Public Works Commission Minutes September 15, 2004

7:00 P.M.


The meeting was called to order at 7:10 p.m.

  1. Roll Call

    Present: Commissioners Beste, Cheatham, Lombardo

    Also Present: Richard Morgan, Director of Public Works/City Engineer
    Ray Abassi, Contract Traffic Engineer
    Michael Flaherty, Public Works Superintendent
    Rhea Punneo, Administrative Assistant, Public Works Department

    Absent: Commissioners Applebaum, Winnek

  2. Flag Salute

    Commissioner Applebaum led the flag salute.

    Commissioner Lombardo requested a moment of silence in memory of Mr. Jim Sandus, a former Public Works employee. Mr. Flaherty noted that Mr. Sandus was a member of the Public Works Department for 27 years. Mr. Sandus succumbed to cancer after a long illness.

  3. Approval of Minutes

    Minutes of 7/21/04 were approved as published.

  4. Public Comments


  5. Correspondence


  6. Items for Commission Consideration

    Note: Item 6a was heard last but items are presented in order for the sake of clarity.

    1. Change 26th Street to be One-Way Westbound

      This item was taken out of order because, as a resident of 26th Street, Commissioner Beste recused himself, leaving only two commissioners to hear the item. Commissioner Winnek had advised that he would be late but did not arrive at all.

      Mr. Morgan stated that this issue arose due to a petition, signed by 7 of the 28 residents on 26th Street requesting one-way westbound on 26th from Morningside to Manhattan. Mr. Morgan stated that he is aware that schools in residential areas can cause traffic problems and wrote this report based on historical knowledge.

      Subsequently, Mr. Morgan did a site visit after the school year started and did not observe any problems indicated in the petition. 26th Street is a 25-foot wide street with parking on both sides of the street, similar to surrounding streets. In his report, Mr. Morgan noted that when vehicles have to pass one another, speeds decrease, slowing traffic. Changing the street to one-way might produce slightly increased speeds. Mr. Morgan stated his concern regarding diversion of traffic to the surrounding streets and his opposition to this change. Mr. Morgan will collect additional traffic/speed data to bring to the September meeting.

      Commissioner Lombardo suggested that the one-way traffic be directed eastbound rather than westbound.

      Commissioner Lombardo cited instructions for public comment and opened the floor.

      Robert Cummings, 232 26th Street

      • Believes that this area is fine as it is, has lived there 21 years.
      • People learn and adjust just fine to the narrow street.
      • The curb cuts help with passing on the street.
      • Agreed with Commissioner Lombardo that one-way traffic should travel eastbound.
      • Has heard many broadside accidents on 26th at Manhattan, as there are no stop signs.
      • Believes making 26th St. one-way westbound would exacerbate the problem at 26th and Manhattan.
      • Asked what would be gained by making street one-way.

      Jane Waterhouse, 337 26th Street

      • Has lived in this street for 42 years.
      • Traffic has changed due to larger vehicles, but believes people adjust.
      • Believes that one-way traffic would increase speeding on 27th Court.

      Sidney Roth, 255 26th Street

      • Has lived on the street for 32 years.
      • Has seen no problems, school has always been there.
      • If 26th is made one-way, only going to Myrtle and makes no sense.
      • Requested to see rendering of signs, stated all Hermosa Beach signs are ugly and there are too many now.
      • Twelve years ago when one-way streets were proposed, chaos erupted.
      • Believes the street is great now as a two-way street.
      • Does not want speed increased.
      • If it’s not broken, don’t fix it.

      Alan Carter, 252, 27th Court

      • Agrees with Mr. Roth and Mrs. Waterhouse.
      • Does not believe there is a need for one-way traffic.
      • Traffic would be diverted to 27th Court, Ozone Court (very narrow streets) and 27th Street.
      • 27th Street is always a mess.
      • Unsafe to put more traffic on 27th Street; 27th and Ozone Courts are not equipped to handle the additional traffic.
      • Concerned about the children who play on 27th Court, which is an alley with a speed limit of 15 mph, which people don’t obey.
      • On 27th with sun, vision is little to none.
      • Has lived on this street for 22 years and a school was in place at the time, but hasn’t observed any problems.
      • Wondered who complained.
      • Additional concern, on 26th Street the houses sit back from the street, but on 27th Court the houses are right on the street.
      • Spoke with Mr. Morgan and requested speed bumps and was informed that everyone must agree first – this is not likely.
      • Requesting 26th Street not be made one-way.
      • The school has another side.
      • The school has traffic for 15 – 20 minutes twice a day – for this amount of time people would be inconvenienced 24 hours per day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year.

      Mr. Morgan explained the policy on speed “bumps” to address the speeding issue on 27th Street – which is a separate issue from the one-way proposal. These are three inch high x 10 feet wide speed humps across the width of the street. Mr. Morgan clarified that majority (67%) approval is needed for placement of speed humps, but 100% approval is needed for those houses directly adjacent to the actual speed humps. A copy of this policy is available on the website and you may also call or come by to obtain a copy.

      Ed Vazquez, 340 27th Street

      • His property extends into the alley.
      • Concerned for the safety of his three children and the 15 other children in this area that would be affected by traffic moving through this two-way alley

      Janelle Courts, 349 26th Street

      • Agreed with the Commissioner Lombardo make 26th one-way eastbound.
      • Concerned for the safety of the children who live near her.
      • Has witnessed accidents at this corner and husband was almost hit.
      • Vehemently opposed to 26th Street one-way westbound as this is dangerous

      Gerri Vazquez, 340 27th Street

      • Questioned whether one-way westbound to Morningside to Manhattan or Morningside to Myrtle. If Morningside to Myrtle, this would dump additional traffic onto Myrtle.
      • There are children who live on Myrtle and those residents are not at this meeting to voice their objections or opinions.
      • Commented on 26th Street, eastbound. Morningside is a two-way street and a lot of the residents traveling west on Gould to enter the Court, what would happen to Morningside? Would Morningside remain a two-way street?
      • Is opposed to 26th Street one-way eastbound.

      Martha Lemmon, 262 27th Street

      • Requested the rationale for this request.
      • Doesn’t believe she can make a fair decision without knowing the other side of the issue

      Commissioner Lombardo read the petition into the record:

      ‘This petition is being generated in the hopes that the City of Hermosa Beach, California will recognize the importance of having the block of 26th Street between Morningside Drive and Manhattan Avenue changed to a one way street going west. It is imperative that the children and the parents of the children that attend Valley Park School be safe at all times. No two vehicles can pass on 26th Street at the same time thus causing extreme traffic, high speeds and the safety of those in the area to be in jeopardy.’

      Signed by 9 residents (8 live on 26th Street and one on Morningside)

      Martha Lemmon, 262 27th Street

      • This would cause traffic jams at the corner.
      • Believes this change would endanger more children on 27th Court.
      • Her son and daughter attended and two grandchildren currently attend the school and have had no problems.
      • Requested that both streets be left alone.
      • Saw a child almost hit the other day, that’s why she’s here tonight.

      Again, Commissioner Lombardo apologized for not being able to act on the issue this evening. This issue will be addressed again next month at the Public Works meeting. Public Notice will go out for the meeting.

    2. Parking Restrictions on South Side of Gould (corrected from 27th) Avenue Adjacent to Valley Park

      Mr. Morgan apologized for the mix-up on the flyers citing 27th Street. Mr. Morgan explained that this item arose out of a growing concern over the availability of parking for people who utilize Valley Park. In order to explore the many options available, Staff suggested that a public hearing take place. Currently, there are approximately 25-90º parking spaces and 6 newly added parallel parking spaces. One of the options considered would be to implement a 6-hour restriction between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. only, similar to what is currently in place on Valley Drive. None of the options considered would restrict residents from overnight parking.

      Discussion among the Commission included the following:

      Discussion among the Commission included the following:

      • Commissioner Beste restated that overnight resident parking by residents is not an issue. This is a look at restrictions during park usage hours only.
      • Mr. Morgan suggested that only the six new spaces adjacent to Valley implement parking restrictions.
      • Commissioner Cheatham requested clarification as to whether this action was to give Staff direction or to make recommendation to City Council or is this just to explore the options – Commissioner Lombardo clarified that this the latter, to make a recommendation to take to City Council.
      • Implementing parking passes to create parking space turnover was suggested.
      • Implementing a restriction to allow parking during park events.
      • Commissioner Lombardo reiterated that the Commission does not want to take away parking spaces; only parking at the park will be affected.

      Commissioner Lombardo cited instructions for public comment and opened the floor.

      Robert Cummings, 232 26th Street

      • Requested that Mr. Morgan provide the rationale for this decision:

      Mr. Morgan explained that Commission requested this item be placed on the agenda. Through this avenue, Commission can give advice/direction to Staff and most matters go to Council before implementation. This concern arose out of a noted shortage of parking and the long-term storage of parking (cars and RVs). Again, the issue is not to take away parking spaces from residents but to implement a process that would create parking turnover during the park usage hours. Public Works sent out a notice to the public advising of this hearing. The Public Works Departments wants to hear about the residents’ experiences in this regard.

      Ed Vazquez, 340 27th Street

      • Concerned that there was a mix-up on stating 27th Street and not Gould.
      • Most residents would not have come out if the notice had stated Gould as opposed to 27th Street.

      Mr. Morgan and Commissioner Lombardo again apologized for the mix-up.

      Martha Lemmon, 262 27th Street

      • Ms. Lemmon asked what hours would be restricted. Commissioner Lombardo informed during the daytime hours only.
      • Ms. Lemmon also inquired whether it would be during the week or weekends. Commissioner Lombardo stated it was not yet decided.
      • Feels that residents should have first choice for parking.
      • Has out-of-town guest on weekends and to accommodate parking, on occasion, has received permission from the Manager at Ralphs to park in their lot for 4 – 5 hours.
      • Where would her guests park if parking is restricted?
      • Asked that someone psychologically plot out how the parking would be structured so that she can then find her course of action.

      Mr. Morgan noted that there are many options for solving this issue and, as stated before, wants to get input from the public before making a change or no change, if warranted. Mr. Morgan then restated Staff’s recommendation to implement restricted parking in the newly added 5 parking spaces. It also makes sense not to make this restriction 7 days per week, as this is primarily a weekend issue.

      Alan Carter, 252 27th Court

      • No hours listed on the flyer.
      • Flyer sent to 27th Street and knows of one person who lives on Gould who did not receive the flyer and they aren’t in attendance at the meeting.
      • The only problem with parking is on the weekends, so no need to implement restrictions during the week.
      • Please consider implementing restrictions on weekends only.
      • Would increase ticketing when the restrictions are unnecessary during the week.

      Ms. Punneo advised that flyers were mailed to the property owners’ mailing addresses as they are recorded in the county tax records.

      John Horn, 409 Gould

      • Built his residence 50 years ago.
      • Has worked for Los Angeles County for 40 years.
      • Likes the park improvements.
      • Does not believe there is a parking problem at the park.
      • Feels that the 5 spaces on the East side of the park are dangerously located, the street is very narrow.
      • Also feels that those 5 parking spaces would not impact the residents on his street.
      • Don’t take away parking from residents on the street, most residents utilize this area because parking is so limited.
      • Counted 29 parking spaces, including handicap and on 11 cars are parked there tonight.
      • Feels any other changes would be unfair and would petition to not re-elect current Commission.

      Commissioner Lombardo again reiterated that the discussion is only about those 5 spaces and that the commissioners are appointed to the Commission, not elected.

      Gerri Vazquez, 340 27th Street

      • Was confused about the street listed on the flyer.
      • The park is wonderful and they all enjoy, but it has created a big problem.
      • With the increased usage, visitors are looking for parking spaces around the park and on 26th, 27th, 28th Streets and 27th Court.
      • Requested that this area be looked at as a traffic issue with speeders on 26th and 27th Court trying to find parking on 27th Street.
      • There are approximately 15 children on 27th Street alleyway and people are driving 45 mph down this alley. This needs to be addressed before someone is hurt or killed.
      • Feels the park has created a problem with many more activities.
      • Does not feel that 5 – 6 hours is a good solution to solve this problem.
      • Feels that even with the turnover there would still be a problem during the summer months and now will increase due to soccer season.
      • Has not observed any long-term parking and knows the owner of the RV periodically parked on the street.

      Commissioner Beste: The intent of tonight is to address that issue. If restrictions are implemented creating a parking turnover could reduce the number of people driving through the residential area looking for parking.

      Commissioner Lombardo: Speeding is an issue that needs to be addressed separately, requested Mrs. Vazquez send a letter.

      Commissioner Lombardo queried Mr. Flaherty regarding soccer at the park. Mr. Flaherty advised that there was at the soccer before the renovation.

      Janelle Courts, 349 26th Street

      • Agrees with Gerri, lives behind her.
      • People are always parking on her street.
      • Believes increased parking problems are due to beach-goers parking at the park in what is still a free and unrestricted parking area.
      • Suggested putting in meters and/or yellow permits.

      It was clarified by Mr. Flaherty and Mr. Morgan that residents living directly across from the parking spaces do not have parking permits and are not eligible for metered parking permits due to a coastal regulatory issue. Mr. Morgan advised that this would be a very long process to try to implement.

      Mr. Morgan stated that he met with the operators of the North School and they are willing to leave the parking lot open, but that the neighbors have complained about the trash left in the area.

      Martha Lemmon, 262 27th Street

      • Said the Art Show is an example that can be used for implementing public transportation to help resolve this issue.
      • Suggested utilizing parking at Mira Costa or TRW and using a shuttle service.

      Virginia Brewer, 445 Gould

      • Restricting the previously mentioned 6 newly created spaces will provide little relief.
      • People are parking all the time and no tickets are issued.
      • Has observed very little RV storage.
      • Said the speeding around the park is very dangerous.
      • Wants speeding restricted.
      • Wants to know if only the 6 spaces are restricted, how this will bring relief to residents in the area.

      Discussion among the Commissioners included of the following:

      • Commissioner Cheatham asked Mr. Morgan to explain the 3-day rule. Mr. Morgan explained that the California Motor Vehicle Code prevents long-term parking or storage on public streets. Mr. Flaherty added that the City does enforce the 72-hour rule, but enforcement is complaint driven.
      • Streets are swept on Mondays between 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m.; violators are ticketed. Mr. Flaherty emphasized that it’s the only opportunity to clean the area.
      • Commissioner Cheatham stated that there are similar parking restrictions in his area and they work well.
      • This parking issue should be addressed.
      • Suggested designating a few parking spaces for restrictions to test its effect on the parking issue.

      John Horn, 409 Gould

      • Does not agree with implementing parking restrictions, this will offend residents.
      • He is the owner of the RV, but vehicle is not parked on the street that often.
      • If parking is restricted, people will park on other streets, creating a negative impact.

      Commissioners reiterated that overnight parking is not an issue. Commissioners requested that Staff explain the parking restrictions on Valley Drive. Mr. Flaherty responded that there are several restrictions already in place. He noted that Clark Stadium and City Hall have restrictions and that the times change progressively as you move further south. This causes people to move their cars on a regular basis and prevents storing cars for a long period of time. It has not impacted the use of the facilities and still allows residential overnight parking. The residents in the area of Clark Stadium requested that parking restrictions be implemented to discourage overnight parking and use of park. Valley Park has never had parking restrictions. Parking restrictions along Valley Drive of people using it as a used car lot. Mr. Flaherty requested that the restrictions be consistently implemented around the perimeter for street sweeping purposes. Public parking is available behind Kiwanis and Rotary Clubs.

      Further discussion by the Commission included:

      • The intent of the restrictions is to discourage beach parking.
      • It would not take parking away from residents.
      • Looking at restrictions as a way to alleviate, not create, problems.
      • The restrictions should not pose a problem on weekdays or for those residents who come home early.
      • May need more than six spaces to create a turnover that would alleviate parking.

      MOTION by Commissioner Beste to implement a 4-hour restriction on Valley Drive between Gould Ave. and the Kiwanis Club and the six newly created parking spaces on weekends only between the hours of 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Seconded by Commissioner Cheatham.

      AYES:Cheatham, Lombardo, Beste
      ABSENT:Applebaum, Winnek

    3. Citywide Speed Zone Survey

      Mr. Morgan informed everyone that the City is required to perform this survey every 5 years and maintain speed limit signs in conformance with the survey. Speed surveys have been completed and analyzed to determine the 85th percentile speeds. Accident history and other traffic factors are considered for revisions, if warranted. The Speed Zone Survey will be forwarded to City Council and will require two (2) meetings for formal adoption. Mr. Abassi presented the results of the survey.

      Highlights of Mr. Abassi’s presentation included:

      • People are traveling at higher rates of speeds.
      • Speed at or below speed limit
      • Areas that have recommended revisions:
        • Ardmore Avenue: Gould Ave to 21st Street, decrease speed limit from 35 mph to 30 mph, Pier Avenue to 8th St. and 8th Street to 2nd Street increase speed limit from 25 mph to 30 mph;
        • Valley Drive, Gould Avenue to 21st Street, 21st Street to Pier Avenue, Pier Avenue to 8th Street, 8th Street to 2nd Street increase speed limits from 25 mph to 30 mph
      • Mr. Morgan explained that Caltrans mandates that the survey be taken in order to enforce speeding tickets issued when using radar.
      • Streets not listed are governed by prima facie speed limit – travel at safe speeds of 25 mph or less; collector and arterial streets are included.

      Commissioner Lombardo cited instructions for public comment and opened the floor for comments.

      Alan Carter, 252 27th Court

      • Concerned that he did not see PCH down Gould included on survey. PCH West on Gould to Ardmore, traveling down the hill at 25 mph is very dangerous. Everyone travels faster.
      • Would like to see a survey done in this area.
      • Would like to see the speed limit raised from 25 mph to 35 mph.
      • Does not want to see recommended decrease on Gould Ave to 21st Street from 35 mph to 30 mph.
      • Stated his feelings that Commission is not considerate of the people’s time.

      Mr. Abassi addressed Mr. Carter’s concern about the 25 mph on Gould. This segment of Gould, from PCH to Ardmore was re-classified as a residential street by City Council so it is not included in the survey.

      Discussion among the Commission included:

      • Concerned about 25 mph on Valley. Did City Council reduce without survey? Mrs. Punneo explained that Commission been involved with the change to 25 mph between 11th and 2nd Streets to Pier when the speed was reduced from 30 mph. This took place in the Commission’s first year of existence.
      • Mr. Abassi explained that if recommendation is changed, that segment is no longer enforceable by radar.
      • Survey must go to Council and would carry recommendations of Commission along with it, but survey will be presented in its entirety to Council.
      • Council can deviate from recommendations or survey results.
      • Concern over Pier to 8th on Valley increased speed limit.

      Robert Cummings, 232 26th Street

      • Stated that due to pedestrian traffic on Valley Drive near the Farmers Market, it is not responsible to raise speed limit.

      Mr. Abassi noted that the report would go to Council in its entirety and could include a memo from the Commission stating their concerns and/or recommendations.

      MOTION by Commissioner Lombardo to support the engineering and traffic survey with the exception of the portion recommending an increase in speed for the segment of Valley Drive between Pier Ave. and 8th Street. Recommends that this area not have an increased speed limit due to foot traffic and congestion. Seconded by Commissioner Beste.

      AYES:Cheatham, Lombardo, Beste
      ABSENT:Applebaum, Winnek

      Commissioner Lombardo informed Public that if they are not in agreement with Commission’s decision could appeal.

  7. Commissioners' Reports


  8. Public Works Department Reports

    1. Monthly Activity Report – July
    2. Project Status Reports – July

    The above items are presented for information purposes only.

    At this time, Mr. Morgan advised that he’d spoken with Mr. Tim Podzervinski of Prospect Avenue and informed him that after extensive review of the license survey and left turn lane cycle length, and that the Commission was not inclined to do further reduction in left turn lane time. Mr. Podzervinski would like to eliminate the left turn between the hours of 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. Mr. Morgan informed him that during this 2-hour period, approximately 700 local residents who live between Herondo and Aviation would need to find a safe alternate route home. Mr. Morgan suggested that he should bring a petition signed by his neighbors and Mr. Podzervinski was not happy with this suggestion. Mr. Morgan then stated that if he were willing to hold a public hearing on this issue, the Commission would hear this issue.

    Discussion by Commission on this issue included the following:

    • Look at platooning of cars.
    • Gaps between stop signs.
    • No clear solution as this is a collector street and there is a large volume of traffic – one segment traffic light handles 14,000 cars.
    • Traffic signal in middle of segment to assist, might meet some warrants.
    • Traffic signals are very expensive, funding due to schools might help, but the only school is too far away.
    • Suggested moving 2nd Street red light at Hermosa to Prospect.
    • Mr. Podzervinski does not agree with traffic signal as a viable solution.
    • Will need residential approval for a traffic light.
    • Mr. Podzervinski cited Monterey as a basis where a left turn lane was restricted.
    • Monterey is a collector street, but the difference is that traffic is not diverted onto a residential street, it is diverted to PCH.
    • Mr. Morgan stated that speeds are nominal as there is a faster travel on PCH.

  9. Items Requested by Commissioners


  10. Other Matters

    Commissioner Cheatham: Thanked the Commission and the Public Works Department for a fantastic working relationship over the last 4 years.

    Mr. Morgan informed Commission that Council has approved the recycling lids and they are a resounding success. Thanked the Commission for all their efforts.

  11. Public Comment


  12. Adjournment

    Chairman Lombardo adjourned the meeting at 8:57 p.m. to the meeting of October 20, 2004.