City of Hermosa Beach -- 06-26-01




June 19, 2001
7:00 P.M.


Sam Perrotti - Chairman
Ron Pizer - Vice Chair
Peter Hoffman
Peter Tucker
Langley Kersenboom


1. Pledge of Allegiance

2. Roll Call  -- ALL PRESENT.


Section I Consent Calendar

Any Planning Commissioner or public wishing to pull an item from below may request to do so at this time.

3. Approval of March 20, 2001 minutes

ACTION: APPROVED (4-0, comm pizer abstained).

4. Resolution(s) for adoption

  1. Resolution P.C. 01-14 approving a Variance to allow an extension of the ridge line of an existing hip roof to exceed the height limit at 502 The Strand.
  2. Resolution P.C. 01-15 denying a Precise Development Plan and amendment to a Parking Plan for an expansion and remodel to an existing commercial building, "The Hermosa Pavilion;" and for shared parking to accommodate a new allocation of uses within the center at 1605 Pacific Coast Highway.
  3. Resolution P.C. 01-16 approving a Parking Plan to allow the expansion of an existing restaurant (allowing the change of use of 468 square feet of adjacent commercial space to restaurant use) with no additional parking at 959 Aviation Boulevard.
  4. Resolution P.C. 01-17 recommending amending the Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 17.50 signs, to except holiday decorations from sign permit requirements.
  5. Resolution P.C. 01-18 approving a Conditional Use Permit and Parking Plan, as amended, to allow outdoor dining in conjunction with an existing restaurant with on-sale alcohol at 705 Pier Avenue.

ACTION: APPROVED (4-0, comm pizer abstained).

5. Item(s) for consideration

a. Resolution P.C. 01-19 approving a Conditional Use Permit, Precise Development Plan and Vesting Tentative Parcel Map No. 26315 for a two-unit condominium at 703 11th Street.

ACTION: continued to 7/17/01 meeting (5-0).

Section II Oral / Written Communications

  1. Anyone wishing to address the Commission regarding a matter not related to a public hearing on the agenda may do so at this time.


Section III Public Hearing(s)

7. GP 00-2/ZON 00-2 -- General Plan Amendment from LD, Low Density Residential, to MD, Medium Density Residential, and Zone Change from R-1, One Family Residential, to R-2B, Limited Multiple Family Residential, or to such other designation/zone as deemed appropriate by the Planning Commission, and adoption of an Environmental Negative Declaration for the block between 4th Street and 5th Street from Ocean View Avenue west to the alley.

Staff Recommended Action : To direct staff as deemed appropriate.

ACTION: denied (5-0), and project was withdrawn by petitioner.

8. CON 01-8/PDP 01-9 -- Conditional Use Permit, Precise Development Plan, and Vesting Tentative Parcel Map No. 26262 for a three-unit condominium at 300 Hermosa Avenue.

Staff Recommended Action : To approve said request.

ACTION: continued to 7/17/01 meeting. the applicant requests to resubmit plans to build a 2-unit condo rather than 3 units. (5-0)

9. Text amendment regarding lot coverage definition.

Staff Recommended Action : To direct staff as deemed appropriate.

ACTION: denied said amendment and leave the text as is (5-0).

Section IV Hearing(s)

10. NR 01-1 -- Remodel and Expansion to an existing nonconforming single-family dwelling resulting in a greater than 50% increase in valuation at 1710 Monterey Boulevard.

Staff Recommended Action : To approve said request.

ACTION: approved with modifications to 1) add deed restriction 2) limit the wet bar to 15 sq. ft. (5-0).

Section V

11. Staff Items

a. Code interpretation on whether a bathroom sink projection is an architectural projection at 918 3rd Street.

ACTION: interpretation was made that architectural features cannot create floor area, and the bathroom sink is not an architectural projection (5-0).

b. Tentative future Planning Commission agenda.

ACTION: received and filed.

c. Community Development Department Activity Report of April, 2001.

ACTION: received and filed.

d. City Council minutes of April 24, 30, May 8 and 22, 2001.

ACTION: received and filed.

e. Code interpretation of measurement of grade at 3220 The Strand.

ACTION: continued to 7/17/01 meeting and bring back more information on point grade was measured on other development.

12. Commissioner Items

13. Adjournment

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