Public Works Commission Minutes June 18, 2003

7:00 P.M.


The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m.

  1. Roll Call

    Present: Commissioners Applebaum, Beste and Cheatham

    Also Present: Richard Morgan, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Michael Flaherty, Public Works Superintendent Rhea Punneo, Administrative Assistant, Public Works Department

    Absent: Commissioners Lombardo and Winnek

  2. Flag Salute

    Commissioner Cheatham led the flag salute.

  3. Approval of Minutes

    The minutes of the May 28, 2003 meeting were approved as presented.

  4. Public Comments


  5. Correspondence

    Letter from seven residents of 5th Street requesting that they be able to expand the focus of the upcoming street improvement project so that it encompasses more than repaving, overlaying or otherwise repairing the street surface.

    Mr. Morgan commented that it appears that the residents' concerns pertain to speeding and commercial truck traffic.

    Commissioner Cheatham noted that the concerns appear to represent an expectation on behalf of the residents for traffic mitigation options to be addressed, as well as a concern with a lack of public notification throughout the planning process. He added that as a matter of record, both the Planning Commission and the City Council have been having public discussion regarding this project for the past two years. Customarily, as the actual work date for a public works project begins to near, resident discussion takes place and changes to the plan are often made. Commissioner Cheatham also mentioned that the development of the plan by staff is not presented as a single-option, or as an attempt to railroad the publics' participation in the process. Instead, the presentation of the project plan is designed to generate feedback from the public.

    Commissioner Beste commented that it is appropriate to have staff design the project and have the public comments and resident concerns incorporated to fine tune the plans as appropriate.

    For example, Commissioner Cheatham noted that the 21st Street project plan was also near 85% completion when a lot of changes to the plan were incorporated as a result of presentation at the Public Works Commission meeting.

  6. Items for Commission Consideration

    1. Traffic Concerns on 5th Street (PDF File)

      Mr. Morgan presented a copy of a memo dated June 11, 2003 to the Chief of Police requesting additional police enforcement on 5th Street. He also presented the results of the Speed Survey taken on 5th Street between June 5 and June 7, 2003 (6a Supplemental Information).

      Commissioner Cheatham requested that the Supplemental Information be made available for the public on the city's website as a PDF file and as an attachment to the Minutes.

      Commissioner Beste inquired as to whether there is a delivery truck issue on PCH, to which staff answered no. He also inquired as to whether or not the City enforces red zone restrictions.

      Commissioner Cheatham commented that it appears the commission has done all that it can pertaining to this issue at the moment.

    2. Proposed New Standards for Trench Restoration (PDF File)

      Mr. Morgan presented the item to develop New Standards for Trench Restoration based on the piecemeal approach that has been used on the recent public works projects. Mr. Morgan noted that a single sack of sand per cubic yard provides a firm base and good density, when dealing with the settlement problems associated with the gas company's utility trenches. The development of the new standards will contain a combination of slurry and double cut edges.

      MOTION by Commissioner Cheatham to implement Staff recommendation to develop New Standards for Trench Restoration to be taken to the City Council for approval. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Beste.

      Ayes: Applebaum, Beste and Cheatham
      Nays: None
      Abstain: None
      Absent: None

      Motion passed.

    3. Traffic Calming Measures on Gould Avenue between Valley Drive and Sepulveda Boulevard (PDF File)

      Mr. Morgan presented the item including the discussion of the Vehicle Surveys taken on Gould Avenue the weekends of September 20-22, 2002 and June 13-15, 2003 (6c Supplemental Information).

      Discussion of the item highlighted the following:

      • Caltrans ran through a worst-case scenario noting that proposed traffic calming measures would result in changing the current peak time level rating from a level D to a level F.
      • Average motorist speed recorded was 31 m.p.h.
      • Maximum motorist speed recorded was 58 m.p.h.
      • Hermosa Beach Police Department is currently citing motorists for driving over 35 m.p.h.
      • Retail businesses could be adversely effected from changing the street from 2 to 1 lanes
      • Optional lane does not eliminate merge on other side
      • Perhaps shortening the merge lane approximately 200 feet would ease the problem
      • Caltrans can possibly reduce the delay time at red signal during non-peak hours, approximately 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. It is currently a 2 ½ minute wait at the red signal
      • More police presence/enforcement could help to bring average speed down
      • Gould Avenue is functioning as a major collector street with a volume of 13,000 cars per day
      • Signage at Aviation is still under consideration

      Brian Herzberger, Gould Avenue

      Mr. Herzberger thanked the commission for their efforts to slow down the speeding motorists on Gould Avenue. He noted that the radar displays only slow down motorists for a couple of days. He also commented that a motorcycle officer was busy an entire day, as he observed motorists being cited, stating that perhaps a more elevated police presence could effect change. In response to the recent survey, he said that the issue of the high volume of vehicles was significant. In response to a suggestion to consider reinforced block walls to also help bring down the noise variance, he stated that the sound abatement measure would take away the view from the house. He also stated that because Gould was defined as a collector vs. a residential street, it required more help and attention to address its issues from the Commission and the City Council.

      Commissioner Beste said that he would like to see a phased approach implemented on this issue, noting that shielding measures and shortening of the merge lane distance could produce results. He would also like to see the results gained from striping and additional police enforcement.

      Commissioner Applebaum said that he would also like to continue additional police enforcement and measure the results on volume and speed and possibly consider electronic enforcement options.

      Mr. Morgan noted that there are significant legal issues with electronic video enforcement.

      Commissioner Beste noted that electronic enforcement of red light violations is being enforced in Los Angeles, yet electronic enforcement of speed is an issue being tested.

      Commissioner Cheatham agrees that the phase approach is appropriate and that he is supportive of police enforcement of motorists traveling at 35 m.p.h.

      Mr. Morgan stated that perhaps more striping, delineators, and enforcement would help. In the future it may be possible to change the posted speed to 30 m.p.h.

      Recommendations and comments provided to staff for direction.

  7. Commissioners' Reports

    Commissioners Lombardo and Winnek were not available to update the Commission on the progress of the Gateway Subcommittee.

    Commissioner Cheatham asked for an update on the newsracks.

    Mr. Morgan recommended that a phased in approach be used to adopt the modular units, similar to those used by the City of Manhattan Beach. The K-jack units are the ones that last the longest, and they could be implemented for use in four primary areas of the City adjacent to commercial businesses.

    Mr. Morgan will set up a meeting with the Newsrack Subcommittee (Commissioners Cheatham and Winnek) and Mr. Neil Miller from the City of Manhattan Beach to discuss possible approaches, maintenance, etc.

  8. Council Agendas/Minutes - 5/13/03, 5/27/03 and 5/29/03 minutes, 6/10/03 agenda

    All received and filed.

  9. Items Requested by Commissioners

    Commissioner Beste asked for information about SCE Rule No. 20A as it applied to Hermosa Beach. Mr. Morgan advised that funds were not available to the City at this time.

    Commissioner Applebaum thanked staff for following through on preventing contractors from taking up overnight parking spaces with large equipment.

  10. Other Matters

    Commissioner Cheatham asked if staff had investigated the trip hazard complaint made regarding 2040 Hillcrest. Mr. Morgan said that it was grounded yesterday and it would be newly paved on 6/19/03.

  11. Public Comments


  12. Adjournment

    At 8:34 p.m. Chairman Cheatham adjourned until the next meeting on July 16, 2003.