City of Hermosa Beach --- 10-09-01




Staff recommends that Council:

1. Consider whether or not to develop a concept plan for a dock located adjacent to the Municipal Pier; and

2. Receive and file this report.


At the September 11, 2001 meeting, Council directed staff to obtain information about the feasibility of installing a dock adjacent to the Municipal Pier.


To that end, staff sought advice from Marine Tech, a company familiar with the installation of pier side docks and they offered the following:

1. It is feasible to install a dock adjacent to the Pier.

2. Optimally, the dock would be located on the south side of the Pier in order to avoid prevailing winds and swells.

3. The dock would be best configured with an electric wench system that would allow the City to remove the dock and ramp from the ocean when it is not in use and/or when ocean conditions are poor.

4. A prefabricated aluminum gangway would provide access to the dock (electric wench) that could be retracted when the dock is not in use.

5. The dock itself would also be constructed of lightweight aluminum and would also be retractable.

6. Alternatively, the dock could be configured with an anchor and mooring system to leave it afloat away from the Pier when it is not in use. With this alternative, however, the City has greater liability with the dock being accessible and increased maintenance with it being in the water all of the time.

7. Preliminary cost estimates for the dock and gangway would be $120,000.

If Council would like a conceptual design for the dock from Marine Tech, the services to do so could be provided by an engineer at an estimated cost of $4,000 ($55 per hour).

Fiscal Impact: None.

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