Parks and Recreation Minutes, July 6, 2004

The meeting was called to order by Howard Fishman at 7:01 p.m.

Roll Call

Present: Commissioners Francis, Hollander, Sigler
Absent: Commissioners Fishman, Bell
Also Present: Lisa Lynn

Pledge of Allegiance:

Commissioner Sigler.

Commissioner Hollander took a moment to thank Commissioner Fishman for a great year of service as the past Chairman.

Approval of Minutes: June 1, 2004

Motion: "To approve as submitted."

Francis/Sigler – All Ayes


A. National Recreation and Parks Association (NRPA) designation of July as Recreation and Parks Month.

Lisa Lynn informed the Commission that July is National Parks & Recreation Month as declared by the National Recreation and Parks Association. The gifts presented to the Commissioners were made by the children at the camps: the visors were made by Summer Blast Camp, ages 6-11 and the candles were made by Teen Extreme Camp, ages 11-14. Lisa also noted that every week the camps have had maximum registration.

The Commissioners tried on their visors, admired their candles and sent out a hearty Thank You to the children for their gifts.

It was also stated that the recently held registration in the park (Summer Celebration ) produced record registrations for the programs. It was suggested that this continue each year.

Public Comment


Matters for Commission Consideration

  1. Surfers Walk of Fame

    1. Lisa Lynn explained that two recommendations are placed before the Commission for approval: 1. To approve candidates selected for Hermosa Beach Surfers Walk of Fame to be inducted Calendar Year 2004; and 2. To approve venue selection for Surfers Walk of Fame Induction Ceremony to be held August 1, 2004. Commissioner Sigler stated the nomination process was handled very democratically. There were 24 nomination received and a small advisory board utilized a numeric ranking system from 1 to 7, resulting in the selection of the top 4: Linda Bensen, Sonny Vardeman, Bob & Bill Meistrell and John Joseph. The induction into the Surfers Walk of Fame will be held annually and those remaining 20 nominees will be automatically considered along with new nominees submitted. The Induction Ceremony will be held at 5:30p.m. on August 1, 2004 with the concert beginning at 6:00p.m.

      Motion by Commissioner Francis to approve both recommendations: candidates selected for Walk of Fame and the venue selection for the Walk of Fame Induction Ceremony on August 1st.

      Commissioner Sigler seconded the motion.

      Ayes: Commissioners Francis, Hollander, Sigler
      Nays: None
      Abstain: None
      Absent: Fishman, Bell

Staff Report(s)

Lisa Lynn stated that registration continues to increase steadily along with the usage of the parks and facilities. Revenues up, at 118% of year end projected revenue.

Commissioner's Reports

Hermosa Arts Foundation - Commissioner Hollander: There was a great turn-out at Hermosa Arts Foundation’s Art Walk on June 24th. The Art Walk will continue throughout the summer - July 29th and August 26th. The Art Walk consists of local artists along upper Pier Avenue interspersed with jazz musicians. Commissioner Hollander extended an invitation for all to come out and enjoy this event. It was also noted that community participation is strongly desired. Should anyone want to participate, there is an upcoming meeting on Monday, July 26th at 6:00p.m. in Room 4 at the Community Center.

Surfin’ Hermosa – Commissioner Hollander: The event held at Gallery C on June 25th had a great turn-out. There were 200 expected, but 500 turned-out. The 20 surf boards were magnificent. Maps are being prepared for distribution to show where the surf boards will be on display. The auction will take place at the end of the summer. The minimum bid is $500 and bids can be placed at any time. It was noted that bid sheets were available at the event and already had bids placed on them. To date, the locations where the surf boards will be placed is still being determined. Once the maps are ready, they will be distributed by the Parks & Recreation Department. The boards are not currently available for viewing. Any business that would like to sponsor locating a surf board at their business should call the Parks & Recreation Department, Jane Stewart or the Hermosa Education Foundation for more details

Friends of the Park Foundation – Hollander: Working very diligently to improve the parks and the Parks & Recreation programs. This is a small organization, but has raised a lot of money to improve the parks on the East-side of Hermosa. Again, participation is strongly desired – the next meeting will be held Wednesday, July 14th at 6:00p.m. in Room 4 at the Community Center.

Museum Subcommittee Report – Commission Fishman: This item was not discussed due to Commissioner Fishman’s absence.

Sunset Concert Subcommittee – Commissioner Francis: The Subcommittee received some bad news – one of the sponsors pulled out and they have lost $10,000. The good news is that the concerts will still take place: August 1st, August 8th and August 15th. Anyone in interesting in sponsoring, please feel free to contact Lisa Lynn or any member of the Commission for details. The remaining sponsor is FW Magazine, an entertainment magazine.

Surfers Walk of Fame - Sigler: Commissioner Sigler took this time to thank Lisa and the Community Resources Department for time and energy put into producing such great nomination packets and for a well thought-out selection process.

Items Requested by Commissioners

Commissioner Sigler: Confirmed the dates of the upcoming AVP event: set-up begins July 19th and the first event day is July 22nd. The courts will be unavailable beginning Monday, July 19th and available again for use on Thursday July 29th

Commissioner Francis: Reminder for the upcoming International Surf Festival on July 30th through August 1st. This is a great event to attend, enjoying a day at the beach and competition.

Lisa Lynn stated that for any of the events discussed, the public can access city’s website at City's web site and access the calendar for additional details.

Other Matters


Public Comment:


Motion: "To Adjourn"

Francis/Sigler – All Ayes