City of Hermosa Beach --- 05-25-99



That the City Council consider the information and provide direction to staff.


To provide the City Council with an update of the two meetings held to determine if the residents could reach a consensus on whether to keep or remove the barricades at 3rd Street and Oceanview.


On May 28, 1998, the City Council received a petition from the residents of 3rd Street requesting that a number of changes be made to improve safety on their street. A study was done and the City Council, on August 11, 1998, approved designating a short section of 3rd Street two-way to allow for access to the commercial parking lot serving businesses on Pacific Coast Highway and placing a barricade on 3rd Street where it becomes one-way eastbound. Also approved, was the closure of Oceanview at rd Street. These measures were considered a trial and after 6 months, on March 9, 1999, were considered again by the City Council and made permanent. In addition, the City Council asked the Parks, Recreation and Community Resources Advisory Commission to come up with a plan for the area that was Oceanview (Lot 21). The notice for the potential park caused the second petition that you received at your April 13, 1999 meeting. The City Council asked that the two groups meet and determine if a consensus could be worked out and report back at your meeting of May 25, 1999.

Two meetings were held at the Community Center and no consensus was reached on the use of Oceanview. The groups were generally in agreement about the other changes made. Namely, the two-way commercial segment and the barricade at the end of it.

The options listed for Oceanview that were discussed are as follows:

  1. Leave barricades in place
  2. Remove barricades (and restore two-way traffic)
  3. Remove barricades and make it one-way southbound with left turn only at 3rd Street with a six month trial period and survey of traffic.
  4. Sell Lot 21 and return the property to private ownership.

I realize that the City Council was hopeful that a consensus could be reached by the residents. I do not believe that a consensus can be reached with more meetings. It would appear that only action by the City Council will resolve the issue now.

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