Public Works Commission Minutes July 21, 2004

7:00 P.M.


The meeting was called to order at 7:05 p.m.

  1. Roll Call

    Present: Commissioners Applebaum, Beste, Cheatham, Lombardo, Winnek
    Commissioner Winnek arrived at 7:07p.m.

    Also Present: Richard Morgan, Director of Public Works/City Engineer
    Michael Flaherty, Public Works Superintendent
    Rhea Punneo, Administrative Assistant, Public Works Department
    Ray Abassi, Contract Traffic Engineer

  2. Flag Salute

    Commissioner Applebaum led the flag salute.

  3. Approval of Minutes

    Minutes were approved as published with the following corrections:

    1. Item 6.a., page 2: At the end of the Motion, where it reads “…of one space” add: and explained his dissent – suggesting four (4) spaces rather than one (1).”
    2. Note on page 5: Add: “There was no health hazard, only a foul odor/taste.”
  4. Public Comments


  5. Correspondence

    Lion Limuti, 339 Pacific Coast Highway

    Mr. Morgan received an email from Mr. Lion Limuti voicing opposition to the recently placed green spaces on the 400 block of Pacific Coast Highway. He’d written that the new green parking spaces make finding parking even more difficult for residents who do not have parking at their residence.

    Mr. Morgan explained that at the time the green spaces were placed, Staff believed that Caltrans opposed green spaces on PCH; Staff later became aware that in fact there are green spaces on along the route in Manhattan Beach. When speaking with Mr. Yunus Ghausi of Caltrans, his response was that he has no opposition to green spaces on PCH as long as there is no parking during restricted times.

    MOTION by Mr. Cheatham to reduce the green parking spaces on Pacific Coast Highway to one as originally requested by staff.

    Mr. Winnek asked for clarification of the motion and the motion was reworded to read as follows:

    MOTION to reduce the green parking spaces on Pacific Coast Highway to one green space as previously determined by the Commission and reverses the previously approved green space on 4th Street. Seconded by Mr. Beste.

    Discussion among the Commissioners highlighted the following:

    • Item need not be put on agenda.
    • Mr. Morgan recommended starting with one green space and said he believes PCH is the best location for the green space – agreed with the motion by Mr. Cheatham.
    • The owner of Triangle Hardware had told Mr. Morgan that he appreciated the assistance.
    • Revise green spaces from three (3) to one (1).
    • Noted restricted parking time is from 3:00p.m. – 7:00p.m.
    • Dimensions of the current green space were discussed: a total of 54’ from top to back of driveway to curb return.
    • Space being utilized by larger vehicles; there’s one 20’-green space and two smaller parking spaces just south of it.
    • A concern for setting a precedent was voiced. Mr. Morgan noted that one request has already been received and staff wants be cautious, so would like to see only one (1) space at this time.
    • The number of residents using this area for parking is relatively small as the time limit is restrictive.
    • It was suggested that Pier/Hermosa be utilized as the model for placing green spaces, specifically, placing near corners and evaluating on a case-by-case basis.

    MOTION restated by Mr. Cheatham to reduce green space to one on PCH and reverse prior decision to place a green space on 4th Street. Seconded by Mr. Beste.

    AYES: Winnek, Cheatham, Lombardo, Beste, Applebaum
    NAYS: None
    ABSENT: None
    ABSTAIN: None

  6. Items for Commission Consideration

    1. Prospect Avenue License Plate Survey

      Mr. Morgan presented the report, reminding the commissioners that this subject first came up at the March 24, 2004 meeting at which time it was recommended, at the suggestion of the residents present, that the green time for left turns turning onto southbound Prospect be reduced and that traffic calming measures be looked into. Staff determined that it would be cost effective to conduct the stealth and license plate surveys prior to running the shorter green-time test on turning left onto southbound Prospect Ave.

      It was noted that the original requestor is a firefighter who had been called to duty and was unable to attend the meeting. He was advised that he could address the commission at a later time.

      Mr. Abassi presented the results of the license plate survey. Highlights of the discussion included:
      • Results of both AM and PM survey indicated that 60% of traffic is people that live in that area.
      • At Anita/190th, 90% of the people are residents and go straight through.
      • When presenting the layout of Prospect (twists/turns and multiple stop signs) versus PCH (lights synched by Caltrans); Mr. Abassi & Mr. Morgan noted that PCH actually moves faster by approximately two (2) minutes. (Driven by Mr. Morgan and Mr. Abassi during rush hour that evening.)
      • It appears people are not using Prospect to bypass PCH.
      • Speeds are approximately 19 – 28 mph on Prospect, which is ideal.
      • There are about 8 stop signs on Prospect between Aviation and Anita/190th versus three (3) signals on PCH.
      • It is believed that additional left turn delay would cause more travel on local/residential streets rather than on the collector.
      • Current wait time at traffic signal is approximately two (2) cycles during peak travel time.

      Discussion among the Commissioners included the following:

      • Ms. Lombardo has firsthand knowledge of the difficulty of backing onto Prospect Avenue in mid-afternoon traffic.
      • Mr. Winnek parked and observed traffic in this area.
      • Stop signs add to the frustration of travelers.
      • Implementing a traffic signal? It was noted that warrants do not have to be met to implement a signal for platooning reasons. May not be desirable to residents, but would help.
      • Clumping of traffic will happen further away from signal.
      • Traffic signal may help school on Massey but cost is prohibitive. Could look into possibly obtaining grant funds.
      • Staff will look into possibility of traffic signal.
      • Traffic in the area will only become denser in time.

      Mr. Winnek noted the following

      • In Mr. Podzervinski’s absence he was asked to make a motion on his behalf to continue item to a later date as he would like to speak to this issue
      • As noted in email (Supplemental Information 6a) from Mr. Winnek, traffic surveys do not support requested action nor from his personal observation.

      MOTION by Mr. Winnek to postpone until future meeting, date to be set at Staff’s discretion. Seconded by Mr. Beste.

      AYES: Winnek, Cheatham, Lombardo, Beste, Applebaum
      NAYS: None
      ABSENT: None
      ABSTAIN: None

    2. Request to Convert Palm Drive to Two-Way Traffic from Lyndon Street to 1st Street

      Mr. Morgan presented the item, noting that local residents tend to disobey the posted one-way signs. Staff does support this request for two-way traffic on Palm for this specific area.

      Mr. Morgan advised that if the Commission supports this request, it would have to be approved by Planning Commission before going to the City Council for final approval. He also noted that parking is an issue in this area; in order to allow two-way traffic, a parking spot would be lost near the intersection. He also noted that some stretches of Palm Dr. are very narrow and there’s a problem with the street going from two-way to one-way and back to two-way for a block and then back to a one-way.

      Ms. Lombardo cited instructions for public comment and opened the floor.

      Charles “Skip” Blomer

      • Noted that meeting packet should contain copy of his letter to Mr. Morgan, which also outlines his concerns.
      • Has presented this issue to Council and the Planning Commission.
      • There was a nursery school in the building previously, now, as a mixed-use building, they anticipate more traffic and two-way traffic would make a difference.
      • Three different avenues for entrance would be provided in addition to providing fair warning to residents and motorists who travel in the area. It is very easy to mistakenly travel down this street.
      • New mixed-use facility will significantly produce increase traffic flow.

      Charlotte Cross, 122 1st Street

      • Holds the driveway permit for the driveway next to the space that would be removed.
      • Only concern is that “if it ain’t broken, don’t fix it”. This building has been in the works for the last 2.5 years and still hasn’t been built.
      • Her neighbor built 14 condominiums on 1st Court and Lyndon Street and one-way traffic did not bother anyone.
      • Suggested waiting until construction is over and units are occupied to see if there is a real problem.
      • If there were a problem, she would support the two-way street idea, but right now wants to leave it the way it is.

      Mr. Morgan brought attention to the photograph provided by Mr. Blomer, which depicts the parking space at the corner of 1st Street. This is a public parking space. Just south of the vehicle, is a garage where the owner has obtained a driveway parking permit. Once the parking space is no longer available, it would, in effect, revoke the driveway parking permit. Current policy is that a driveway permit cannot be granted if there is no parking available on either side of the driveway.

      Discussion among the commissioners included the following:

      • Owner of vacant lot? Answered by Ms. Cross – the owner resides in San Marino, but gives permission for access and use.
      • Rather speculative at this moment since multi-use construction will increase volume. No impact yet, should revisit at a later date.
      • The issue with drunk/wrong-way drivers seems to be an enforcement issue.
      • It was stated that if no action is to be taken, then a motion is not necessary.

      MOTION by Mr. Winnek to take no action at this time. Seconded by Mr. Beste.

      AYES: Winnek Lombardo, Beste, Applebaum
      NAYS: Cheatham
      ABSENT: None
      ABSTAIN: None

      Ms. Lombardo informed Public that if they are not in agreement with Commission’s decision can appeal.

  7. Commissioners' Reports


  8. Council Minutes – 5/11/04; Agenda – 5/18/04, 5/27/04, 6/8/04

    Receive and file all.

  9. Items Requested by Commissioners

    Mr. Beste reiterated his concern about long-term parking at the park and noted the following:

    • The parking is often used for motor homes
    • Overnight parking isn’t an issue but often on weekends spaces are filled early in the day
    • Suggested 3- or 4-hour limits on specific days
    • Would like to see some kind of turn over
    • Would like a public hearing on the issue

    Mr. Morgan agreed and suggested bringing the item back at the September meeting. Mr. Flaherty noted that there is one section at Valley Park 6-hour restrictions. It was agreed that notices should be posted around the park and it’s perimeter to include surrounding areas, to hold a public hearing on this issue. It was decided that this issue should be placed on the September agenda. Monitoring the parking is always a problem when trying to up with chalking. Mr. Flaherty recommended a 10:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m. restriction, but will research. Mr. Flaherty also suggested including parking on Valley, 27th and behind the Kiwanis and Rotary clubs to ensure continuity.

    Mr. Applebaum asked about the changed right turn from Pier onto southbound PCH. Mr. Morgan advised that it is now illegal to make a right turn from the middle lane of Pier Ave. onto southbound PCH. Caltrans has extended the green time to accommodate the change.

    Mr. Applebaum also asked about the requested manhole cover repairs. Mr. Flaherty stated that the reports are in the engineering office at this time and they have identified 75 manhole covers to be redone. Manhole covers with the City’s emblem are out for bid in August and estimated several months in construction. Current manhole covers that have dropped below street surface and cause problems cannot be repaired, only replaced, as they are unique.

    Ms. Lombardo thanked staff for the report on the trees for Aviation Boulevard.

  10. Other Matters

    Mr. Cheatham thanked staff for painting the crosswalk at Herondo and Valley.

    Mr. Cheatham asked about the possibility of a public health problem at the 2nd Street beach restrooms. Mr. Flaherty advised that this issue is continually being addressed; it takes approximately 16 hours/week to clean and/or repair the restrooms. Port-a-potties are rented for weekend use, closing some of the restrooms on holidays, etc. are methods o keeping the restrooms up and running. The plumbing system is very old. Mr. Morgan noted that this is a priority and is looking at capital improvement funds and hopefully, additional funding from the County to rectify this issue. The goal is to address this issue this fiscal year and he hopes to know more by the next meeting.

  11. Public Comment


  12. Adjournment

    Chairman Lombardo adjourned the meeting at 8:18 p.m. to the meeting of August 18, 2004.