City of Hermosa Beach --- 12-09-97



That the City Council provide direction to staff on whether or not to develop a program for placement of benches along the Strand.


Staff was directed by City Council to look into placing benches along the Strand. The concept was to place a number of benches along the Strand in addition to the areas where they exist now. It is not recommended that benches be placed directly on the Strand as this would create a safety issue. The pop out area near 14th Street shows how areas for benches could be developed. This would place a bench on the west side of the Strand and out of the travel area.

A second option would be to place benches at the end of walk streets near the Strand. If this option is considered, it is recommended that area residents be notified and their input invited.

The benches that we placed in Noble Park, Valley Park and other locations cost approximately $1,500.. If the City Council wishes to proceed with a program, staff would need to be directed to return with a proposal for funding.

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