City of Hermosa Beach --- 09-26-00




It is recommended that City Council:

  1. Approve the building locations, configurations and elevations, and preliminary plaza design for the Project No. CIP 00-630 Pier Renovation, Phase III, and
  2. Authorize the landscape architect, Purkiss · Rose-RSI, to prepare construction documents and cost estimates.



Staff is submitting this item to Council in order to receive approval for the Pier Head Plaza preliminary design. The landscape architect, James Pickel, from Purkiss · Rose-RSI will give a presentation tonight to inform Council and residents of proposed changes and upgrades to Pier Head Plaza. With an approved preliminary design, the landscape architects will prepare the construction documents and cost estimates.

Previously, the subcommittee of Councilmember Julie Oakes and Mayor J.R. Reviczky attended several meetings with the architects, City Staff, and Robert Moore of the L.A. County Lifeguards to provide progressive input during the design phase. During the meeting on June 15, 2000, three different conceptual designs were presented to the subcommittee illustrating three distinct options. The more favorable elements from the different conceptual designs were combined to focus the development of one design. On June 26, 2000, Purkiss · Rose-RSI presented refined preliminary site plans with cross sections and elevations for the plaza and buildings. The drawings illustrated many site amenities such as benches, seating areas, steps, handrails, bollards, bike racks, light standards, access ramps, and guardrails. Upon further development, on August 3, 2000, the overall site plan was reviewed as well as an optional materials selection. After the review of the latest enhancements of the design, it was decided that approval for preliminary designs would be required from City Council in order to proceed with the development of construction documents and cost estimates.



The presented design encompasses the subcommittee’s direction as well as the major concerns of City Staff, and the L.A. County Lifeguards. Some of the proposed elements are the unisex bathrooms, the layout of the lifeguard station, benches, planters, pavement, electrical and communications building, steps, stairs, ramps, bike bollards, and lighting. The preliminary design stage has been completed. Council’s approval is needed to proceed will the development of the constructions documents and cost estimates.


Fiscal Impact

None at this time.

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