City of Hermosa Beach --- 09-23-97



That the City Council review the encroachment standards for Lower Pier Avenue and provide direction to staff.


The encroachment standards were reviewed by the City Council on May 27, 1997. These became the Outdoor Dining Standards that were adopted following the public hearing on May 27, 1997. The guidelines have generally been followed by restaurants that have obtained their permits. Eleven (11) permits have been issued. It appears that four (4) operate without the permit and received a letter from the City explaining that they needed to get a permit or stop using the area. In addition to following the guidelines, the businesses with the permits pay 50¢ per square foot and provide insurance coverage.

The retail usage of the sidewalk was not addressed or approved by the City Council in the Outdoor Dining Guidelines. No provision was made for this additional usage in the information that the City Council considered in May. In the event that the usage would be expanded to include the retail area, staff would need to review the parking requirements.

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