City of Hermosa Beach --- Minutes for 08-01-00

MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL of the City of Hermosa Beach, California, held on Tuesday, August 1, 2000, at the hour of 7:15 P.M.





Present: Bowler, Dunbabin, Edgerton, Oakes, Mayor Reviczky
Absent: None





Present: Bell, Fishman, Francis, Hirsch, Chairperson Gonzales
Absent: None


1. Approval of Commission Minutes: July 6, 2000 .


Commission Action : To approve as presented the Parks, Recreation and Community Resources Advisory Commission minutes of July 6, 2000.
Motion Francis, second Bell. The motion carried by a unanimous vote.


2. Public Comments - None


3. Workshop: Hermosa Valley Park Renovation


A. Park Design Presentation: Evans and Associates

Kim Rhodes of Evans & Associates gave a presentation on the preliminary design proposal for improvements of Valley Park and responded to Council and Commission questions.

Jeff Scott of Evans & Associates also responded to Council and Commission questions.


Council Action: It was the consensus of the Council to direct the architects to:
1) enhance the restroom design, perhaps with larger overhangs, more natural materials, natural lighting and a more rustic look, with consideration given to easy maintenance; and
2) minimize the sidewalk areas as much as possible while maintaining wheelchair access to meet the American Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements.


Proposed Council Action: To eliminate the proposed sidewalk from the Kiwanis parking lot into the park and substitute it with stepping stones.
Motion Oakes, second Edgerton. The motion failed, due to the dissenting votes of Bowler, Dunbabin and Mayor Reviczky.


Council Action: It was the consensus of the Council to:
1) have colored concrete sidewalks rather than decomposed granite;
2) have adjustable standards on a full basketball court;
3) conserve all historical signs and benches;
4) approve the concept of multi-play structures but have the Valley Park subcommittee decide on the specific playground equipment;
5) have security lighting only, with fixtures to remain where they are;
6) have easy-to-maintain rails on the stairs, railroad ties or similar, with a look at additional ties for erosion control; and,
7) eliminate new signage and keep the existing park sign.


Community Resources Director Rooney and City Manager Burrell responded to Council questions about the soccer field.


Council Action: It was the consensus of the Council to retain the size and contour of the existing soccer field.


The meeting recessed at 9:15 P.M.
The meeting reconvened at 9:35 P.M.


B. Water Detention Basin Discussion


Steve Sheridan , Los Angeles County, presented a proposal to locate a water detention basin in Valley Park as a drainage solution for residents identified by the City as having flooding problems and responded to Council and Commission questions.


Public Works Director Williams responded to Council questions.


Council Action: To not pursue the water detention basin project in Valley Park and to instead work with the residents who have the flooding problems on solutions such as buying sump pumps or raising the foundations of their homes.
Motion Edgerton, second Oakes. The motion carried, noting the dissenting vote of Mayor Reviczky.


4. Other Issues Related to Parks and Recreation .


a. Council - comments included:
1) compliments to the Commission for the (a) Greenbelt improvements, (b) special events in general, (c) beach concerts and Mervyn's Beach Bash in particular;
2) suggestions that (a) the Commission be more proactive with upgrading all structures/fencing, (b) the special events be more community based; and,
3) gratitude to the Commissioners for donating their time to serve the community, noting that the Council valued their input and looked forward to their recommendations.


b. Commission - comments included:
1) the need to have joint Council/Commission meetings on a regular basis;
2) praise for City staff; and,
3) gratitude for the opportunity to work with the community as members of this Commission.


5. Commission Staff Report(s)


a. June 2000 Activity Report - No discussion.


The joint workshop meeting of the City Council and the Parks, Recreation and Community Resources Advisory Commission concluded at 10:39 P.M.


ADJOURNMENT - The Adjourned Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Hermosa Beach adjourned on Tuesday, August 1, 2000, at the hour of 10:39 P.M. to the Regular Meeting of Tuesday, August 8, 2000, at the hour of 7:10 P.M.

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