City of Hermosa Beach --- 09-14-99



It is recommended that the City Council approve issuance of an encroachment permit for a 6-foot fence as requested by the owners of the property at the corner of Gould and Ardmore Avenues – 2554 Ardmore Avenue.



The owners of the property at 2554 Ardmore Avenue have remodeled the house and in the process have taken down the existing 6-foot fence. An encroachment permit had been issued for that fence on November 11, 1981. The property owners would now like to replace that 6-foot wooden fence with a 6-foot high block wall. (See Attachment No. 1)

The original 6-ft. wooden fence was erected as a type of noise abatement due to heavy traffic volume at that location - approximately 11,500 cars per day passing that corner. The new/replacement fence would not only serve this same purpose but would also contain the property owners’ dogs.

Please note there are other properties in that area – specifically on Gould Avenue – with fences higher than the forty-two inch (42") height limitation set forth in the City of Hermosa Beach Municipal Code. The widening of Gould from one lane to two and from two lanes to three within the space of a single block increases the volume of both traffic and noise as you approach the corner of Gould and Ardmore Avenues. The location of subject property is such that it incurs noise from both streets.



Staff agrees the 6-ft. fence is necessary and appropriate at this location especially due to the high traffic volume in this area. Other encroachment permits have been issued for this area for the same purpose. (See Attachment No. 2)

Because this encroachment would deviate from the established guidelines of the forty-two inch (42") height limit, it can only be granted by the City Council, as stated in Chapter 12.16, Section 12.16.080, Guidelines and Conditions for Approval, paragraph (3), subparagraph a. of the City of Hermosa Beach Municipal Code.

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