City of Hermosa Beach --- 04-23-01

MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of Hermosa Beach, California, held on Monday, April 23, 2001, at the hour of 7:24 P.M.




Present: Dunbabin, Oakes, Reviczky, Mayor Bowler
Absent: Edgerton (arrived at 7:30 P.M.)



Kim Rhodes and Jeff Scott, landscape architects with Evans and Associates, presented and reviewed the Valley Park improvement plans and construction drawings, which were on display, and distributed preliminary cost estimates.



Mr. Rhodes distributed written responses to a list of City Council questions and then reviewed each of the questions and responses for Council discussion and consensus.

(Councilmember Edgerton arrived at 7:30 P.M.)

City Manager Burrell, Community Resources Director Rooney, and Public Works Director Williams responded to Council questions.

Straw Vote : To have concrete pads under the picnic tables in areas next to concrete sidewalks and properly compacted decomposed granite in isolated grassy areas (Mayor Bowler/Reviczky. Carried 3-2, with Dunbabin and Edgerton dissenting.) It was noted that the City Council may want to discuss at a future time the use of colored concrete.

Consensus : To reconfirm a previous decision to provide a paved path down to the fire pit and the tables.

Straw Vote : To keep the fire pit as designed with a 10-foot diameter and the use of decomposed granite instead of sand around the fire pit. (Mayor Bowler/ Reviczky. Carried 4-1, with Edgerton dissenting.)

Consensus : To not use bollards on the paths for lighting.

Discussion ensued about the initial cost of the central irrigation system at Valley Park and the ultimate upgrading at other parks. Staff was requested to provide a cost benefit analysis on upgrading the sprinkler system as part of the budget process.

Mr. Scott presented colored designs for the proposed play equipment.

Straw Vote : To approve the proposed equipment for the children's play area, as presented this evening. (Mayor Bowler/Reviczky. Carried 5-0.)

Discussion ensued about the weed abatement needed to prepare the soil for plant establishment in the area of the park that would be re-landscaped (about 90 percent of the site).

Resident Betty Evans said the Garden Club was very concerned about what products would be used.

Straw Vote : To request the cost of including the remaining 10 percent of the site so that the entire park is included in the weed abatement for planting preparation, and to hydroseed after killing all of the weeds. (Reviczky/Mayor Bowler. Carried 5-0.)

(Councilmember Reviczky stepped down from the dais at 8:22 P.M. and returned at 8:40 P.M., after the recess.)

Discussion ensued pertaining to the restroom proposal. Councilmembers Oakes and Dunbabin offered to meet with the architect of the restroom building to discuss concerns.

(Councilmember Oakes left the meeting at 8:30 P.M.)


The meeting recessed at 8:30 P.M.
The meeting reconvened at 8:40 P.M. (with all members present except Oakes).


Councilmember Reviczky requested manufacturer's catalog cuts for the proposed uplight fixtures. He also requested eliminating the aboveground electrical box on a pole, making it flat to the ground instead.

In response to Council, Ms. Rhodes said they would provide tech specifications for irrigation and lighting in diskette to staff.

Consensus : To change, as requested by Councilmember Reviczky, certain electrical specifications pertaining to #1) page 254, 5F, change the solid conductor from 10 to 12; #2) page 257, C3, add PVC in lieu of galvanized conduit in block walls; and page 259, 13A, change the report on the cabling from 5,000 to 1,000. (Oakes absent)

Councilmember Dunbabin said the men's and women's restroom locations needed to be flip-flopped but the storage area in back should stay the same.

Consensus : To maintain the park feature placing a sidewalk directly next to the sandbox play area to provide access with nothing separating the sidewalk from the sandbox. (Edgerton dissented, Oakes absent)

Ms. Rhodes said she would forward to staff for distribution to Council the documents they follow that regulate the percentage of play structures which must be accessible.

In response to Council questions, Mr. Scott said 1) the two wood signs proposed for the site were currently listed as add alternates and would not be included as part of the base bid for the project; and 2) the square foot cost for plain concrete would be about $3.75 and for colored concrete would range between $4.50 to $6.50 based on recent quotes they received.

Consensus : To add colored concrete as a bid alternate, in Mesa beige to match the decomposed granite. (Oakes absent)



In response to Council questions, 1) City Manager Burrell said some of the funding for the project would come from restricted funds already earmarked for this purpose, and that staff would apply to the State for grant money as well; 2) Public Works Director Williams clarified that staff was requesting approval of the plans only, not approval to go out to bid, and that the item would come back with a funding plan at the Budget workshop; and 3) Community Resources Director Rooney noted that it was easier to get grant money with approved construction plans.

Straw Vote : To 1) approve the construction drawings, with all amendments, with the understanding that there may be changes to the specifications for light fixtures and other items, and 2) direct staff to complete a funding plan and report at the Budget workshop. (Reviczky/Dunbabin. Carried 4-1, with Edgerton dissenting, and Oakes absent.)



Coming forward to address the Council at this time were:

Pete Tucker - Hermosa Beach, suggested putting the restroom flush valves behind the wall to avoid the risk of vandalism and to consider automatic flush sensors; asked if the proposed turf would hold up under soccer usage; with regard to decomposed granite, recommended angel mix, saying it compacts and drains well; and

Chris Howell - Hermosa Beach, referred to the two park trees previously planted by the Hermosa Beach Garden Club, saying they were beautiful and had low maintenance; suggested considering the species if more trees are added to the site.


ADJOURNMENT - The Adjourned Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Hermosa Beach adjourned on Monday, April 23, 2001, at the hour of 9:32 P.M. to the Regular Meeting of Tuesday, April 24, 2001, at the hour of 7:10 P.M.