City of Hermosa Beach --- 08-08-01

7:00 P.M.



Chairman Koch brought the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m.

1. Roll Call

Present: Commissioners Cheatham, Keegan, Koch, Lombardo and Winnek
Absent: None
Also Present:

  • Harold C. Williams, P.E., Director of Public Works/City Engineer

  • Richard Garland, City Traffic Engineer

  • Michael Flaherty, Public Works Superintendent

  • Rhea Punneo, Administrative Assistant, Public Works Department

  • Sol Blumenfeld, Director of Community Development

  • Bob Goldin, Community Development Project Manager

  • Ken Kim, Assistant Engineer, Public Works Department

2. Flag Salute

Commissioner Keegan led the Pledge Allegiance.

3. Approval of Minutes

Minutes of the June 13, 2001, meeting were approved as written.

4. Public Comments

  • Larry Danlasky came forward requesting that item 6c be discussed before items 6a and 6b.

  • At the same time Chairman Koch noted that Director Blumenfeld of the Community Development Department would like to make his presentation of item 9a earlier as well.

It was agreed that the items would be presented out of order. Items will be shown in agenda order for clarity.

5. Correspondence

a. City Manager Burrell’s report on the potential effects of the repeal of the UUT – made available for the Commissioners’ information.
b. Dr. Dan Rudin’s request for paving on 4th Street between PCH and Ardmore

Dr. Rudin, 677 - 4th Street    came forward and spoke to his request, noting that there have been injury accidents and neighbors have expressed their concerns as well. Wanted to know what they can do to expedite re-paving of his street.

General discussion presented the following points:

  • A review of the infrastructure and Capital Improvement Program projects by sub-committee – looking at all streets and setting priorities, matching with priorities
  • Suggestion that they attend the next meeting to see what determination had been made for their street
  • 4th Street will be examined as will all the streets of the City
  • It was requested that 4th Street be put on the agenda as an item for review at the next Commission meeting.

Lance Lubiano, 534 Gravely Court came forward to ask about letter he’d submitted addressing parking concerns at his residence. He was advised by Mr. Williams that he’d seen the letter and that more time was needed for investigation as this was a unique situation. May be resolved without bringing to the Commission.

Jean Lombardo, Vice Chairman Public Works Commission announced there will be an Afternoon of Youth Fine Arts on Thursday, August 2 at the Hermosa Beach Playhouse.

6. Items for Commission Consideration

a. Presentation of the TyCom Transpacific Fiber Optic Cable Project

Mr. Bob Goldin, Project Manager led the presentation, noting that the City is initiating its own environmental review project in connection with this project. Here to present overview and potential impacts with regard to a fiber optic cable project within the City that will be used for communication – voice, data, internet traffic, etc. Noted that a similar project was being considered in Manhattan Beach – Global West. The reports will go before the Planning Commission and the City Council for final approval. Here tonight to give Commission opportunity to voice concerns early in the project noting there will be a Public Hearing the following evening.

TyCom representatives and Mr. Goldin provided an overview of the project, and a question and answer session followed.

No action is necessary by the Commission at this time.

b. CIP 00-172 -- 21st St. Street Improvements – Valley Drive to Power Street

Mr. Kim made the presentation noting this was a follow-up to the May 2 meeting. The Commission decision at the May meeting was to leave the street as it is, which the designer incorporated into the new plans.

Mr. Williams noted that the new plans maintain the existing width of the roadway while improving the riding surface.

8:35 – Recess
8:49 – Meeting Resumed

The plans for the project were reviewed by the public during the break.
Public Comment included the following:

Larry Heiller -- Mr. Heiller suggested that he could take 3 copies of the plan back to the residents of this area so they would be able to make some embellishments to the plans that will make them happier with the project. He noted there would be a two-week turn around and he would meet with Mr. Kim so that the item could be brought back before the Commission at the August meeting.

Mr. Williams noted that he would be comfortable with that.

Lynne Schubert -- Ms. Schubert noted that she was here at the last meeting. Tonight she read the original petition for the Commissioners highlighting that they wanted the street repaired and re-paved in a way best suited to achieving long-lasting results. She feels the whole street, whole neighborhood needs to be thought about – children, SUVs parked along the street. She recommended sidewalks and curbs. She noted that the appearance of the street affects property values.

Mr. Cogswell, 575 -- 21st Street, north side -- Mr. Cogswell stated he believes that the 2% grade should be continued to the property line; that curbs and sidewalks will push SUVs into the 30’ roadway; and that he likes the plan as it stands now.

Discussion ensued making the following observations:

  • Waiting until the next meeting will not unduly delay the project
  • Possible to have sidewalk, curb and gutter on the north side only

MOTION by Vice Chairman Lombardo to continue the item until the August meeting. Seconded by Commissioner Cheatham.
Ayes: Cheatham, Keegan, Koch, Lombardo, Winnek
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None

c. Warrant Analysis for Pedestrian Signal – Valley Drive at 11th Street

Mr. Garland presented the item, recommending denial of a proposal to install a pedestrian operated signal at Valley Drive and 11th Street.

Mr. Larry Danlasky, 519 - 11th Street , -- stepped forward to comment on the issue reiterating his feelings about the need for a stop signal of some type for this location. He also suggested that the minutes for the proceeding were incorrect, that the speed limit change had not been denied.

Discussion of the item highlighted the following:

  • It was noted that the minutes of the June 13 meeting are correct, the speed limit change was denied.
  • The speed limit on PCH is 30 mph, 35 mph on Valley Drive

MOTION by Commissioner Cheatham to accept Staff’s recommendation to deny the request to install a stop sign at Valley Drive and 11 th Street. Seconded by Commissioner Winnek.
Ayes: Cheatham, Koch, Winnek
Noes: Keegan, Lombardo
Absent: None
Abstain: None

Further discussion noted the following:

  • The request for a stop sign was now ripe for appeal as was the request for reduced speed at the previous meeting
  • The Commission should consider feasibility of the pedestrian activated signal without thinking about the cost

MOTION by Commissioner Winnek to support Staff’s recommendation to deny the request for a pedestrian activated signal at Valley Drive at 11th Street. Seconded by Chairman Koch.
Ayes: Cheatham, Keegan, Koch, Lombardo, Winnek
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None

Additional comments included:

  • That the addition of red curb at the stop sign on 11th St. would encourage drivers to take the corner faster, therefore Staff recommended against the red curb
  • Adding the red curb would eliminate at least 2 parking spaces

d. Sepulveda Boulevard/Pacific Coast Highway Traffic Signal Improvement Project – Revised Striping Plan – Gould Avenue/Artesia Boulevard at Pacific Coast Highway

Mr. Williams presented the item, noting the City had been granted the requested changes.

MOTION by Vice Chairman Lombardo to support the Sepulveda Boulevard/Pacific Coast Highway Traffic Signal Improvement Project. Seconded by Commissioner Winnek.
Ayes: Cheatham, Keegan, Koch, Lombardo, Winnek
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: None

e. Parking restrictions for High-Profile Vehicles near intersections – Proposal to Adopt Ordinance

The item, which proposes the adoption of an ordinance or resolution prohibiting the parking of vehicles 6’ and taller within 100’ of an intersection, was presented by Mr. Garland noting that if the Commission approved in concept, Staff would go forward to Council for approval.

Gordon Harvey, 736 Gould Avenue -- Said he was very pleased with this and sees it as a solution to the problem he’d brought to the Commission previously. He suggested the restriction be enforced 24 hours per day, 7 days per week.

Discussion brought out the following:

  • This appeared to be a reasonable compromise – could also be used at the Valley Drive and 11th Street intersection.
  • This appears to have the specific intent to legislate against specific vehicles and may be short sighted.
  • It appears Hermosa may be a "dumping ground" between the two neighboring cities that enforce their versions of this restriction.
  • The purpose of the restriction is to improve visibility thereby improving the safety of our streets.
  • If adopted, would be applicable citywide but would be posted on a case by case basis.

MOTION by Commissioner Keegan that the Commission support the adoption of a resolution or ordinance restricting the parking of vehicles over 6’ high within 100’ of an intersection. Seconded by Vice Chairman Lombardo.
Ayes: Cheatham, Keegan, Koch, Lombardo
Noes: Winnek
Absent: None
Abstain: None

7. Commissioners’ Reports

  • Newsrack Subcommittee

Commissioner Winnek advised that the subcommittee was waiting for additional information from Staff. Staff and the subcommittee will meet again before the next Commission meeting. Commissioner Cheatham noted he’d like to be sure local papers get adequate space. He also noted that Manhattan Beach has the publications pay for the newsracks; suggested there is space for advertising – perhaps likely location for the adopt-a-storm drain advertising.

  • Five-Year CIP Plan Subcommittee

Commissioner Keegan advised that the subcommittee met on July 2, reviewed the plan, drove the streets up for consideration in fiscal year 2002-03 and advised they will present their suggestions and changes at the August meeting. And met with Harold regarding presentation earlier in the evening.

8. Council Agenda Items

Mr. Williams noted for the Commission that Council had accepted the Bike Path CIP with some minor adjustments.

9. Items Requested by Commissioners

a. Information regarding Redondo Beach’s Heart of the City Plan

Mr. Blumenfeld reported that Redondo has initiated the Environmental Review process – the Scoping Session – the first step in implementing their plan and provided a copy of the report that’s been submitted.

The following items were noted:

  • The Scoping Session was necessary to set the framework for the Environmental Review
  • The Environmental Quality Act required the review of land use, planning, transportation, aesthetics
  • Under land use and planning it is necessary to provide an evaluation equal to Redondo Beach’s since the cities share a border
  • Transportation and Circulation reviewed the impact on Monterey Boulevard
  • Community Develop and Public Works monitor the intersection of Hermosa and Herondo for impact
  • The bike path may be impacted by the project
  • Hermosa Beach has 14,000 residents per square mile – one of the highest in the state
  • Redondo’s plan will have a tremendous impact on the streets and the bike path
  • A draft of the Environmental Review will be available after the Scoping Session and the Planning Commission, the Public Works Commission and residents will all be able to respond to the report.
  • A copy of the schedule for the EIR will be made available to the Commission – will take several months to complete
  • If City’s input ignored, will be possible to lodge a protest or start litigation
  • The Environmental Impact Review process is a means to mitigate problems
  • Traffic impact is regularly reviewed with Mr. Williams and Mr. Garland for technical support

b. Memo regarding requested information regarding the removal of trees at Ardmore Avenue and 2nd Street.

10. Other Matters

11. Public Comment: -- None.


At 9:55 p.m. Chairman Koch adjourned to the next Commission meeting, August 8, 2001.