City of Hermosa Beach --- 07-25-00

Presentation by RCN Telecom Services of California, Inc.



Staff recommends that Council:

  1. listen to a presentation by RCN regarding their application for a telecommunications line agreement and cable television franchise in Hermosa Beach; and

  2. receive and file this report.



RCN has approached several cities in the area to request permission to install a high speed, high capacity telecommunications network that has the capability to deliver telephone, internet, and television services to consumers.

To that end, they will be required to obtain: (a) a telecommunications line agreement, and (b) a cable television franchise with the City. The City Attorney’s Office has provided staff with draft agreements for both which are currently under review.

In addition, at RCN’s expense, staff hired Communications Support Group to assist the City in identifying dollar values for benefits the City receives from Adelphia in order to ensure that RCN’s requirements are level with those of Adelphia.



Pending negotiations, staff anticipates providing Council with the telecommunications line agreement and cable franchise agreements over the next two quarters.

Notwithstanding the above, staff thought it would be prudent to provide the Council with an overview of RCN’s proposed project in advance of these agreements so that Council Members can become familiar with the issue.


Fiscal Impact: None

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