City of Hermosa Beach -- 05-29-01

MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of Hermosa Beach, California, held on Tuesday, May 29, 2001, at the hour of 7:17 P.M.

PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - Brian Koch, Public Works Commission Chairman


City Council :
Present: Dunbabin, Reviczky, Mayor Bowler
Absent: Edgerton (arrived at 7:28 P.M.), Oakes

Public Works Commission :
Present: Cheatham, Keegan, Lombardo, Winnek, Chairperson Koch
Absent: None

Also Present : City Manager Steve Burrell
Public Works Director Harold Williams
Administrative Assistant Rhea Punneo
City Clerk Elaine Doerfling




Mayor Bowler opened the joint meeting and the Commissioners discussed the items they had placed on the agenda for the purpose of obtaining Council direction:

1. Street Improvements

Discussion ensued concerning the priority list established in the pavement management study, how some projects are taken out of order, street repairs being done by private companies in front of private developments, and other issues related to street improvements.

It was requested that the Commission review existing ordinances and provide input to the Council on whether the requirements are too stringent or too lax.

(Councilmember Edgerton arrived at 7:28 P.M.)

Councilmember Dunbabin noted the repair of all of Monterey Boulevard except for the area south of Fourth Street and suggested that the repair of that street be completed for continuity purposes.

It was suggested that the Public Works Commission work with the Planning Commission, either by subcommittee or full commissions, to develop a set of fair, equitable and consistent development standards for street improvement that could be made part of construction permits.

Councilmember Edgerton said he would like the Commission to design a nice "Welcome to Hermosa" entrance sign on Gould Avenue, which had been re-paved and had a lot of flora, noting his preference for wooden rather than metal signs.

2. Sidewalk and Curbs - Future enforcement of the City Code

Discussion ensued concerning guidelines with regard to sidewalks and curbs and street widths. It was noted that the City Code contained a list of streets that were exempt from sidewalk requirements. It was further noted that there were different types of curbs/gutters being installed and that the street width of roadways varied significantly.

It was requested that the Public Works Commission submit to the Council a recommendation addressing the concerns relating to curbs and gutters and the width of streets.

3. Traffic Flow - Speed and Stop signs in City - any area to research; Public Works Commission v. Planning Commission

General discussion ensued concerning the expense and usefulness of traffic studies and the need to look at regional issues as well for solutions to the worsening traffic problems, since projects such as the LAX expansion and new developments in neighboring cities will have a major impact on Hermosa Beach. It was noted that stop signs have been used as an inexpensive way to affect traffic.

(Councilmember Edgerton left the meeting at 8:23 P.M.

4. Pier Plaza - Commission Involvement

Noting it was too late for Commission to become involved with the current Pier Plaza project, it was pointed out that the Council would like the Commission's input on the design and specifications of all future capital improvement projects with an eye toward making the projects fit the community with a "hometown touch" rather than having a sterile and institutional design, and that the Commission would be involved with future projects such as the end of the Pier, the bike path, and improvements to Pacific Coast Highway and Aviation Boulevard.

The meeting recessed at 8:30 P.M.
The meeting reconvened at 8:50 P.M.

5. Pacific Coast Highway Improvements

A general discussion ensued concerning improving the appearance of Pacific Coast Highway and the response by CalTrans that the street was too narrow to have medians and trees as recently suggested by the Public Works Commission.

Councilmember Reviczky said it was important that the business owners along Pacific Coast Highway be involved in the whole process, and said he would like to see them organize as the merchants did in the downtown area.

6. CIP's - how involved in budget process and future planning of projects; space needs of department

Discussion ensued concerning departmental space needs, the farming out of work, and budgetary constraints.

In response to questions, City Manager Burrell said the only way to get more space for any of the City departments would be to build a new police station, noting that some of the police personnel were currently located in the Base 3 building and across the street on Bard Street.

With regard to Commission involvement in the budget process, it was explained that the Council sets the goals and priorities for City services, that staff then puts the budget together and presents the costs, and that it would not be feasible for the Commission to have direct input into the budget process.

7. Commission's role in reviewing budget with department; Commission's role in preparing Five-Year Plan

Public Works Director Williams said staff was making corrections to the five-year plan and would provide copies to the Commissioners at their June 13 meeting.

8. What type of items Council wants Commission to review prior to placement on Consent Calendar

It was explained that the urgency of an item often precluded Public Works Commission involvement due to time constraints, and that if there was no controversy involved, routine matters would go directly to the Council without Commission review. It was requested that staff continue to include in the agenda staff report to the City Council a statement that Commission review took place for those items that had been reviewed by the Commission. It was noted that in the future all undergrounding projects would come before the Commission in the initial stages.

9. Heart of Redondo Plan - Impact on Hermosa and the Commission's role

City Manager Burrell said he would forward to the Commission a copy of a letter sent to the City of Redondo Beach expressing issues of specific concern with regard to their "Heart of the City" proposal.

10. Other Matters

The issue of using various methods for repair work was raised, with the concern that there has been no continuity over the years and that standards seem to change whenever staff changes occur. It was requested that the Commission review how things are done and, with recommendations from the Public Works staff, develop high-level construction standards for doing routine repairs.

ADJOURNMENT - The Adjourned Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Hermosa Beach adjourned on Tuesday, May 29, 2001, at the hour of 9:20 P.M. to the Regular Meeting of Tuesday, June 12, 2001, at the hour of 7:10 P.M.