Public Works Commission Minutes November 17, 2004

7:00 P.M.


The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m.

Mr. Morgan welcomed the new commissioners, Michael DiVirgilio and Daniel Marinelli, to the meeting and congratulated Commissioner Lombardo on her reappointment.

After calling the meeting to order, Chairman Lombardo passed the gavel to Commissioner Beste, the new chairman. Commissioner Winnek will be the new vice chairman.

  1. Roll Call

    Present: Commissioners Beste, DiVirgilio, Lombardo, Marinelli Commissioner Winnek arrived at 7:24 p.m.
    Also Present: Richard Morgan, Director of Public Works/City Engineer
    Michael Flaherty, Public Works Superintendent
    Rhea Punneo, Administrative Assistant, Public Works Department
  2. Flag Salute

    Brian and Joshua Beste led the flag salute.

  3. Approval of Minutes

    The minutes of the October 20, 2004 meeting were approved as written.

  4. Public Comments


  5. Correspondence


  6. Items for Commission Consideration

    1. Request for Additional Green Parking Space on Bard St. at Pier Ave.

      Mr. Morgan stated that this item came before the Commission at the start of this summer. Two green spaces were requested on Bard north of Pier Avenue, adjacent to the cleaners. Because parking is at a premium in Hermosa, just one green parking space was put in with the notation that the set up would be reviewed at a later meeting.

      All businesses were noticed on both sides of the street within a block of the cleaners. No objections, written or verbal, were received, and no dissenters were present at the meeting. Staff recommends approving a second green spot adjacent to the existing spot. Businesses contacted seemed to think that it was very reasonable request.

      Commissioner Beste said that he met with Mr. Patel, the business owner, and it seemed like a good idea. No opposition from any neighbors and doesn’t affect parking.

      MOTION by Commissioner Lombardo to support Staff’s recommendation and provide a second green space at this location. Seconded by Commissioner Beste.

      AYES: Marinelli, Beste, Lombardo, and DiVirgilio
      NAYS: None
      ABSENT: None
      ABSTAIN: None

      Mr. Morgan stated that it would be painted the following day.

    2. Review of PW Commission Action Items List

      4. All-walk signal at Hermosa & Pier

      Mr. Morgan noted that this is the concept of allowing pedestrians to cross in all different directions, including diagonally, while all on-coming traffic is stopped.

      Discussion of the item highlighted the following:

      • A former PW Commissioner originally made the request in 2001.
      • Mr. Flaherty had met with the PD, traffic control specialists and private companies where it was 1st stated they could make the changes to meet this request and later said they could not.
      • Support from the PD has not been consistent
      • It didn’t seem necessary since would cause additional traffic delay
      • No benefit, no advocates

      It was determined that this item should be removed from the Action Items List.

      16. Evaluation of external vs. internal costs associated with using consultants on an as- needed basis. Need to know what other cites have with regard to salaries, positions and retention rates.

      Mr. Morgan advised that there are three engineers in the department in addition to his position as City Engineer. Typically, design services for major projects are contracted out and in-house design is done for some very simple projects. There is only one public works inspector who is responsible for inspection of all private construction, so City-project inspection services are contracted out. Additional staff would be needed to meet this objective. The goal for next year is to present the need for an additional inspector, and possibly construction manager, as contractors are used for construction management services on major projects. Said he feels the item should be left on the list for future discussion before the next budget cycle, which begins in March. Increased inspections would be very helpful.

      Commissioner Marinelli asked if everything could be kept internal with the existing staff, and would coming up with ideas by somebody closer to a project be a better idea? But, he understood that, as Mr. Morgan stated, on large projects, an outside source should be considered.

      Commissioner Beste again noted the need to review ways to procure more permanent funding for public works projects, noting that the department is unable to “staff up” for project if funds aren’t available.

      Mr. Morgan discussed the fact that he and the city Manager are revising the method of determining which streets are repaired and when. This would include splitting the city into five to seven zones; with street improvement projects scheduled one zone per fiscal year,

      The public will have a plan to look at and an estimated idea of when their streets will be repaired. If the projects are not done, then funds are not needed for additional staff. Mr. Morgan noted that it is possible that a seven-year CIP program will be developed, rather than the five-year that’s been done previously. He doesn’t want to set up a schedule that cannot be fulfilled.

      Commissioner Beste stated that this item should stay on the Action Items list and added to the February meeting agenda.

      20. Review status of trash enclosures – smelliness, possible roofing of some sort – brought to the commission by then-Planning Commissioner Tucker (20)

      Mr. Morgan advised that there were concerns about grease getting into the storm drain system. Grease is picked up from the restaurants and the areas are steam cleaned daily, but trash still overflows by early morning due to the volume of people. At one time each business located on Pier Plaza had responsibility for its own trash receptacle. The City set up locations in Lots A and B with a trash enclosure wall and a number of bins, including a grease receptacle.

      Mr. Morgan has met with the restaurant owners. One option would be to place a roof over the enclosure in an attempt to eliminate the need for them to be closed and still be code compliant. He is interested in trash compactors and having the businesses fund them as a way of eliminating some of the odor problems. There are always problems with trash being thrown on the ground, even with gates open and lids up.

      This item should remain on the Action Items list.

      Commissioner Beste asked if a report would be brought back to the commission; Mr. Morgan indicated that it would be next year.

      31. Since denied request for speed hump on Loma 6th to end of street, bring options to the commission for consideration

      Loma Drive dead ends at South Park; in response to a request for a speed hump was received from the residents of Loma Drive, a stealth survey indicated that there was not enough speeding to justify installation of a speed hump and the request was denied. There is a parking lot in South Park that exits onto Loma; one option considered was a stop sign for vehicles at the parking lot exit.

      Discussion of the item highlighted the following:

      • Loma is a two-way roadway just 15’ at the widest point
      • Two houses on the block are being redeveloped, could be a good spot for a stop sign; are committed to curb, butter and sidewalk
      • The Speed Hump Policy criteria wasn’t met for this location
      • Stop sign could be the solution for slowing cars
      • If visibility is a problem, more red curb could help
      • It was also noted that the Speed Hump Policy is available for residents on the City’s web site.
      • City now has e-newsletter – hope to have project information easily available for residents

      Item removed from Action Items List

      33. Investigate making no right on red from Herondo turning onto Hermosa Ave.

      Mr. Morgan advised that Staff does not support this request from a resident to alleviate the difficulty parallel parking on Herondo. Commissioner Beste indicated that this item should be removed from the Action Items List.

      35. Removal of eucalyptus trees when dead – replace with other trees

      This item is covered in the to-be-approved Tree Policy – can be removed from the Action Items List.

      39. More studies of 5th Street – to include re-visiting speed surveys

      A review of this item included the following:

      • Some traffic improvement had been noted on 5th St. since the installation of the “No Truck” signage for eastbound traffic.
      • The ideal location for the truck deliveries is taken by an MTA bus stop, which they will not relocate.
      • The 5th St. Street Improvement project turned out quite well.
      • Speed surveys are done on a continuing basis in cooperation with the Police Department
      • Total man-hours to process the survey, from set up to printing information totals seven to 10 hours
      • Could be a good idea to analyze old data and visually survey rather than doing a Stealth Survey

      This item will be removed from the list.

      40. Disabled parking spaces to be reviewed on an annual basis

      Mr. Morgan suggested this item be re-visited at the January meeting with a report of the problems Staff has encountered the preceding year. Hermosa is one of the few cities that provide handicapped parking spaces in the public right-of-way for their residents. Right now only one handicapped space is allowed per block; this is due to the shortage of parking in the City.

      When discussed at a recent Commission meeting, it was determined that the Public Works Department should not and could not evaluate the level of a person’s disability. Public Notices should be sent out in advance of the meeting when the handicapped space availability will be reviewed/renewed. Commissioner Winnek suggested that the minutes reflect that Staff is to review these spaces administratively on an annual basis, or as needed.

      42. Review of 2nd Street right turn and reduction of wait time

      This is regarding the intersection of 2nd Street eastbound at PCH, where no right turns permitted on a red light. This is an offset intersection and Caltrans feels that the confusion when people are exiting from eastbound 2nd Street going left, they are worried about the vehicles making right turns. Mr. Morgan agrees with Caltrans. At most intersections along PCH, there is a long wait period on the side streets. This is a complaint common to most of these intersections. Mr. Morgan continued, saying he is more concerned with the northbound PCH traffic turning west at 2nd St. than the other turns along PCH since visibility is so poor. He noted that Caltrans and Staff are watching this intersection closely and would appreciate the Commissioners’ suggestions. Sav- On has helped traffic improve.

      Commissioner DiVirgilio noted that he lives near that intersection and agrees that Caltrans’ position sounds right.

      This item would be removed from the Action Item List.

      43. Mr. Flaherty advised that he’d like to bring the Tree Report back to the Commission before presentation to the City Council

      Commissioner Lombardo gave a brief history of the Tree Policy, updating the newly appointed commission members. Mr. Morgan noted that the policy is being reviewed by the City Attorney and will go directly to council when returned.

      This item would be removed from the Action Item List.

      44. Look into sight distance problems at the intersection of 3rd and Ardmore – extend red curb?

      This has been completed and should be taken off the list.

      Mr. Morgan noted a similar situation in that he’d received a request from Marineland Mobile Home Park for additional red curb in an attempt to provide more site distance at corners within and around the park. When safety is the issue, changes can be implemented immediately. If the loss of parking becomes a neighborhood problem, then it may be brought to the commission. Since there was an accident at this location recently, which may have prompted this request.

      45. Make Caltrans aware that there is an interest in designating property for the purpose of widening the left turn pockets at the intersection of PCH and Aviation – have staff bring further studies back to the Commission

      Mr. Morgan would like to amend the words to say “Work with Caltrans to redesign the intersection to allow a double left turn lane from PCH southbound to Aviation east bound.” There is too heavy a turning movement for a single left turn lane at this intersection.

      Discussion highlighted the following:

      • The real solution would be to redesign the intersection. Would require some the public right-of-way from the park – this would require ballot approval
      • Will come up again during the PCH relinquishment process which is going forward slowly
      • City has been allowed to continue the Commercial Banner Program while the relinquishment is being reviewed.
      • Mr. Morgan is the “point” person who will be dealing with Caltrans
      • Funding will be necessary for maintenance once the relinquishment is completed – funds received from Caltrans may not be sufficient for maintenance and improvements

      This item is to remain on the Action Items List.

      47. Rob Beste requested an agenda item regarding parkway standards that protect curb access for parked cars

      Commissioner Beste indicated that this was put on the List because the plantings in many parkways do not allow passengers to open their car doors. He noted that in some areas, some of these plantings were removed, but was questioning if there was a standard for these plants. The encroachment consisted of not only trees, but hedges and shrubbery were also in a 3’ wide parkway.

      Mr. Morgan indicated that it was an unwritten policy to remove the plants that are prohibitive to exiting vehicles and this is being watched carefully. There are existing encroachments, but new plantings are monitored for access to cars. The current policy stipulates is grass or brick for parkways, so that it remains flat and walkable. Any new plantings can be removed. There is the language in the Municipal Code that allows a grandfathering of certain encroachments as of 1999. If it is newer than that, it can be dealt with.

      Mr. Flaherty said that there was language in the tree program that would address those issues, as well. It illustrates not only the type of tree, but also the location and placement of trees and plants. There are only a handful of streets in the entire City that have parkways in between the curb, gutter, and sidewalk. Private property owners, not the City, planted a lot of the trees between 26th and 35th Street.

      This item would be removed from the Action Item List.

      48. Rob Beste requested an agenda item regarding standards for temporary encroachments

      Temporary encroachments include sidewalks closed by storing bricks, etc., on the sidewalk, using them as storage space and making them un-passable.

      Mr. Morgan said that the policy that if there is an existing paved sidewalk, access to that walk must be protected and not used to stage construction. For short-term storage, contractor must obtain a permit and is advised of the necessary precautions he must take. The Public Works Inspector is very good in this regard.

      It was noted that if a new development exceeds 400 square feet, they are allowed to fence where the new walk is going to be built. If there had been a walk or path along the dirt zone, a detour sign would be required.

      It was also noted that any use of the public right-of-way requires a temporary encroachment permit – this includes deliveries and/or materials drops.

      This item would be removed from the Action Item List.

      49. Forward PWC request to PD to immediately intensify enforcement of traffic laws on Prospect

      Mr. Morgan advised that the Police Department had been contacted in this regard. After providing a brief background for this item, he also noted that he couldn’t recommend further delays for Prospect. The laws the petitioner wanted enforced were speeding and rolling stop violations.

      Commissioner noted that the residents always had the option of appealing a Commission decision at the Council level.

      This item would be removed from the Action Item List.

      52. Pavement Management Study to be presented when completed

      Mr. Morgan indicated that this would come back with the next item, the Five Year Plan at the beginning of next year.

      53. Five-Year Plan

      Mr. Morgan indicated that this would come back with the next item, the Pavement Management Study at the beginning of next year.

      57. Info on AB939 requested by Mr. Beste

      Commissioner Beste explained that AB939 was the requirement that cities reach a 50% diversion goal (solid waste going to a land fill). He wanted to know where the City stood on this bill and how the City is performing with regard to the recycling goals with current trash hauling, which would including commercial waste.

      Mr. Morgan advised that the City Manager is the person handling AB939. He’d recently been in Sacramento fighting for the City. He put together a report that will be presented to the Solid Waste Board and will be presented to the Commission once all has been resolved. Mr. Morgan noted that the City has implemented new recycling programs, which will include new recycling receptacles throughout the City.

      This item will remain as an Action Item until the report is received.

      60. Investigate whether Palm Drive between Lyndon and 1st St. s/b changed to allow two-way traffic

      Mr. Morgan presented the background of this item, noting that he’d met with the projector developer and he’d inspected the location. The result of this change would actually eliminate a parking space.

      Commissioner Beste indicated that this matter would be removed unless re-visited by the developer at a later date.

      61. Investigate the area near Marineland Mobile Home Park with regard to parking; hillside is private property; approximately 12-14 feet on the west side bordering Loma pave-out is public right-of-way

      Commissioner Beste advised that this item came about then the commission was looking at the public r-o-w and the overall upper Pier Avenue area parking plan.

      Mr. Morgan said that in an effort to locate more available parking, they’d considered building a retaining wall in this area and provide some parallel parking. He noted that it would be quite costly to build.

      Commissioner Beste stated that this item would be removed from the list.

      After brief discussions of each, it was determined that items 62 through 66 would be deleted from the Action Items List.

      67. Send the Speed Survey to Council supporting same with the noted exception of increasing speed on Valley Drive between Pier Ave. & 2nd St.

      Mr. Morgan advised that the report hasn’t gone to Council yet because he is not satisfied with the report as it was prepared.

      Every five years the City does a speed survey of its major streets and collector streets as a means of setting speed limits based on the 85th percentile. Commissioner Beste noted that the Commission supported the report with the exception of increasing the speed on Valley Drive between Pier and 2nd St.

      Mr. Morgan stated that no one wanted to see speed limits increased, and the Police Department did not even want it to go up to 30 mph on Valley.

      Mr. Morgan will bring to Council when satisfied with the report – this item would be removed from the list.

      Items 69, 70 and 71 were reviewed (noting that 71 was an item on that evening’s agenda) and removed from the Action Item List

  7. Commissioners' Reports


  8. Public Works Department Reports

    Mr. Morgan stated that the pier project is progressing fairly well. There is a completion date of August, and the contractor believes that he might be able to finish early and possibly before summer.

    Mr. Morgan noted that he’d be participating in the Cruz Hawaiian Expo in Redondo Beach. He’d be selling t-shirts and brick plus raffling a poster – all proceeds would go to the HB Surf Legends Memorial Fountain. In addition, proceeds from the silent auction would be donated to the fountain fund.

    Mr. Morgan told the Commission he is preparing a grant application in an effort to procure funds for the purchase of trees on Aviation Boulevard. The grant would fund trees from Harper down to PCH.

    Mr. Flaherty said this weekend the City is sponsoring a halogen light exchange, “Torchiere Program”. The event is being held at Valley School on Saturday, Nov. 20, 2004, 9:00 a.m. ‘til 3:00 p.m. It’s operating at the School District property from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

    The annual tree lighting ceremony will be held on Thursday, December 2, 2004, Commissioner Lombardo said that she would be there selling hot chocolate to benefit the Woman’s Club.

    Commissioner Lombardo stated that the annual toy drive would start right after Thanksgiving. The toys will be collected at the fire station here in Hermosa and at the fire stations in Manhattan Beach. . The toys will be collected until the wrapping party on December 18, 2004.

    Mr. Morgan confirmed the December meeting would be on the 15th.

  9. Items Requested by Commissioners

    1. News Racks

      Commissioner Winnek asked about the news racks, which Council approved, but he doesn’t see the modular units.

      Mr. Morgan said that, after additional investigation, it was decided not to purchase the modular racks. The approved locations have been identified and the permits are affixed to the front each unit. This program has help reduce the numbers of racks in the public right-of-way. Mr. Flaherty said he’s noticed that the number of racks on private property has increased since the permit requirement implemented.

    2. Tree Program

      Commissioner Lombardo brought up the tree policy, which will go to Council once the City Attorney has completed his review.

    3. Signage

      Commissioner Lombardo asked when the department would finish adding signage to stop signs indicating whether it was a one-way, two-way, all-way, etc. stop. Mr. Flaherty advised that his inventory of these signs is exhausted. As many signs as possible have been place and more have been ordered.

      Commissioner Beste asked if the signs for the parking spaces at Valley Park would be up soon. Was advised that it would be necessary to check with the Planning Department about putting the parallel spots on Gould. New spots would have four hour parking. City should still pursue parking lot at the school on weekends.

      Mr. Beste said he’d like to re-visit the idea of the perpendicular spots on Valley. Mr. Morgan said he’d like the spots on Valley to 6-hour parking as well; Mr. Flaherty said the parking on Valley Dr. from Gould to just south of the Kiwanis and Rotary Club buildings has a 6-hour limit. Mr. Morgan said the new spots would be 4 hours each.

    4. RV Parking at Valley Park

      Mr. Morgan advised that it is legal to park an RV overnight; however, vehicles may be towed after 72 hours. Ticketing and towing are complaint-driven.

      It was noted that there is a restriction the books that says there are parking restrictions for vehicles that are six feet or more in height within 100 feet of an intersection

  10. Other Matters


  11. Public Comment


  12. Adjournment

    Commissioner Beste adjourned the meeting at 8:53 p.m. to the meeting of December 15, 2004.