City of Hermosa Beach -- 04-29-97

WHEREAS, provisions of Proposition 218, the Right to Vote on Taxes Act, have eliminated the $51.7 million annually generated by the Fire Protection District of Los Angeles County's Fire Suppression Benefit Assessment; and,

WHEREAS, a benefit assessment for fire protection may still be possible if approved by the voters, a "special tax" would provide a long-term and stable replacement source of revenue; and,

WHEREAS; if replacement funding such as a proposed special tax is not found due to Proposition 218, severe reductions in emergency fire and paramedic services will be required resulting in a greater risk to public safety and a higher potential for the loss of lives and property; and,

WHEREAS; balancing the Fire District's budget to meet a $51.7 million loss of revenue would most likely include:

  • Closure of more than 20 neighborhood fire stations
  • Loss of 34 engine companies
  • Reduction in daily fire company staffing by 157 firefighters
  • Impact to paramedic and specialized rescue responses
  • Elimination of non-emergency services
  • Layoffs of firefighters and other employees; and,

WHEREAS; fewer stations, less firefighters and paramedics on duty each day and the longer response times that would result in 47 county contract cities and the unincorporated areas of Los Angeles County, all combine to pose a grave threat to life and property and would likely result in higher fire insurance rates as well; and,

WHEREAS, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors has called for a special election on June 3, 1997; and,

WHEREAS, the Board of Supervisors has placed on the ballot a special tax, Proposition E, which calls for replacement funding for fire and paramedic emergency services;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that, we, the City Council of the City of Hermosa Beach endorse Proposition E.