City of Hermosa Beach --- 10-09-01




Approve the attached contract and scope of work for E. Tseng & Associates (ETA) to continue to provide consultant services implementing the City’s AB 939 waste reduction and recycling program.


AB 939 is a State mandated program requiring that each local jurisdiction prepare, adopt and implement a Source Reduction and Recycling Element in order to divert 50% of its solid waste from local landfills. The City retained Eugene Tseng & Associates (ETA) to evaluate the status of the City’s progress in implementation of AB 939 and to prepare the City’s annual report for submittal to the California Integrated Waste Management Board. The Board has accepted the City’s annual reports and the City has been deemed to be in compliance with waste diversion requirements to date.


The City has established an AB 939 surcharge for residential and commercial waste hauling to fund the project and established an AB 939 Fund for implementation programs.

ETA Associates has been contracted by the City to complete annual reports required under AB 939 since 1997. Dr. Tseng is affiliated with University of California at Los Angeles and has used a creative approach for meeting the City’s waste diversion objectives by utilizing U.C.L.A. graduate students to provide a cost-effective method for data collection and implementation services. Under his previous proposal, the City of Hermosa Beach had been a test jurisdiction to evaluate waste diversion efforts for the State.

ETA has prepared a detailed workprogram for AB 939 compliance over the next three years. (Please See Attachment No. 1) at a total cost of $30,000. The contract period is proposed to extend to fiscal year 2003-2004 as shown below:

AB 939 Contract Period

Annual Report Fiscal Year Amount

1. 2000 2000/2001 $10,000

2. 2001 2001/2002 $10,000

3. 2002 2002/2003 $10,000

Total $30,000

The main focus of contract services will be to quantify and document recycling and waste diversion activities (including curbside recycling programs) and to increase residential waste diversion activity for both the commercial and residential sectors to meet mandatory diversion requirements. ETA will work with staff in implementing programs outlined in the scope of work.

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