Commercial Banner Policy


Hermosa Beach non-profit organizations providing benefits to the City as a whole may reserve banner space to sell banners to commercial advertisers for the purpose of fundraising. The non-profit organization must:

  1. Be a 501-(c) (3) tax exempt non-profit entity based in the City.
  2. Provide liability insurance naming the City as an additionally insured.
  3. Pay the approved banner installation fee prior to the installation of the banner. The fee is required for each installation/removal, and applicant must meet application deadline as set forth on the banner permit.
  4. Provide documentation demonstrating that it is receiving at least $2500 per month from the advertisers. Provide copy of the check made out to non-profit organization is proof of acceptance.
  5. Utilize the proceeds (exclusive of the cost of installation and removal) exclusively for charitable purposes, and certify that no commissions or rebates are being paid to any individual for any purpose, including soliciting advertisers.
  6. Include on the banner a statement to the effect that the non-profit organization named on the banner is the recipient of the advertising proceeds.
  7. Assign a member of the non-profit organization to be the City contact for all notifications, applications, banner layout and installation/removal issues.
  8. Hermosa Beach Education Foundation shall be entitled to a minimum of six (6) months per year.

Commercial advertising fundraising banners are permitted only at PCH at 1st Street and Aviation Blvd near Prospect. The banner shall be no larger than 4' x 40' and 25% of the banner must display the name of the non-profit organization.

Non-profits may request approval to place advertising banners for one quarter per calendar year. If no other non-profit requests a particular quarter within one month prior to the initiation of that quarter, a non-profit may request consideration for additional quarters each calendar year.
