City of Hermosa Beach --- 03-09-99



It is recommended that the City Council:

  1. Retain the existing raised barricade channelizing 6th Street, west of Pacific Coast Highway (PCH); and
  2. Retain 6th Street as a short section of a one way street between 125 and 145 feet west of PCH.


The City Council at its May 28, 1998, meeting considered the results of a study by Linscott, Law & Greenspan (LLG) relative to 6th Street, west of PCH.

The study presented the ramifications of closing 6th Street to westbound traffic west of the commercial area. The City Council then approved placement of a barrier on 6th Street for a six-month trial period after which a review of the impacts on 2nd, 5th and 8th Streets would be determined.


The City Traffic Engineer has monitored the traffic circulation and access impacts of these installations since their inception during September 1998.

A physical barrier was placed across the north half of 6th Street approximately 125 feet west of PCH. Appropriate pavement markings and signing were placed to allow full access to the commercial activities to the north of 6th Street. However, vehicular traffic would not be allowed to proceed west on 6th Street toward Ardmore Avenue.

Turning movement traffic counts were taken at PCH, 2nd, 5th, and 8th Streets prior to the installation of the barrier (July 20, 1998) and after the barrier had been in place for two months (December 10, 1998). They were taken from 7:00-9:00 AM, 11:00 AM-1:00 PM and 3:00-6:00 PM.

The results are as follows:

  1. At 6th Street, the PCH northbound left turns into 6th Street daily total was reduced by 50% (118 to 59).
  2. At 6th Street, the southbound right turns into 6th Street from PCH remained constant (152 versus 154).
  3. At 5th Street, the PCH northbound left turns into 6th Street daily total increased by approximately 20% (132 up to 169).
  4. At 5th Street, the southbound right turns into 5th Street increased approximately 45% (136 up to 243).
  5. At 8th Street, the southbound left turns and the northbound right turns into 8th Street from PCH increased approximately 2%.
  6. At 2nd Street, the PCH northbound left turns and southbound right turns into 2nd Street did not change more than 1%.


From the above information it is clear that the residential traffic attempting to reach 6th Street diverted to 5th Street rather that 8th Street or 2nd Street.

For southbound traffic it was easier to travel past 6th Street to 5th Street and make a "right turn loop" (west to Ardmore Ave. then a right turn into eastbound 6th Street) rather than right turning into 8th Street and then making two lefts (left onto Ardmore Ave. and a left into 6th Street).


The residents along 5th, 2nd and 8th Streets have not expressed to the City staff any perceived or real problems with respect to the 6th Street barricade. Field observation by City staff in the vicinity of the barrier indicate that there are some violators that chose to "slip around" the barrier. Of greater concern is the commercial traffic that utilizes the small section of Sixth Street between the barrier and PCH and the parking lots to the north. The parking lots are very restricted in terms of mobility. Sixth Street is an approximate 30-foot wide street that has limited parking primarily on the south side for auto repair related uses. This makes circulation in this area somewhat limited, leading to congestion for short periods of time.

The accident history in this short section and along the entire length of both 5th and 6th Streets has not indicated any increase over the occasional property damage accident.

It is believed that the barricade situation has been a positive improvement despite some shifting of traffic to an adjacent city street (5th Street). However, the traffic volume shift appears to be insignificant with respect to volume level and accident increases.

Fiscal Impact: None at this time.

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