Parks and Recreation Minutes, March 5, 2002 - Hermosa Beach


Roll Call

Present: Chairperson Francis, and Commissioners Bell, Fishman, Hollander, and Sigler

Staff: Rooney

Approval of Minutes from the Joint Workshop of the Hermosa Beach City Council and the Parks, Recreation & Community Resources Advisory Commission Meeting of February 5, 2002.

Motion: "To receive and file."

Hollander/Fishman - All Ayes

Approval of February 5, 2002 Minutes

Motion: "To approve as submitted."

Hollander/Fishman - All Ayes



Public Comment


Matters for Commission Consideration

Aloha Days Longboard Surf Contest & Hawaiian Festival

Motion: "To approve the Aloha Days event for August 11-12, 2002, including an additional day of vendor sales, and forward the event contract and funding requests to City Council for final review and approval."

Hollander/Bell - All Ayes

2002 Commercial Event Applications
Mervyn's Beach Bash

James Leitz of IMG addressed the Commission on behalf of the event and answered questions.

Pete Tucker, Hermosa Beach addressed the Commission with numerous suggestions for the event including: (a) extended work hours, (b) modular approach to set-up to reduce on site construction, (c) improved signage for shuttle bus service to include signs by freeway exits, (d) advertisements to call attention to Mervyn's donations, (e) mesh under bleachers to reduce beach clean-up time, (f) Mervyn's putting in a local shop, and (g) reduce use of wood nails.

Motion: "To approve the IMG - Beach Bash 2002 and forward the contracts to City Council for final review and approval."

Fishman/Sigler - All Ayes

Motion: "To approve the EVP Tour - Pro Am Beach Volleyball Tournament and the Octagon Marketing - Hermosa Beach Triathlon and forward the contracts to City Council for final review and approval."

Bell/Fishman - All Ayes

Staff Notes

  1. The recreation staff is to add one more beach clean-up day, pre-summer.
  2. The recreation staff will look into some of Commissioner Tucker's suggestions for improving Beach Bash set-up and tear-down.
  3. Parks Tour to be held Sunday, March 17th, commencing at 9:00 AM in the Teen Center.
  4. Add the Community Picnic Subcommittee to future agendas.

Motion: "To Adjourn"

Hollander/Fishman - All Ayes

Adjournment: 8:43 PM