Public Works Commission Minutes November 20, 2002

7:00 P.M.


The meeting was called to order at 7:02 p.m.

  1. Roll Call

    Present: Commissioners Winnek, Howell, Beste, Lombardo.

    Also Present: Harold Williams, Director of Public Works/City Engineer
    Michael Flaherty, Public Works Superintendent
    Ray Abassi, P.E., City Traffic Engineer
    Rhea Punneo, Administrative Assistant, Public Works Department
    Tristan Malabanan, Assistant Engineer

  2. Flag Salute

    Mr. Winnek led the flag salute.

  3. Approval of Minutes

    Motion by Commissioner Lombardo to approve the minutes of the October 16, 2002 meeting as written:

    Ayes: Lombardo, Howell, Winnek
    Noes: None
    Abstain: Beste
    Absent: Cheatham

    1. The previous commission voted for Mr. Cheatham to succeed Mr. Winnek as chairman and for Ms. Lombardo to succeed Mr. Cheatham as vice-chairman. Ms. Lombardo introduced a new commissioner, Robert Beste, and welcomed him to the commission.
  4. Public Comments


  5. Correspondence

    Mr. Williams directed the commission's attention to a petition from residents of 9th Street requesting that speed bumps and warning signs be installed on the 1200 block of 9th Street.

    MOTION by Mr. Winnek to receive and file the petition and refer it to staff for further review; seconded by Mr. Beste.

    Ayes: Beste, Howell, Lombardo, Winnek
    Noes: None
    Abstain: None
    Absent: Cheatham

  6. Items for Commission Consideration

    1. Project No. CIP 00-410 Loma Area Sewer Improvements & Project No. CIP 00-192 Loma Area Street Improvements (PDF file) Mr. Williams and Assistant Engineer Tristan Malabanan presented this report. Mr. Williams indicated that we have listened to residents' concerns and they've been incorporated into the plans. No parking has been lost. It was recommended that the commission receive and file the report

      MOTION by Mr. Howell to receive and file the report. Seconded by Mr. Beste.

      Ayes: Beste, Howell, Lombardo, Winnek
      Noes: None
      Abstain: None
      Absent: Cheatham

    2. Request for stop signs at the intersections of Manhattan @ 4th St. and Monterey @ 4th St. (PDF file)

      Review and discussion among the commissioners, Mr. Williams, and Mr. Abassi highlighted the following:

      • Further study of pedestrian counts and delay of vehicles would be appropriate.
      • The possibilities of physical improvements or engineering modifications instead of adding stop signs were suggested.
      • The two intersections in question are the only two in the area not currently all-way stops, and some motorists might incorrectly assume that all traffic must stop and therefore be less cautious.
      • In general, it is a good practice to have supplemental signs indicating that a stop is all-way, although this is not strictly required.

      MOTION by Mr. Howell to conduct a warrant analysis for the two intersections in question. Seconded by Mr. Beste.

      Ayes: Beste, Howell, Lombardo, Winnek
      Noes: None
      Abstain: None
      Absent: Cheatham

      MOTION by Mr. Winnek that staff's implementation of signs indicating 2-way or 4-way stops along Manhattan Ave. and Monterey Ave. be extended to the entire City. Seconded by Ms. Lombardo

      Ayes: Beste, Howell, Lombardo, Winnek
      Noes: None
      Abstain: None
      Absent: Cheatham

    3. Request For Additional Parking Space On The Southwest Corner Of Hermosa Avenue At 13th Street (PDF file)

      MOTION by Mr. Beste to follow staff's recommendation and reduce the length of the red curb by approximately twenty feet to allow for an additional parking space. Seconded by Mr. Howell.

      Ayes: Beste, Howell, Lombardo, Winnek
      Noes: None
      Abstain: None
      Absent: Cheatham

  7. Commissioners' Reports

    Tree Subcommittee

    Mr. Howell announced that he was resigning due to a job relocation. Mr. Howell mentioned that the carrot wood tree is on the approved tree list, and these trees are already doing damage to sidewalks. While drought resistant, these trees have strong lateral roots, which undermine pavement; accordingly Mr. Howell recommends removing the carrotwood tree from the approved list.

    Ms. Lombardo appointed herself to succeed Mr. Howell on the tree subcommittee.

  8. Council Agendas/Minutes - October/November

    1. Monthly Activity Report - September (PDF file)

    2. Project Status Reports - September (PDF file)

    These items are presented for information purposes only.

  9. Items Requested by Commissioners

    Mr. Beste raised the issue of speed bumps causing delay or damage to emergency vehicles such as fire trucks. Mr. Williams indicated that staff has prepared a draft policy to present to the City Council on December 10. Mr. Williams can provide an advance copy of the draft to the commissioners if they wish. In general, Mr. Williams believes that speed bumps should be limited to local streets and not placed on collector streets.

  10. Other Matters

    Mr. Winnek thanked the City Council for his reappointment.

  11. Public Comment


  12. Adjournment

    The meeting was adjourned at 7:43pm. The next meeting will be on December 18, 2002 in Council Chambers.