City of Hermosa Beach --- 02-10-98



That the City Council receive all input during the Public Hearing on this issue and provide direction to staff or how to proceed.


The City Council discussed this item at its meeting of December 9, 1997, based on requests from two area residents. The purpose of the public hearing is to gather input from others in the area and determine if there are any other issues concerning opening this section of Valley Drive to two-way traffic.

Staff has provided notice to the area residents and posted the Public Hearing. Letters received in response to the notice are attached. The traffic data that you saw when this was last discussed is also attached.

Again, the purpose of the public hearing is to hear what area residents think about the proposal. A number of issues will need to be addressed once you make a decision. The change to two-way traffic will need to be reviewed under CEQA. An exact cost estimate will be prepared once the change is ready to implement. Staff will need to coordinate with the City of Redondo Beach to ensure that the change will align with other legs of the intersection. These tasks are not particularly time consuming but they do need to be done prior to a change being installed.

It is also important to keep in mind that the traffic condition could change whether or not a modification is made by the City Council. As you know, a fairly large commercial project is proposed in Redondo Beach that could have some impact on the traffic volume on Valley Drive. A recent court case in San Diego County (Poway) appears to make it more difficult to close or restrict capacity of a street once it is open. The case does not prohibit a change but it does provide a cause of action if an action was filed.

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