City of Hermosa Beach --- 04-06-99





1315 VALLEY DRIVE - 7:00 PM


  1. Roll Call
  2. Flag Salute
  3. Approval of Minutes and Revised Minutes of March 2, 1999
  4. Public Comment: Anyone wishing to address the Commission on other items pertaining to parks and recreation may do so at this time.
  5. Correspondence
  6. Matters for Commission Consideration

A. Park Concept Development: Ocean View and Third Streets

Recommendation : 1. Take public input regarding the prospective 2,250 square feet park located between Ocean View and Third Streets. 2. Develop a conceptual plan for the parcel.

B. Lease Renewal Agreement between the City of Hermosa Beach and Beach Cities Health District for Rooms 5 and 6A in the Community Center.

Recommendation: Approve the attached lease agreement between the City and Beach Cities Health District for the use of Rooms 5 and 6A in the Community Center.

  1. C. Lease Renewal Agreement between the City of Hermosa Beach and the Los Angeles County Bar Association Dispute Resolution Services, Inc. for Room 6B in the Community Center.

Recommendation: Approve the attached lease agreement between the City and the Los Angeles County Bar Association Dispute Resolution Services, Inc. (DRS) for the use of Room 6B in the Community Center.

  1. Staff Report(s)

  1. February 1999 Activity Report
  2. Skate Track/Tennis Court Construction Progress Report
  3. South Park Upper Lot - City Council Agenda
  4. Parking Recreation Vehicles Adjacent to Valley Park - City Council Agenda
  5. Public Works Superintendent Report - Mike Flaherty

Commissioner's Reports

  1. Community Center Foundation Report - Abrams (Foundation Board)
  2. Skateboard Subcommittee Report - Kuh
  3. Community Center Master Plan - Subcommittee Report - Abrams

Council Agenda Items:

February 9, 1999

Recommendation to approve Fundraisers, LTD. to provide engraving and program support for the Millennium Walkway fundraiser.

Action : Approve Fundraisers, LTD. to provide engraving and program support for the Millennium Walkway fundraiser at a cost of $9.50 per brick for engraving and shipping. Leaving a total of $90.50 (less installation cost) per brick or $90,500 if 1,000 bricks are purchased by the public, for the Millennium celebration.

Logo Design Contest 2000 Memorandum.

Action: Appoint Councilmember Oakes as the Council representative to assist the panel of judges in selecting a winning logo for the Hermosa Beach 2000 logo design contest.

February 23, 1999

Recommendation to approve the lease agreement between the City and the South Bay Free Clinic for the use of Rooms 7 & 11 in the Community Center.

Action: City Manager Burrell announced that this item had been withdrawn by staff and would return at a future meeting.

Recommendation to receive and file action minutes from the Parks, Recreation and Community Resources Advisory Commission meeting of December 1, 1998.

Action: Receive and file

March 9, 1999

Recommendation to approve lease agreement between the City and the South Bay Free Clinic for the use of Room 7 & 11 in the Community Center.

Action: Approved

Recommendation to receive and file action minutes from the Parks, Recreation and Community Resources Advisory Commission meeting of February 2, 1999.

Action: Approved

Proposed Ballot Initiative - Coastal Conservation Act. Memorandum from Community Resources Director Mary Rooney dated February 24, 1999. Supplemental information from Community Resources Department replacing page four of the grid, received March 9, 1999.

Action: Receive and file report and direct staff to return with a Resolution opposing the proposed initiative.

  1. Items Requested by Commissioners
  2. Other Matters
  3. Public Comment: Anyone wishing to address the Commission on other items pertaining to parks and recreation may do so at this time.
  4. Adjournment

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