Public Works Commission Minutes January 21, 2004

MEETING OF WEDNESDAY, January 21, 2003
7:00 P.M.


The meeting was called to order at 7:15 P.M.

  1. Roll Call

    Present: Commissioners, Applebaum, Beste, Cheatham, Lombardo, Winnek,

    Also Present: Richard Morgan, Director of Public Works/City Engineer
    Ray Abassi, Contract Traffic Engineer
    Michael Flaherty, Public Works Superintendent
    Rhea Punneo, Administrative Assistant, Public Works Department

    Absent: None

  2. Flag Salute

    Commissioner Lombardo led the flag salute.

  3. Approval of Minutes of November 19, 2003

    Minutes were approved as written.

  4. Public Comments


  5. Correspondence

    Letter from Mr. Walter Guido (not present) was presented by Mr. Morgan. Mr. Guido's letter cited the following problems: 1. Access up and down 3rd Street and 2. Sight distance to turn out onto Ardmore creating a hazard. Mr. Flaherty measured the red curb in the area and presented the information to the Commission. Mr. Morgan asked that the Commissioners consider how to achieve a solution weighing safety versus parking. Mr. Morgan also suggested a possible solution would be to extend the red curbs much as possible.

    Discussion among the Commissioners included the following:

    • Suggestion to put this item on the Agenda for further consideration if staff deems it necessary.
    • Research with Fire Chief and Police Department for any accidents at this location.
    • Could possibly shorten the parking spaces, but not lose parking.
    • This is an ongoing problem with no solution at this time, investigate and bring back to Commission.
  6. Items for Commission Consideration

    Item 6b was heard first but Items 6a and 6b are presented in order for clarity.

    1. PCH left turns at Aviation Boulevard (PDF File)

      Mr. Morgan presented a summary of the problem brought to the attention of Public Works via email by Mr. Richard McCurdy dated January 8, 2004. The left turn pocket from PCH to eastbound Aviation Boulevard capacity is exceeded. This leads to congestion during peak traffic periods. Mr. Morgan then turned the floor over to Mr. Abassi for further explanation.

      Mr. Abassi demonstrated the current situation and the four options presented. Mr. Abassi presented Option 4 as the best solution to the problem, which would provide a double left turn pocket. Mr. Morgan advised the Commission that Caltrans is interested in the Option 4 realignment, which would address additional public safety concerns of northbound PCH right turns onto Aviation Boulevard. It would consist of taking some the land from the park at that intersection.

      Discussion among the commissioners included the following:

      • Concern was voiced regarding room for creating a second left turn lane with only minor modifications.
      • Resolving this problem with additional signage in the area. This will be addressed further with Caltrans.
      • There was an inquiry as to the existence of a study of turns into McDonald's and 11th Street. No study, but 70 - 80% of the turns are unplanned and not expected to increase.
      • If an additional left turn lane added, should include extending time of left turn light - may not be feasible.
      • Resolving with non-standard solutions - this was advised against. But will be addressed with Caltrans.
      • Short-term resolution of signage prohibiting left turn and extending left turn light would not alleviate the problem.
      • Caltrans funding of this project
      Mr. Richard McCurdy, 1004 9th Street
      • Congestion at this location last Wednesday at 1:45pm was extreme for that time of day and prompted his email to Mr. Morgan.
      • Stated that the left turn lane as depicted on the map is out of proportion, but is actually less than half the total distance.
      • Traffic flow is always heavy.
      • When traveling in the far left lane and signal, assumption is that you are turning into Ralphs and people then proceed to pull out in front of you.
      Mrs. Cathy McCurdy, 1004 9th Street
      • Need to address long-term major issue of people not knowing who actually has the right-of-way.
      • Would like to see realignment move ahead as the short-term solution.

      Additional discussion among the Commissioners included the following:

      • Estimate of time needed for completion of changes to right turn lanes on Pier/PCH.
      • Left turn lanes continue to be a problem.
      • The Artesia/PCH redesign has worked out well. Need to focus on short-term solution by working with Caltrans.
      • Long-term solution could become part of Caltrans' 5-year plan.
      • May need to put before the voters with regard to the 10-foot dedication of City-owned park property.
      • No Department of Transportation funds are available.

      MOTION by Commissioner Cheatham to study Option 4 with a recommendation to Council and an approval for staff to study further and explore a short-term solution while the larger study goes on.

      Question on Motion by Commissioner Winnek to clarify motion - Is Staff to continue to study the issue and bring it back to Commission?

      Motion clarified: Make Caltrans aware that there is an interest in designating property for the purpose of widening the left turn pockets and at the same time, have staff bring further studies back to Commission. Seconded by Commissioner Winnek as amended.

      AYES: Applebaum, Beste, Cheatham, Lombardo, Winnek
      NAYS: None
      ABSENT: None
      ABSTAIN: None

    2. Speed Humps for 24th Place between Park Ave. and Valley Dr. (PDF File)

      Mr. Morgan presented the item, noting that this request has met the criteria for requesting a speed hump. He noted that 24th Place is a sloped street with a 16% slope at the west end, a 2-3% slope in the middle and a 6% slope at the east end. Currently, two locations have been designated for speed humps, as shown on the topographical drawing. It is proposed that advance signage be placed at the top of the hill as opposed to the customary 50 feet. Staff does recommend this action, but there is a budgeting issue which may take some time to achieve.

      Discussion of the item included the following:

      • Inquiry as to whether a speed survey has been done.
      • Talk to all residents who are directly affected by the placement of the speed humps.
      • Review policy wording and its interpretation on placement. Need 100% acceptance of the properties (immediately adjacent to) affected by speed humps.
      • Changing location of speed humps to avoid those who are opposed.
      • It was noted that the resident whose letter is Supplement 6b (513) is located in the general vicinity and not immediately adjacent to speed hump.
      • Additional signage placement could be beneficial.
      Mary Garrett, 551 24th Place

      Ms. Garrett is a 24-year resident. Previous addresses were 516 and 547. Did not sign petition. Concerned about the affect on emergency vehicles. Will speed humps cause cars traveling too fast to lose control? Streets need repairs. Will speed humps attract bicyclers and skateboarders? Maybe additional signage needed (Caution Children at Play). Is aware that Daniels at 511 is opposed. This may increase traffic on the two adjacent streets.

      Comments by Mr. Morgan included: Speed humps versus bumps. Speed humps do not pose a hazard to driver, only discomfort. Humps are 15 feet wide and 2 5/8" high. Cars will not lose control.

      Commissioner Lombardo: Police and Fire Departments will need to sign off on this request before it is implemented.

      It was then decided that the Commission would hold its remarks until the end.

      Gabby Rosenfeld, Julianne Rosenfeld and Ellen Rosenfeld, 541 24th Place

      Young children: In favor of. Want drivers to slow down. Afraid when drivers go fast. Have seen two dogs hit by fast drivers.

      Ed Beeles, 553 24th Place

      Is a 35-year resident. Has previously tried to have street closed down. He is opposed to the hump. Doesn't believe it would reduce traffic. Would create a hazard for bicyclers and skateboarders. Requests that streets are repaired first. Who will pay for humps? Better to increase law enforcement.

      Andy Clifton, 525 24th Place. Also owns 512 24th Place and Manages 521 24th Place

      In favor of speed humps. Resides in the middle where most speeding occurs - 35 - 40 mph. Does not believe it will pose a danger for bicyclers or skateboarders. Believes 24th Place is traveled because there is a stop sign on 24th Street and 25th Street is curvy.

      Dan Saks, 547 24th Place

      In favor of speed humps, believes they will help. Inquired about markings on speed humps. Will they be full or partial width? With parking on both sides of street, 25mph is too fast.

      Sarah Pettitt, 546 24th Place

      In favor of hump. Has seen dogs killed. There are many children outside on bikes, etc. Have stood in front of police placed speed clocks and have seen speeds as high as 50mph.

      Larry Peha, 520 24th Place

      Is a 2-year resident. In favor of and circulated petition for humps along with Audrey Little. Has yelled at people to slow down. Again reiterated that 88% are in favor. One hump is located in front of his property and believes the locations are good.

      Kelly Kendall, 511 24th Place

      Asked about signage look and location.

      Jeff Newman, 554 24th Place

      Wanted to point out to those who are against citing a danger to children - people with children have signed this petition.

      Leanne Clifton, 525 24th Place

      Is a 30-year resident. In favor of. She is located in the middle of the block where most speeding occurs. Has a friend who lives on 9th Street and is happy with the results of their speed humps. Believes the stop sign on 24th Street has increased the traffic. Tried to get solution before - but only speed bumps, not humps available.

      Discussion among the Commissioners included the following:

      • Concerned about the high rate of speeds cited on this street by its residents, requested this item goes back to staff for a speed survey and that police increase its presence in this area.
      • Concern that street need repaving first, then place speed humps at that time.
      • Staff should collect data for 521 21st Place (Manager of property - Leanne Clifton, 525 24th Place - does not believe that residents are opposed, but will speak to them.)
      • Due to the steepness of this street, there is concern that the speed humps may cause flooding.
      • Sandbagging may be required during heavy rains. This will be monitored in the proper phase.
      • Policy to do speed surveys, such as on 9th and 18th Streets. Even though there were isolated speeders. No hazard to 50mph driving.
      • Petition appears to have met criteria and should move ahead, along with repair of street.
      • Hazard concern if drivers can go around speed humps.

      MOTION by Commissioner Lombardo to move ahead with this project, pending approval by Police and Fire Departments and verification of petitions. Seconded by Commissioner Applebaum.

      AYES: Applebaum, Beste, Cheatham, Lombardo
      NAYS: Winnek
      ABSENT: None
      ABSTAIN: None

  7. Commissioners' Reports


  8. Council Minutes - 11/12/03, 11/26/03, 12/9/03; Council Agenda - 1/13/04

    Receive and file all. No comments on a. or b.

  9. Items Requested by Commissioners

    None at this time.

  10. Other Matters

    Commissioner Winnek raised an issue from his Motion on page 3 of the November 19, 2003 minutes regarding sending a letter to Caltrans with the City's request for the safest situation for pedestrians. A discussion followed and it was ultimately decided that it was not a good idea to send the letter to Caltrans since they are cooperating and the City of Hermosa Beach is handling this matter responsibly.

  11. Public Comments

    Commissioner Lombardo reminded everyone of the Hazardous Waste Round Up on Saturday, January 24, 2004 at Valley Dr. and 11th Street.

    In addition, Mr. Flaherty advised that Hyperion Waste Station, 7660 W. Imperial Hwy, Gate E will allow residents to dispose of hazardous waste, including e-waste, every Saturday and Sunday, from 9:00 am - 3:00 pm and had requested that a flyer be sent out to Hermosa Beach residents. Commissioner Cheatham thanked Public Works for last Sunday's clean up of the new room in the Historical Museum, especially Mr. Flaherty.

  12. Adjournment

    Chairman Lombardo adjourned the meeting at 8:58 p.m. to the meeting of February 18, 2004.