City of Hermosa Beach --- 01-27-98



  1. Direct staff to prepare a proposal for consideration during the budget process to have flags displayed on City owned property including Pacific Coast Highway, Aviation, and Hermosa Avenue light standards.
  2. Approve effort by staff to publicize display of flags through newsletters, etc. and to meet with all groups interested in developing the program.


The City Council received a request during a recent Council meeting about encouraging the display of the American flag on Veterans' Day. Very often programs like this are sponsored by Veterans' groups, Chambers of Commerce or other business groups and are very well received by the communities in which they are held.

The City's effort would be to encourage this activity on Veterans' Day, have appropriate displays on City properties and promote, through the volunteer groups, the private display of the flag. It would also be a good idea to appoint a member of the City Council as a liaison to the Veterans' groups. Starting this effort now will allow enough time to develop a program for 1998.

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