Parks and Recreation Agenda, March 5, 2002 - Hermosa Beach

710 PIER AVENUE - 7:00 PM

I. Roll Call
II. Flag Salute
III. Minutes from the Joint Workshop of the Hermosa Beach City Council and the Parks, Recreation & Community Resources Advisory Commission of February 5, 2002
Recommendation: To receive and file.
IV. Approval of Minutes: February 5, 2002
V. Public Comment: Anyone wishing to address the Commission on other items pertaining to parks and recreation may do so at this time.
VI. Correspondence
VII. Matters for Commission Consideration
  1. Aloha Days Longboard Surf Contest & Hawaiian Festival

    Recommendation: To approve the Aloha Days event for August 11-12, 2002 and forward the event contract and funding requests to City Council for final review and approval.

  2. 2002 Commercial Event Applications

    Recommendation: To approve the events as listed below and forward the contracts to City council for final review and approval:

    1. IMG - Beach Bash 2002
    2. EVP Tour - Pro Am Beach Volleyball Tournament
    3. Octagon Marketing - Hermosa Beach Triathlon
  3. Spring Clean-Up Day / Coastal Clean-Up Days

    Recommendation: To discuss the addition of more clean-up days to the City's roster of activities.

Staff Report(s)

  1. January 2002 Activity Report
  2. Parks Tour Date - March 24, 2002, 9:00 AM, Teen Extreme Room, South Park
  3. Community Center Patio Update
  4. Roller Hockey Rink Update
  5. Valley Park Workshop Summary

Commissioner's Reports

  1. Clark Field Subcommittee Report - Bell/Fishman
  2. Community Center Foundation Report - Hollander
  3. Museum Subcommittee Report - Fishman/Hollander
  4. Valley Park Subcommittee Report - Francis

Council Agenda Items:

January 8, 2002

Recommendation to accept donation of $200 from Hawthorne Savings to be used for the Tree Lighting Ceremony.
Action: To accept donation.

Recommendation to receive and file action minutes from the Parks, Recreation and Community Resources Advisory Commission meeting of December 4, 2001.
Action: To receive and file.

Recommendation to award construction contract for Project No.CIP 01-628, Community Center Improvements - Painting to Edessa Construction of Anaheim in the amount of $142,800; approve additional appropriation of $45,000 from the Park & Recreation Fund (125) for this project; authorize the Mayor to execute and the City Clerk to attest the construction contract subject to approval by the City Attorney; and, authorize the Director of Public Works to make minor changes as necessary not to exceed $15,000.
Action: To approve staff recommendation.

February 25, 2002 - Valley Park Improvement Meeting

  1. Approval of final plans, specifications and estimates for Hermosa Valley Park.
  2. Approval to advertise for bids for Hermosa Valley Park.
VIII. Items Requested by Commissioners
IX. Other Matters
X. Public Comment: Anyone wishing to address the Commission on other items pertaining to parks and recreation may do so at this time.
XI. Adjournment