The meeting was called to order by Donna Hunter at 7:00 p.m.

Roll Call

Also Present:
Commissioners Hollander, Raymond, Rosenfeld, Sigler
Commissioner Cannella
Akisha Davis, Donna Hunter, Kelly Teeter

Pledge of Allegiance:

Commissioner Hollander

Approval of May 1, 2007 Minutes : Postponed until October 2, 2007 Commission Meeting

Donna Hunter introduced two new Commissioners, Laura Raymond and Robert Rosenfeld.

Public Comment

Janice Brittain: Congratulated new Commissioners. As a member of Friends of Parks board, informed Commission that Movie in the Park is cancelled this year due to insufficient sponsorship. Friends of Parks will focus on improvements at Kay Etow Park and activities in the fall.

Commissioner Hollander: Sorry to hear that the event is cancelled. It has been a great event. I am hoping we can continue the tradition next year.

Brittain: Invited anyone in the community to join. We meet the 2nd Wednesday of every month at 6:00pm at the Community Center, Room 4. What we can do to earn money to support our parks and make our parks more community and family friendly is our focus. We are an open meeting and we are looking for volunteers and financial support.



Matters for Commission Consideration

  1. Election of Officers

    Hunter: Recommendation that Commission elect a Chairperson and Vice Chairperson to serve for a period of one year. The last election of officers took place on July 10, 2006 at which time Francis was elected as chairperson and Bell as Vice-Chairperson.

    Sigler: Motion to nominate Commissioner Hollander as Chairperson and Commissioner Cannella as Vice-Chairperson.

    Seconded by Rosenfeld.

    All Ayes

    Hollander: Thank you for the honor of being the Chairperson for this year. I am glad to have new members on our Commission. It is a great Commission and we have a great staff to support us with it. I am looking forward to having you involved with everything. Thank you for joining us. As the new Chairperson, I will now take over the meeting.

  2. Mom’s Club request to hold Hermosa Beach yard sale

    Hollander: Would the person here from the Mom’s Club please come up?

    Joe Karambelas: The Mom’s Club of Hermosa Beach would like to hold a yard sale on September 1, from 7:00am to 4:00pm on the east side of the Community Center where the Kiwanis Club holds their Christmas tree sale. We are accepting donations from friends and family in the city. All proceeds will go to Friends of the Parks, specifically to renovate South Park. We have publicized it in the Daily Breeze, Beach Reporter, Easy Reader and posters to the businesses to put up in their windows. For people outside the City, we have a list of 50 plus websites where we can post the garage sale.

    Raymond: How could someone donate to the sale?

    Karambelas: We set up a donation drop off site at the Community Center through Akisha Davis. We will accept donations Saturday through the Friday before the sale. Since we are non-profit organization, we can give a receipt for tax purposes.

    Hollander: Saturday, Sept. 1, 7:00am-4:00pm. Bring donations to the Community Center up until Friday prior to the sale. All donations go to South Park. Commissioner Raymond and I are on the South Park Committee. We would love to have you at our next meeting. We are in the process of getting ideas and we would like to get feedback from the Community. We will make sure this gets out to everyone we can and make sure that we can address all of the issues for South Park.

    Hollander: Call for a Motion

    Sigler: I make a motion to approve the Mom’s Club request for a yard sale.

    Raymond seconded

    All Ayes

  3. Kiwanis request to hold a Clock Dedication ceremony

    Hollander: I am a Kiwanis member and submitted the letter. The event has changed a little. The clock was donated to the City by the Kiwanis organization and it is at the center of the plaza at the east end between the two banks. The Kiwanis hope to have a ceremony to dedicate the clock to the City. They are planning to have the dedication starting at 7:30pm and the big band playing until 10:00pm. We would love to have the community out there to get involved with this, listen to some good music and participate in the dedication ceremony. We are asking that the City provide some seating for the band and citizens. We have made arrangements to have the chairs brought down and taken back. It should be complete by 10:00pm and will be a nice event for the community.

    Raymond: I think it will be a really nice event.

    Hollander: At the clock on Pier Plaza. It is tomorrow night, August 8 at 7:30 for the dedication ceremony and immediately following is the big band playing.

    Rosenfeld: I motion to approve the Kiwanis request to hold a Clock Dedication ceremony on Pier Plaza on August 8, 2007.

    Sigler seconded

    All Ayes

Staff Report(s)

Donna Hunter gave the following report:

May 2007 Activity Report

Donna Hunter noted that for the month of May, 2007, revenue is approximately 27,000 above May of 2006. Year to date is approximately 71,000 above last year at this time.

June 2007 Activity Report

Donna Hunter noted that for the month of June, 2007, revenue is approximately 19,000 above last year at this time. Year to date is approximately 58,000 above last year at this time.

Special Events coming up:

Akisha Davis gave this report:

Aug. 11 CBVA Volleyball Tournament

Aug. 12 Excursion to Laguna Beach Pageant of the Masters. It is sold out. We will be going again next year so sign up early.

Aug. 12 Hermosa Shorts Movie on the Beach should be a lot of fun with a lot of short films beginning at Sunset just south of the Pier.

Aug. 18 Hermosa Beach Artwalk. Only one this year, usually there are three.

Aug. 19 AAU Volleyball Tour Championships

Sept. 1-3 Fiesta Hermosa

Sept. 8-9 CBVA Volleyball Tournament

Sept. 15 California Coastal Cleanup. We urge everybody to come out and help clean up our beautiful beach.

Sept. 30 Taste of Hermosa on Pier Plaza. We invite the entire community to come out and celebrate the end of the Centennial year.

Commissioner’s Reports:

  1. Friends of the Parks: Commissioner Hollander - We just heard that we are not going to have the Movie in the Park this year. I would encourage anyone to volunteer to help out. There are about four or five people in this organization who have done an exceptional amount of work and have done a lot in terms of improving parks in their community. If you can, come to the meetings held the second Wednesday of every month at the Community Center, Room 4 at 6:00pm. I encourage you to check their website and get involved. You can call and get information at 310-318-0280.

  2. Park Master Plan Committees: Commissioner Hollander - We are working on South Park. We have had several meetings and we will be at the September event to give the community an idea of where we are and to solicit any kind of ideas for the park. In terms of Clark Field, we do not have anyone on that committee right now and we will be seeking volunteers and it will be on our next agenda. We need to do some reassignments of our Commissioners to get them involved with some of our committees. We do not have backups on any of our committees and need to have that on our next agenda.

  3. Historical Society / Museum – Commissioner Hollander - Commissioner Cannella is not here tonight. We need backup on that committee also.

  4. Surfer’s Walk of Fame – Commissioner Sigler - We had the ceremony and it went really well. It took a little longer than expected but we sold a lot of T-shirts, a lot of people showed up and it was a really good time. Thanks for the staff for all of their help with that. I think we are turning it over to the Walk of Fame members from here on out.

Items Requested by Commissioners

Commissioner Sigler: I had the pleasure of working with both Steve Francis and Robert Bell on this Commission and I am looking forward to working with both Laura Raymond and Robert Rosenfeld. I want to say welcome. Also, we had the SmackFest tournament a few weeks ago. It was a blast. We had the largest event turnout this year and we raised a lot of money for charity. I wanted to thank everyone for supporting the event.

Public Comment


Other Matters

Commissioner Hollander: We have a big event coming up, the Kiwanis Taste at the Beach from 2:00pm to 6:00pm on August 19th at the Community Center. The proceeds go to the Artwalk. You can buy tickets on line at or call 310-318-0171. It is their second annual event and is a great time.

Motion: Sigler motioned “to adjourn” at 7:23p.m.

Raymond seconded

All Ayes