City of Hermosa Beach --- 09-04-01

1315 VALLEY DRIVE – 7:00 PM


  1. Roll Call
  2. Flag Salute
  3. Approval of Minutes: August 7, 2001
  4. Public Comment: Anyone wishing to address the Commission on other items pertaining to parks and recreation may do so at this time.
  5. Correspondence
  6. Matters for Commission Consideration

A.   Community Center Lease Rates

Recommendation: Staff recommends that the Commission approve a two (2) year lease rate increase schedule with $.05 per sq. ft. each year as follows: A. FY 2002-2003 @ $1.18 per square foot, and B. FY 2003-2004 @ $1.23 per square foot.

B. Month-to-Month Lease Renewal Agreement between the City of Hermosa Beach and the South Bay Center for Counseling

Recommendation: To approve the attached month-to-month lease renewal agreement between the City of Hermosa and the South Bay Center for Counseling.

C. Assign a Commissioner to be the liaison between the Parks, Recreation and Community Resources Advisory Commission and the Community Center Foundation subcommittee and assign a Commissioner to participate in the Clark Field subcommittee with Commissioner Bell.

Recommendation: To approve the assignment of a Commissioner to participate in the Community Center Foundation subcommittee and the assignment of a Commissioner to participate in the Clark Field subcommittee.

VII. Staff Report(s)

  1. July 2001 Activity Report
  2. Roller Hockey Rink, South Park
  3. Recreation Brochure

Commissioner’s Reports

  1. Community Center Foundation Report
  2. Valley Park Subcommittee Report – Francis
  3. Clark Field Subcommittee Report – Bell
  4. Museum Subcommittee Report – Fishman
  5. Community Picnic Subcommittee – Francis/Hollander

Council Agenda Items:

July 24, 2001

Recommendation to approve the plans, specifications, estimates, order the work and call for bids for Community Center improvements – courtyard and painting.

Action : Approve staff recommendation.

Recommendation to declare Athletica, Inc. as sole source provider for the installation of Pro 3000F rink system and award Athletica, Inc. the contract for the South Park Roller Hockey Rink upgrade.

Action : Approve staff recommendation.

VIII. Items Requested by Commissioners

IX.   Other Matters

X.    Public Comment: Anyone wishing to address the Commission on other items pertaining to parks and recreation may do so at this time.

XI.  Adjournment

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