City of Hermosa Beach --- 11-14-00




Staff recommends that Council approve the attached (Attachment B) film permit application for NDE Productions, Inc.



NDE Productions, Inc. applied for a film permit in the downtown area from Monday, November 20th to Wednesday, November 22nd, 2000. They will be filming entirely in the interior of Patrick Molloy’s.

Film permits are routinely handled administratively, with staff applying the same types of conditions as would be applicable to other events in the downtown area.

Due to the size of film, this particular permit requires substantial parking in the downtown area, exceeding staff’s normal parking allocations considerably. As such, staff wanted to bring the final approval to Council for review.



The applicants have requested 101 spaces for approximately forty-eight (48) hours to meet the needs of this location filming and obtained signed approval from 50 affected merchants in the Downtown area (Attachment A). Location managers for the film have taken great efforts to move as much parking off-site as possible. Specifically, all crew parking will be located in Redondo Beach at the Edison Plant and King Harbor.

Staff has reviewed the parking plan with the location managers and has concluded that they have limited their parking to only essential uses. Since the film activity takes place in the off-season for beach goers and since local merchants have been well informed, staff recommends approval of this request.

Clearly, location filming, especially for large feature films, can impact an area considerably on the short term. Notwithstanding, the film industry remains both an important industry to the State of California and it is the Los Angeles Basin’s most regionally intensive industry. As such, municipalities have been encouraged to adopt a cooperative stance with location film requests in order to help ensure that location filming is retained in the area.


Fiscal Impact: Total Film Permit Fees of $4,006.00 to the General Fund.

($1,616 of total specifically for parking).

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