City of Hermosa Beach -- 07-08-97

Lower Pier Avenue - Investigation of Street Closure


It is recommended that the City Council:

1. Review the alternatives with regards to street closure on Lower Pier Avenue, direct staff as to which alternative to implement.


In November, 1994 the Hermosa Beach City Council, acting upon the recommendation of the Downtown Enhancement Commission (DEC), approved the Downtown Implementation Plan.

The approved Master Plan for Lower Pier Avenue allowed for flexibility of use with one-way through traffic and parking retained during regular weekday periods and the ability to close the street for fairs or special events. At these times Lower Pier will operate more like a European-style plaza. The elimination of curbs and gutters and the introduction of colored concrete pavements and bollards heighten the feeling of a gathering place. The installation of widened sidewalks, pedestrian scale lighting, metal benches, planters and kiosks provide a town center with a pedestrian feel.

At their regular meeting of July 23, 1996, City Council, responding to requests by business owners on Lower Pier Avenue, elected to change the previously approved design to allow two-way traffic. It was the businesses contention, and Council agreed, that the traffic flow had worked fine in the past, why change it now. A traffic round-about was added to Pier Avenue at its intersection with Beach Drive in the final approved design for the project.

During construction of the project the Lower Pier Avenue area has been closed to through traffic. One of the features which frequenters of Pier Avenue have appreciated has been the uncluttered look and safety afforded by its present configuration as a pedestrian mall.


Sensing the mood of the users and merchants of Lower Pier Avenue, the Planning Commission, on May 1, 1997, issued a memorandum to City Council recommending full-time closure of Lower Pier Avenue to vehicular traffic. The following assessment of the options that the flexible design affords has been prepared in an effort to aid Council in making a decision. No determination now needs to be final. Trial periods of any of the alternates may be wise to monitor effects on businesses and users.

Alternate No. 1 - As Previously Approved

The final design of the project as approved had foreseen the occasional closure of Lower Pier for special events, at all other times the street would perform as it had in the past with two-way traffic and a cul-de-sac at the westerly terminus:



1. Better delivery access for businesses.

1. Increased maintenance costs for heavy cleaning.

2. 27 parking spaces.

2. More cluttered appearance

3. Increased accessibility for cars to parking lots/garages.

3. Vehicle exhaust/noise impacts on outdoor dining areas.

4. In and out shopping for retail stores.

4.Bikes, Rollerskates, Skateboards in street areas.

5. Approved by Coastal Commission.

Alternate No. 2 - Closure

Closure of the street to vehicles will retain the streetscape in its present condition. Additional lease areas may be available in the center of the street for kiosks, carts or small shops. The loss of the 27 expected parking spaces would require reapproval of the project by the Coastal Commission. The 27 spaces would undoubtedly be required to be found in some other location as the downtown is currently under parked per Commission requirements. The deficit may also be made up by contribution of in lieu fees of $6,000/space to the Parking Improvement Fund as is proposed for approval of the outdoor dining permit.



1. Increased pedestrian safety.

1. Reduced delivery access for businesses.

2. Increases leasable outdoor dining area.

2. Loss of 27 parking spaces.

3. Decreased maintenance costs.

3. Decrease in accessibility for cars to parking lots/garages.

4. More open/comfortable ambiance

4. Loss of convenient in and out shopping.

5. Reduced vehicle exhaust/noise impacts.

5. May require funding of $162,000 in parking in lieu fees.

Alternate No. 3 - Closure at Specified Times

The third option would be to close the street to vehicular traffic at specific times. For instance the closing of the street in the evenings only may provide a compromise that would allow easy deliveries, increased pedestrian safety when it is most necessary while still providing convenient access to shops during the day. This alternative may also be easier to implement than complete closure.



1. Increased pedestrian safety.

1. Heavy cleaning still required.

2. Increased delivery access for businesses.

2. Loss of 27 parking spaces at specified times.

3. Retention of convenient in and out daytime shopping.

3. Decrease in accessibility for cars to parking lots/garage in the evenings.

4. More open/comfortable ambiance in the evenings or other specified times.

4. May be somewhat confusing to motorists.

5. Reduced vehicle exhaust/noise impacts when dining use is highest.

5. Bikes, Rollerblades, Skateboards in street areas.

Another option to this alternative would be to close the street for the summer season when pedestrian traffic is the highest. This would allow convenient shopping in the off seasons when activity in the downtown is less.

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