The meeting was called to order by Commissioner Cannella at 7:00 p.m.

Roll Call

Also Present:Lisa Lynn, Donna Hunter, Akisha Davis
Cannella, Raymond, Rosenfeld, Sigler
Lisa Lynn, Donna Hunter, Akisha Davis

Pledge of Allegiance:

Commissioner Raymond

Approval of August 7, 2007 Minutes

Motion: Commissioner Cannella “To approve as submitted.”

– All Ayes

Public Comment



  1. Letter of Appreciation - Mom’s Club of Hermosa Beach

    Cannella thanked the Mom’s Club group who were at the garage sale on Saturday of Labor Day weekend; Laura Fisher, Amy Mcnaught, Cammie Herbert, Shonna Owen, Whitney Williams, Kristin Litvin, Kelly Collins, Cheryl Kahnamoui, Connie Stainbrook, Deborah Gillies, Karla Ryan, Kelly Winter and Lara Shea and the other members who helped out. $3,000 was raised to renovate the South Park playground. Thank you all.

Matters for Commission Consideration

  1. Kiwanis Tree Lot Fundraiser

    Recommendation: to approve the current request and others thereafter, from the Kiwanis Club of Hermosa Beach for use of Community Center lawn November 14, 2007 through January 4, 2008 and waive Temporary Power Pole permit fee.

    Questions/Discussion from Commission

    Raymond: The lot is an annual tradition in Hermosa Beach that is set up mid-November. Trees begin selling shortly after Thanksgiving. It is a wonderful time and a great community event. Encouraged people to come and support it.

    Lynn: City waives fees.

    Cannella: Event is a lot of fun and if help is needed, the Commission is willing to help out.

    MOTION by Commissioner Raymond to approve the Kiwanis Club current request, and others thereafter, for use of Community Center lawn November 14 through January 4, 2007 and waive Temporary Power Pole permit fee.

    Commissioner Sigler seconded the motion.

    All Ayes

  2. Fort Lots-O-Fun Park Nighttime Closure

    Recommendation: to approve nighttime closure at Fort Lots-O-Fun Park and resultant change of park open hours to 8:00am-9:00pm.

    Mike Flaherty, Public Works Supervisor: He and the Public Works Director, Rick Morgan, encourage support of change in the hours. It is a popular park due to the improvements. The change in hours would:

    • Improve the park security and safety. Public Works and Community Resources staff are available to lock and unlock the park. If the change in hours is approved by Commission and Council, the signs will be changed.
    • Improve maintenance. The park is pesticide-free and therefore takes more maintenance. This park, along with Seaview, are the only dog-free and pesticide-free parks in the city. We are now having problems with dogs in the park which causes increased cleanup issues.

    Would like to see a CIP project to include bathrooms in the future. There are pros and cons to consider on both sides to adding bathrooms. The neighborhood did not want them, so please get the neighborhood’s input on bathrooms. If they are approved, it will take time to design and fund the project.

    Public Works asks that Fort Lots-O-Fun Park be closed 8pm-8am.

    Questions/Discussion from Commission

    Sigler: Even if the park is locked, kids are going to party in there and will hop the fence.

    Flaherty: I increased security lighting. If it is locked up, we can have the police do additional patrols. If it is locked, and we change the signs, it will be a violation if someone jumps the fence and the police can do something. It will cost about $1200 a month for a porta potti which is cheaper than closing it off for a month to clean it up. It would cost twice as much to retrofit the old school building.

    Raymond: I am in favor of changing the hours and I think it is necessary. I think it will do a great service to the neighborhood and will help with maintenance issues. Could you elaborate on the park patrols by City staff?

    Lynn: Both police and recreation staff would patrol and observe. Staff would not be there to enforce but would do a walkthrough, and that tends to change behavior. The signage will also be changed to say that it is a health violation to urinate or defecate in the park. We would like to try this first and if it doesn’t help to alleviate the problem, we can talk about restrooms.

    MOTION by Commissioner Raymond to approve nighttime closure at Fort Lots-O-Fun Park and resultant change of park open hours to 8:00am-9:00pm and to future agendize the same closure for Seaview, at the next meeting.

    Commissioner Rosenfeld seconded.

    All Ayes

  3. 4th and Ardmore Park Area Woman’s Club Request

    Recommendation: Commission review the proposal from the Hermosa Beach Woman’s Club to officially name the park area at 4th and Ardmore "Ardmore Park" and install a sign naming it as such.

    Lynn: Received letter from Dorothy Yost, President of the Woman’s Club, with request to name the parquet at 4th and Ardmore. It does not have a name, just an address. They have requested it be named “Ardmore Park”. They will provide a sign for the City to install.

    MOTION by Commissioner Raymond to accept the proposal from the Hermosa Beach Woman’s Club to officially name the park area at 4th and Ardmore "Ardmore Park" and install a sign naming it as such.

    Commissioner Sigler seconded the motion.

    All Ayes

  4. Commission Subcommittee Assignments

    Recommendation: the Parks, Recreation and Community Resources Advisory Commission update the Subcommittee appointment list to reflect the recent change of Commissioners.

    Lynn: We have two new Parks and Recreation Commissioners and we have some vacancies. A list is attached that shows the filled and vacant positions. We are required to have one liaison at the least and two at the most.

    MOTION to nominate Laura Raymond as Friends of Parks liaison.

    All Ayes.

    Friends of Parks liaisons: Christine Hollander and Laura Raymond.

    MOTION to nominate Laura Raymond as Historical Society liaison.

    All Ayes.

    Historical Society liaisons: Steve Cannella and Laura Raymond.

    MOTION to nominate Christine Hollander and Robert Rosenfeld for the Hermosa Arts Foundation liaisons.

    All Ayes.

    Hermosa Arts Foundation liaisons: Christine Hollander and Robert Rosenfeld.

    MOTION to nominate Robert Rosenfeld for Clark Master Plan liaison.

    All Ayes.

    Clark Master Plan liaisons: Bill Sigler and Robert Rosenfeld

    MOTION to nominate Laura Raymond for the South Park Master Plan Committee liaison and remove Steve Cannella from the South Park Master Plan Committee.

    All Ayes.

    South Park Master Plan liaisons: Christine Hollander and Laura Raymond.

    Surfer's Walk of Fame liaisons: Bill Sigler and Steve Cannella will remain as Surfer's Walk of Fame liaisons.

Staff Report(s)

Lisa Lynn gave the following reports:

  1. July 2007 Activity Report

    July revenue was $17,400 ahead of the previous month in the prior year. This is in part due to film permits. This is the first fiscal month so the revenue is the same for the year.

  2. August 2007 Activity Report

    Due to film permits and a lot of recreation programs in the summer months, we were $43,400 ahead of revenue figures for the prior year and the year to date was $61,600 ahead. That is a fabulous start to the year.

  3. Capital Improvement Schedule

    Lynn: The Capitol Improvement Schedule for fiscal year 2007-2008 is for information purposes and will also help to track progress that is being made in our department. I have included the schedule as it relates to the Community Resources Department and its facilities.

    Raymond: Could you speak about the Competitive Grant?

    Lynn: LA County Supervisor, Don Knabe, offered a grant for very specific facilities and very specified use. We applied to remodel rooms 1 and 2 of the Community Center as a Senior Activity Center. We were awarded the top dollar amount in Hermosa, $100,000. The renovations must occur before December 31, 2008. We are working with an engineer in the design process right now, and hope to begin construction in January 2008.

    Raymond: Is there any public comment in the design phase?

    Lynn: There is. We have some focus groups in the City, Woman’s Club and Garden Club, where we will start. Staff has visited senior facilities in surrounding communities and looked at popular programs. With "form follows function" we want to determine how the facility will be used before we design all the components. One of the regulations of this grant is that the City contribute a dollar amount of matching funds, $10,000, so we have $110,000 for this project.

    Cannella: also on the CIP project list are the two restrooms just outside the gym in the Community Center South Wing.

  4. Upcoming Special Events

    October 12, 7:00pm, Flashlight Trick or Treat for teens and tweens at the Teen Center at South Park. Wear your costume and bring a flashlight. There will be prizes, games, food and fun.

    October 15th, the 15th annual Hermosa Beach Triathlon. Registration begins at 6:00am at the Pier.

    October 20, 11:00am-1:00pm is the 5th Annual Pumpkins in the Park, the 3rd time it will be held at the newly remodeled Fort Lots-Of-Fun.

    November 1, 10:00am-12:00pm, the Senior Flu Clinic held at the Clark Building, 861 Valley Dr. Shots will be available to adults 50 years and older or for persons with illnesses that make them more susceptible to the flu such as asthma and heart disease.

    November 11 is the Veteran’s Memorial annual event at the Community Center, 710 Pier Avenue.

    For information on any of these events, please call the Community Center, 310-318-0280.

Commissioner’s Reports:

Friends of the Parks: Commissioner Raymond: We had a terrific re-opening at Edith Rodaway Friendship Park. There were 100 kids in attendance who received their free Friends of the Parks basketball. Curt Ramus came and shared his thoughts about the importance of public recreation and outdoor space for kids and participated in the grand reopening. It was a great event. Also, at Kay Etow, the Rotary Club hosted the dedication of a tree to Azo Etow whose wife the park is named after. The park has received a lot of nice upgrades with help from the Rotary Club, Friends of Parks, the Garden Club and City staff. Don’t miss Pumpkins in the Park, October 20.

South Park Master Plan Committee: Commissioner Raymond: A meeting is scheduled for October 15, 6:30pm, room 4 at the Community Center.

Historical Society: Commissioner Cannella: We are in the middle of a business and residential membership drive. The Historical Society maintains our museum. If you become a member, your name will be put on the Wall of Fame for the Centennial year. Businesses receive plaques and name recognition in the local papers. The museum is located at 710 Pier Avenue, back by the tennis courts. One of the reasons for the membership drive is so that we can increase hours to keep it open for at least 8 hours on Saturday and Sunday. The website is Hours are Saturday and Sunday from 2:00pm-4:00pm.

Centennial Committee: Commissioner Raymond: Hermosa Beach had another big Centennial weekend. Saturday, at the Community Center, the Centennial Dinner was well attended and very well received. To everyone who participated in putting the event on, thank you on behalf of the community. On Sunday we had another terrific event on Pier Plaza, the Taste of Hermosa. It was a great opportunity for kids, parents, and everyone to experience the Plaza on a beautiful Sunday afternoon. There was great music and tastes available from a number of our local restaurants, craft activities for the kids to participate in, as well as the unveiling of the Centennial mural. Thank you to the Community Center staff for putting the event on and for everyone who attended. It was a great piece of the Centennial.

Cannella: I attended and Lisa Lynn and her staff did a great job. The City really appreciates it.

Items Requested by Commissioners

Raymond: Requested a monthly update of the Capital Improvement projects as part of the regular standing agenda. It is important to keep track of these, especially the Grant project for the Senior Activity Center.

Lynn: It will be added to future agendas.

MOTION by Raymond: to have the formation of a Fort Lots-O-Fun sub-committee added to the next agenda.

Sigler Seconded.

All Ayes

Other Matters


Public Comment:


Motion:“To Adjourn at 8:05 p.m.”

Hollander/Sigler – All Ayes