Public Works Commission Minutes DECEMBER 15, 2004

7:00 P.M.


The meeting was called to order at 7:04 p.m.

Mr. Morgan welcomed the new commissioners, Michael DiVirgilio and Daniel Marinelli, to the meeting and congratulated Commissioner Lombardo on her reappointment.

After calling the meeting to order, Chairman Lombardo passed the gavel to Commissioner Beste, the new chairman. Commissioner Winnek will be the new vice chairman.

  1. Roll Call

    Present: Commissioners Beste, DiVirgilio, Marinelli, Winnek
    Also Present: Richard Morgan, Director of Public Works/City Engineer
    Tristan Malabanan, Associate Engineer
    Rhea Punneo Administrative Assistant, Public Works Department
  2. Flag Salute

    Commissioner Beste led the flag salute.

  3. Approval of Minutes

    The minutes of the meeting of November 17, 2004 were approved as written.

  4. Public Comments

    At this time Commissioner Lombardo announced that the Beach Cities Toy Drive would be wrapping toys at the Jocelyn Center in Manhattan Beach on Saturday, December 18th at 11:00 a.m. All are invited to help wrap gifts.

  5. Correspondence

    None at this time.

  6. Items for Commission Consideration

    1. Project No. CIP 04-115 Street Improvements – 20th Street from Valley Drive to Power Street, Plan Review

      Tristan Malabanan, PW Associate Engineer, presented this item. He went over the main scope of the project, which includes fully reconstructing some areas, recompacting the soil and adding a center swale.

      Highlights of public commentary included:

      • Construction would most likely begin in late March and go on for two to three months.
      • It will be done in phases; at most, driveway access will be unavailable for two weeks.
      • It will be combined with some needed sewer work.
      • It would be wiser to underground utilities after this work is completed.
      • Contractor’s personnel will assist with residents’ trash removal during construction.
      • The .5% slope is sufficient to remove water in the concrete swale. Swale will start at 581 20th St., west of manhole.
      • Dry weather flow will be alleviated.
      • The amount of sewer work will determine how long residents will be inconvenienced.
      • Occasionally, the County flushes out their systems, which causes water to flow down this street. Once project is completed, the “lake” at the bottom of the street will not occur. All will go down to Power.
      • Emergency vehicles will be able to respond to calls – have parked at either end of a street during previous projects.
      • The narrowness of the street precludes doing one side of the street at a time.
      • The project is in the preliminary design phase and more details will be available in January.

      Highlights of Commissioner commentary included:

      The engineers would be reviewing the possibility of putting down base material beneath the asphalt paving. Many parking problems can be eased or waived for the duration of the project. Adding base could be an option as base could be drivable.

      No action was necessary and the Chairman thanked Mr. Malabanan for the presentation.

    2. Loma Drive Parking Enforcement

      Mr. Morgan presented the item, noting the unique parking opportunities long-term residency has allowed. Mr. Morgan noted that Police Department representatives were present and would be available for questions. He advised that many calls have been received voicing concerns about perpendicular parking blocking street access. The developing question was: how could Public Works help the Police Department enforce parking restrictions in a uniform manner? This proposal would allow residents to continue parking up to the red line on private property. The red line would be in alignment with the existing T’s and L’s, which are already painted on the street for public parking.

      What’s being proposed is that the red line would be painted everywhere there are no T’s and L’s. If the Public Works Commission supports the proposal, it would be taken to Council for final approval.

      Mr. Morgan introduced Lt. Lance Jaakola of the Police Department. Lt. Jaakola advised that one of the problems officers have on Loma Dr. is determining what is or isn’t a clear parking violation. One very good thing about this proposal is that everyone knows what a red line means.

      Public commentary highlighted the following:

      • The red line would be a boundary indicating parking limitations.
      • Many residents are in favor of the clear indication of where and where not to park.
      • As a general rule, T’s and L’s line up 7’ from the curb.
      • To legally park perpendicular to the line, wheels have to be inside the red line.
      • The T’s and L’s are only where public parking is allowed.
      • The T’s and L’s would only be added with new developments.
      • The red line wouldn’t be put in place unless supported by the commissioners and then forwarded to the City Council for final approval.
      • Consistency of enforcement is important.
      • Public parking would only be permitted in T’s and L’s.
      • Earliest in effect would be in January, after the first Council meeting of the month.
      • Some locations will have to looked at closely, Mr. Morgan will investigate
      • Some residents may have difficulty with parking
      • When there is a curb, there’d be public parking.

      Discussion among the commissioners highlighted the following:

      • Necessary to get continuous walk area; currently cars are being parked across sidewalks
      • Enforcement is challenging at best
      • Tickets would be written if there is a clear hazard regardless of position
      • Should be clear to all that if wheels are on the red line or over is inviting a citation
      • There are concerns about treating all vehicles equally
      • Call is more subjective when vehicle hanging into the street
      • Red line would be a limit line, cars should not extend farther than a parked car
      • Is of primary importance to have parity between Parking Enforcement and residents to make sound decisions
      • The red line is a good attempt to make something work in this area
      • Parking across sidewalks is a citable offense

      MOTION by Commissioner Lombardo to support staff’s recommended proposal to stripe a red parking limit line on the west side of Loma Drive (south of Pier Avenue) seven feet east of the edge of the roadway. Commission Marinelli seconded the motion.

      AYES: Lombardi, Marinelli, DiVirgilio
      NAYS: Beste, Winnek
      ABSENT: None
      ABSTAIN: None

      This item will now be forwarded to Council for approval.

    3. Additional parking on south side of Pier Avenue between Sunset Dr. and Loma Dr.

      Mr. Morgan presented the item noting that it included replacing the red curb in front of the former White & Day Mortuary on the south side of Pier Avenue east of Sunset Drive with one metered parking space and one 15-minute green parking space.

      Discussion of the item among the commissioners included the following:

      Could another green parking spot be installed? No - had previously put a green parking space on Sunset but it was removed – can’t put a commercially used spot on a residential street

      MOTION by Commissioner Marinelli to support staff’s recommendation to replace the red curb in front of the former White & Day Mortuary on the south side of Pier Avenue east of Sunset Drive with one metered parking space and one 15-minute green parking space. Commissioner DiVirgilio seconded the motion.

      AYES: Lombardi, Marinelli, DiVirgilio
      NAYS: Beste, Winnek
      ABSENT: None
      ABSTAIN: None

  7. Commissioners' Reports

    No reports.

  8. Public Works Department Reports

    Mr. Morgan noted that 50 yards of concrete had been poured for the Pier renovation.

  9. Items Requested by Commissioners

    No reports.

  10. Other Matters

    No announcements

  11. Public Comment

    Anyone wishing to address the Commission on other items pertaining to Public Works may do so at this time.

    There were no public comments at this time.

  12. Adjournment

    Commissioner Beste adjourned the meeting at 8:32 to the meeting of January 19, 2005.

I hereby certify that the foregoing minutes are a true and complete record of the action taken by the Public Works Commission of Hermosa Beach at the regularly scheduled meeting of December 15, 2004.

Robert Beste, Chairman Richard D. Morgan, P.E., Secretary