City of Hermosa Beach --- 10-09-01




That the City Council receive the petition and direct staff to forward to Southern California Edison for preliminary engineering and a report back.


The area included in the proposed district has a total of 31 parcels. They have signatures from property owners representing 75% of the total. the City Council has forwarded similar districts to Edison for a cost estimate and preliminary engineering. There is no way of knowing how long it will take to complete this work and develop a cost estimate that can be used by the district property owners to form the district.

This area was included in an underground district adopted by the City Council in 1994. The resolution would be modified to exclude this area if the district process is successful. The work under the prior resolution has not been scheduled. Based on conversations with Edison, it will probably be years before they begin to work on this section of Beach Drive.

Staff has discussed a number of alternatives to keep these projects moving and we would like to be able to pursue them on this and the other two projects. One concept worth pursuing would be a design build approach.

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