Public Works Commission Minutes October 10, 2001 - Hermosa Beach


7:00 P.M.


Chairman Koch brought the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

  1. Roll Call

    Present: Commissioners Cheatham, Keegan, Koch, Lombardo and Winnek
    Absent: None
    Also Present: Harold C. Williams, P.E., Director of Public Works/City Engineer
    Richard Garland, City Traffic Engineer
    Michael Flaherty, Public Works Superintendent
    Rhea Punneo, Administrative Assistant, Public Works Department
    Homayoun A. Behboodi, Associate Engineer
    Diane Cleary, Recording Secretary
  2. Flag Salute

    Chairman Koch led the Pledge of Allegiance.

  3. Approval of Minutes

    MOTION by Commissioner Cheatham to approve the Minutes of the September 12, 2001 meeting as written. Commissioner Lombardo seconded.

  4. Selection of Officers

    Director Williams advised that the Commission could either rotate or accept nominations.

    MOTION by Commissioner Cheatham to nominate Commissioner Keegan for Chairman. Seconded by Commissioner Winnek.

    Ayes: Cheatham, Koch, Lombardo, Winnek
    Noes: None
    Absent: None
    Abstain: Keegan

    MOTION by Commissioner Winnek to nominate Commissioner Cheatham for Vice-Chairman. Seconded by Commissioner Keegan.

    Ayes: Keegan, Koch, Lombardo, Winnek
    Noes: None
    Absent: None
    Abstain: Cheatham

    Chairman Koch thanked staff, the Commission and the Public for their help and support while he served as Chairman.

    Commissioner Lombardo commented that Chairman Koch has been an asset to the Commission and she thanked him for his time served as Chairman.

  5. Public Comments

    Chris Howell, Hermosa Beach, spoke on the following:

    • The City of Manhattan Beach rescinded the prohibition of eastbound turns into the residential area
    • Congestion at Longfellow Avenue and Sepulveda Boulevard late in the afternoons
    • Sketchers' development impacting Longfellow Avenue and Hermosa Avenue
    • Suggestion that the traffic study for the northeast neighborhoods be done in conjunction with a business development study
    • Suggestion to study one-way on 30th Street and Longfellow Avenue going east toward the highway

    Vice-Chairman Cheatham suggested adding an agenda item in the future for the Commission to meet with the Manhattan Beach Public Works Department.

  6. Correspondence

    City Traffic Engineers Association, Workshop Notice

    Director Williams stated that the workshop will be held on Saturday, November 10, 2001, at California Polytechnic State University, Kellogg West in Pomona. He encouraged the Commissioners to attend.

  7. Items for Commission Consideration
    1. Non-CIP Project No. 005-01 Corona Street and Prospect Avenue Street
      Improvements-Street Barrier

      Director Williams gave a staff report and stated that staff recommends that the roadway not be vacated and move forward with the design as presented.

      In response to Vice-Chairman Cheatham, Director Williams informed that if the street were vacated, two parking spaces might be gained due to the closing of Corona Street.

      In response to Vice-Chairman Cheatham, Director Williams explained that the parking space in the wedge area would not be lost under the new design.

      In response to Commissioner Koch, Director Williams stated that there would be enough room for Ms. Scelza to back a car out of her driveway under the new design.

      In response to Chairman Keegan, Director Williams questioned how the land would be maintained once it was vacated, and the problem of traffic turning in that area to Aviation Boulevard would still exist.

      In response to Commissioner Winnek, Director Williams explained that by vacating the property, the project would be slowed down due to further research, title search, etc., and staff believes the vacation would not be a benefit to the public or the City.

      Brian Wilcox, 1401 Corona Street
      Mr. Wilcox stated he has not received any public notice concerning this item and has not seen the plans. He indicated that the wedge area is a public nuisance, and he suggested that the property owners purchase the green space area.
      Martin Moreno, 1636 Corona Street
      Mr. Moreno passed out material to the Commission and expressed concern with safety issues and traffic impact. He would like to see the green space remain and be maintained.
      Jeff Jones and Patricia Scelza, 1415 Corona Street
      Mr. Jones and Ms. Scelza expressed concern with access, turning radius clearance and safety of the street, and noted that the green space is not used that much by the community and suggested that it could be maintained privately.

      The Commission took a recess at 7:43 p.m.

      The Commission reconvened at 7:48 p.m.

      Chairman Keegan suggested that the applicant's driveway could exit on Prospect Avenue and the additional street area would become greens pace to the City, which could be taken care of by the applicant through an easement. Also, the parking spaces could be picked up on the street.

      Nina Barrett, 1401 Corona Street
      Ms. Barrett stated that children have not played in the green space area and is essentially used by animals and is not maintained. She expressed concern with safety issues and believed that vacating the area would be safer, giving the applicant access to Prospect Avenue.
      Martin Moreno
      Mr. Moreno further commented that vacating the land would not benefit the City.
      Brian Wilcox
      Mr. Wilcox further commented that he sees no benefit to the property owners and neighborhood by vacating the land.

      Chairman Keegan closed the public hearing at 8:00 p.m.

      Commissioner Koch noted concern with vacating the land and the issues involved, and he believed it will not benefit the City or neighborhood. He expressed approval of the original design.

      Vice-Chairman Cheatham would like to see as much open space as possible be maintained, and he would like to see consideration for an expansion of the land. He is not in agreement with vacating the land.

      Commissioner Winnek expressed support with vacating the land with conditions to keep the area open. He suggested that staff further investigate titles, substructures and easements for vacating the property. Commissioner Lombardo agreed.

      Chairman Keegan stated that there are ways to create easements and increase the parklands. He recommended that the driveway be extended out to Prospect Avenue and have the land be either vacated or to keep the green space increased, removing Corona Street at that section above 14th Street.

      MOTION by Chairman Keegan to recommend to staff that the driveway be extended out to Prospect Avenue with the land taken to the City for expansion with further study as to its cost. Seconded by Vice-Chairman Cheatham.

      Prior to the vote:

      Director Williams pointed out that this would change the scope of the project, with staff having to go to City Council for additional funds to pay for the design.

      Motion failed with the following vote:

      Ayes: Cheatham, Keegan
      Noes: Koch, Lombardo, Winnek
      Absent: None
      Abstain: None

      MOTION by Commissioner Koch to approve staff's recommendation and to move forward to allow the project be completed in a timely fashion.

      Motion failed with no second.

      MOTION by Commissioner Winnek to support the vacation with the condition that the area be kept open with staff further investigating titles, substructures and easements. Seconded by Commissioner Lombardo.

      Motion carried with the following vote:

      Ayes: Koch, Lombardo, Winnek
      Noes: Cheatham, Keegan
      Absent: None
      Abstain: None

      AMENDED MOTION by Commissioner Winnek to support the vacation with the condition that the area be kept open with staff further investigating titles, substructures and easements, and to keep the current project on hold until staff comes back with recommendations. Seconded by Commissioner Lombardo.

      Motion carried with the following vote:

      Ayes: Koch, Lombardo, Winnek
      Noes: Cheatham, Keegan
      Absent: None
      Abstain: None
    2. Request for Stop Signs on Longfellow Avenue at Highland Avenue to Create a 3- Way Stop

      Director Williams stated that a traffic study has been completed indicating that it would be advantageous to install stop signs on Longfellow Avenue at Highland Avenue to create a 3-way stop.

      Vice-Chairman Cheatham agreed that the stop signs would be necessary at the intersection. Commissioner Lombardo agreed.

      MOTION by Commissioner Winnek to approve staff recommendation. Seconded by Commissioner Koch.

      Motion carried with the following vote:

      Ayes: Cheatham, Keegan, Koch, Lombardo, Winnek
      Noes: None
      Absent: None
      Abstain: None
    3. Proposed New Projects for the Five-Year Capital Improvement Program - Fiscal Years 2001-02 through 2005-06

      Director Williams gave a staff report and reviewed Changes 2, 3 and 4 and the added new projects.

      Vice-Chairman Cheatham commented on the following:

      • CIP 02-190 - $1.6 million missing in FY 03-04
      • CIP 02-188 - Repave only from Ocean to Prospect rather than down to PCH
      • CIP 02-189 - Check new estimate, as the project has been significantly rescoped
      • CIP 04-195 - Repave the entire stretch of 15th Street
      • CIP 05-103 - Check estimate and look at ways in reducing the cost of the project

      Commissioner Lombardo expressed concern with not having the necessary funds if Measure 8 passes.

      Director Williams pointed out that the CIP is a plan and not a budget with any commitment in terms of dollars, and would only move forward if the money were available.

      MOTION by Chairman Keegan to approve the revised CIP Budget Five-Year Plan with all corrections stated. Seconded by Commissioner Lombardo.

      Motion carried with the following vote:

      Ayes: Cheatham, Keegan, Koch, Lombardo, Winnek
      Noes: None
      Absent: None
      Abstain: None
    4. A User's Guide to the Ralph M. Brown Act

      The Commission received this information.

  8. Commissioners' Reports

    Newsrack Subcommittee

    Vice-Chairman Cheatham noted he met with a representative from Manhattan Beach Public Works and reviewed their newsrack program. He said there is one action remaining, proposing locations of establishing new newsracks, before bringing a recommendation to the Commission.

    In response to an inquiry by Commissioner Koch, Vice-Chairman Cheatham stated that graffiti would be addressed when recommendations come to the Commission.

    Vice-Chairman Cheatham informed that he received a notice from Redondo Beach on the Heart of the City Project and the EIR is currently ongoing. The City of Hermosa Beach has until November 19, 2001 to provide comments to the draft EIR.

    Director Williams noted that all comments would be forwarded to Director Blumenfeld and that the Community Development Department was handling the EIR.

    In response to Vice-Chairman Cheatham, Director Williams acknowledged that the City is establishing itself as an impacted participant regarding the Heart of the City Project.

    In response to Chairman Keegan, Vice-Chairman Cheatham informed that copies of the EIR are available in the City of Redondo Beach's Planning Department, City Clerk's Office and Libraries.

  9. Council Agenda Items - September
    1. Monthly Activity Report - August 2001
    2. Project Status Reports - August 2001

      In response to Vice-Chairman Cheatham, Director Williams explained that the deodorant blocks in storm drains are used to alleviate foul odors coming from stagnant water and are biodegradable.

      Vice-Chairman Cheatham noted that there would be several sewer rehabilitation projects to review in December.

  10. Items Requested by Commissioners
    1. Review of the Encroachment Regulations

      Director Williams reviewed the encroachments presented in the staff report.

      In response to Commissioner Koch, Director Williams pointed out that most businesses that are not in compliance with the Encroachment Permit Ordinance were grandfathered in prior to 1996. He further indicated that new businesses in violation are notified but are difficult to police. He also informed that an Encroachment Permit is not issued until a business is in compliance.

      Chairman Keegan expressed concern with a patio on 8th Street near Hermosa Avenue on the north side of the street blocking the sidewalk next to a fire hydrant. He would like this item agendized and to have the sidewalk put in place and the barrier blocking access to the north side of 8th Street 50 yards above Hermosa Avenue be cleared away for pedestrian walkway.

      Associate Engineer Behboodi informed that the City couldn't force the owner to remove the improvements unless the City plans to spend the money to construct a wheelchair ramp.

      Chairman Keegan added that a wheelchair ramp be included in his recommendation.

      Commissioner Winnek pointed out that the installation of a wheelchair ramp would be expensive, and urged the Commission to be cautious in regulating individual businesses.

      In response to Commissioner Winnek, Director Williams noted that staff would meet with the Police Chief regarding possible misdemeanor charges.

    2. Review of Construction Standards - Please bring materials previously distributed at August 8, 2001 meeting

      Vice-Chairman Cheatham expressed concern with ongoing construction in the City and its impact. He also noted inconsistencies in the repair standards for roads. He would like to see the standards supplemented to ensure that the roads are adequately maintained and that new construction does not significantly impact the roads. He recommended the formation of a subcommittee to study this matter.

      Commissioner Koch volunteered to serve on this subcommittee.

      Chairman Keegan suggested looking at standards for the City to pay for a conduit for homes that may be future developments regarding roads that may be repaved and a fee added onto the permit.

  11. Other Matters

    Chairman Keegan expressed concern with problems with curb, gutter and sidewalk in the area of Loma Drive. He suggested seeing better planning ahead of time.

    Director Williams stated that projects are first designed per standards and then deviate from this as directed. He also said additional costs could be incurred. He said staff is committed to residents' concerns without becoming a detriment to the City. He also said what staff presents may not necessarily be approved by City Council.

    Chairman Keegan expressed concern with traffic flowing into the City from the Sketchers project. He suggested that a Commissioner attend the Planning Commission and report back.

    Director Williams pointed out that the traffic study would address the traffic impacts regarding the Sketchers project.

    Commissioner Koch would further like to see parking saved on Loma Drive and balance this against the other users of the street. He would like to see a safe road for pedestrians and drivers be designed.

  12. Public Comments



At 9:07 p.m., Chairman Keegan adjourned to the next Commission meeting, November 14, 2001.


I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and complete record of the action taken by the Public Works Commission of Hermosa Beach at the regularly schedule meeting of October 10, 2001.

Michael Keegan, Chairman   Harold C. Williams, P.E., Secretary