurface/improve existing courts.

Picnic Facilities

  • Renovate picnic areas and equipment. Install additional tables and benches.

Cement area (northwest side)

Incorporate a park facility (ies) to serve the uses of the cement pad including: tricycle riding, volleyball and placement of birthday party bounce toys.


  • Design and renovate sprinkler system as needed.

The Commission wants to ensure that the park renovation is consistent with maintaining the current character of Hermosa Valley Park. As such, they look forward to working with staff during design development phase to develop a plan that can be successfully implemented in FY 97-98.

Fiscal Impact: None