Public Works Commission Agenda May 28, 2003

7:00 P.M.


The meeting was called to order at 7:03 p.m.

  1. Roll Call

    Present: Commissioners Applebaum, Beste, Cheatham, Lombardo, Winnek

    Also Present: Richard Morgan, Director of Public Works/City Engineer
    Michael Flaherty, Public Works Superintendent
    Carlos Carreon, DMR Team, Inc.
    Rhea Punneo, Administrative Assistant, Public Works Department

  2. Flag Salute

    Commissioner Applebaum led the flag salute.

  3. Approval of Minutes

    The minutes of the April 16, 2003 meeting were approved as amended.

  4. Public Comments


  5. Correspondence


  6. Items for Commission Consideration

    1. Traffic Calming Measures On Gould Avenue Between Valley Drive And Sepulveda Boulevard (PDF File).

      Mr. Morgan presented the item noting that the traffic counts have been submitted to Caltrans and final recommendation is pending that agency's analysis.

      Commissioner Lombardo noted that additional signage might improve the situation.

      Mr. Morgan stated that additional directional signage identifying the Hermosa Beach Pier Plaza is a possibility. Additionally, the City of Redondo Beach will be contacted for follow-up regarding appropriate signage from that city. He also noted that other possibilities include changing the street from 2 lanes to 1, on both the westbound and eastbound directions and adding some kind of gateway or median space.

      Discussion of the item highlighted the following:

      • Similar signage for the Grove in Los Angeles, notifies drivers on the right hand side of a pending left turn within one block of the destination.
      • Signage could welcome drivers to Hermosa Beach informing them to slow down as they enter the city limits.
      • All of the ramifications of changing the street from 2 lanes to 1 lane must be investigated before any changes are implemented.

      Commissioner Cheatham tabled the issue to a subsequent meeting to be determined and requested that the item be added to the Action Item list.

    2. Review of trash enclosure situation presented by Planning Commissioner Tucker (PDF File).

      Mr. Flaherty presented the item noting that the problem is more prevalent during the summer and on holidays. Staff recommendations included: adding roofs, establishing direct slow-flow floor drainage into the sewer system and the installation of additional structures. Commission needs to reassess whether the City should consider public trash enclosures in addition to the private business enclosures.

      Mr. Morgan stated that the roofs and drains are a good solution. Staff is still looking for user-friendly trash compactors to contain odors, grease, etc., due to higher volume of trash.

      Discussion of the item highlighted the following:

      • Discussion of compactors has taken place for years; however, there is a fear of injury to lay persons in addition to vandalism issues.
      • Encouraging more recycling would be helpful, however, additional space would be needed for businesses to improve recycling measures.
      • The City and/or businesses must effectively handle the additional costs associated with the recycling options.
      • Can additional assessments be made to private business owners?
      • Could appropriate assessments be made for public use?
      • Possible options include adding more receptacles and signage.

      MOTION by Commissioner Lombardo to make this issue an action item for a future meeting with options and recommendations to be presented by staff. Seconded by Commissioner Cheatham.

      Ayes: Applebaum, Beste, Cheatham, Lombardo, Winnek
      Nays: None
      Abstain: None
      Absent: None

      Motion passed.

    3. Project No. CIP 02-185 5th St. Street Improvements - 5th St. from Ardmore Ave. to Prospect Ave. (PDF File).

      Mr. Morgan presented the item noting that that all affected residents have been notified. He presented a summary of the capital improvement project including, the intent to replace curbs, sidewalk areas and driveways with an asphalt overlay over the concrete on 5th Street between Ardmore Avenue and Prospect Avenue.

      Mr. Carreon of DMR Team, Inc., presented the details of the work to be completed and the estimated timeline for the project. Work on this project will include: building new curbs and gutters, restructuring utility manholes, building wheelchair ramps and repairing basic street improvements as necessary.

      Mr. Carreon explained that working with concrete is problematic and costly. Grinding and establishing a clean edge is extremely difficult.

      Mr. Morgan explained the concept of an affordable approach that entails saw-cutting the exiting concrete curb. He further explained that the City might want to investigate establishing an 8-10 year plan of how the City intends to handle the issues with our concrete streets, noting that a consistent approach should be adopted.

      Discussion highlighted the following:

      • It is problematic and costly when working with concrete.
      • We will work with businesses to minimize impacts of the project.
      • Only the driveways affected by large-scale capital improvement projects are financed by the City for replacement and/or repair for the public benefit.
      • There are not any noticeable street failures along the stretch of this project.
      • Estimated duration of the project is three months.
      • Efforts will be made to minimize the out of use time of driveways for residents.
      • Roadways require approximately 5 days to cure.
      • Parking on streets after 5:00 p.m. will be available throughout duration of project.
      • Asphalt overlay approach is a reasonable economic approach for repair.
      • Hidden costs associated with utilities are possible.
      • Only 15% of the driveways are sub-standard, and the majority of them are commercial.
      • Currently, we do not know of any pending major utility projects.
      • Staff will look up previous sub-committee report presented to the City Council on recommendations of infrastructure standards.
      Mel Leshowicz, 1022 5th Street

      Mr. Leshowicz stated that he was happy about the 5th Street repairs. However, he noted that other issues would need to be addressed on 5th Street, before the project is underway. Issues include: the excessive speeds used by motorists, traffic congestion, the commercial trucks that service the 7-11 store, blocking the traffic lane.

      Jan Norris, 931 5th Street

      Ms. Norris agreed with the previous speaker, adding that the 7-11 traffic is problematic and that the bumpy concrete actually slows down the motorists.

      Roy Webb, 5th Street

      Mr. Webb noted that most of the homes between PCH and Prospect are new; therefore, the driveways are suitable. He also stated that there are three places on 5th Street that require repair and that much of the damage is due to overloaded commercial vehicles. He also said that the work done previously on 3rd Street is a mess.

      Commissioner Cheatham noted that the work done on 3rd Street was a slurry seal, not a repaving project.

      Greg Surowski, 837 5th Street

      Mr. Surowski asked the Commission for the motivation behind this project, thanking the Commission for the detailed explanation this evening and noting that he was sorry to see the concrete streets go.

      Commissioner Cheatham explained that 5th Street is one of the capital improvement projects on the list recommended by a pavement management study conducted every 5 years.

      Bob Thornton, 1034 5th Street

      Mr. Thornton wanted to clarify that there is not an expense or assessment to homeowners for this capital improvement project and that the issue pertaining to the driveways is really an apron vs. driveway repair.

      Commissioner Lombardo requested that staff investigate the issue of commercial traffic on 5th Street, adding that safety and traffic issues should be addressed on a future agenda.

      Mr. Morgan suggested that additional signage for non-commercial traffic on residential streets might be in order.

      Commissioner Winnek mentioned that the Department of Public Works might need to notify the police department to monitor commercial traffic violations on residential streets. He also suggested that staff contemplate notification/reminders to local businesses of commercial restrictions. Mr. Winnek also questioned the November start date of the project, as contractors' equipment may take up much needed space over the holiday season.

      Commissioner Beste asked if an earlier start date for this project could be considered.

      Commissioner Applebaum stated that another traffic flow study might be in order for this area.

      Commissioner Cheatham stated that the traffic concerns raised this evening are separate from the item under consideration. Proper public notice will be given to address the traffic concerns at a future meeting. Staff was given the go ahead to proceed with this affordable and robust project after receiving public comments.

      MOTION by Commissioner Winnek to address the issues presented by the public this evening regarding traffic concerns on 5th Street, including, excessive speeds and commercial problems at a future meeting with additional issues, options and recommendations to be presented by staff. Seconded by Commissioner Lombardo.

      Ayes: Applebaum, Beste, Cheatham, Lombardo, Winnek
      Nays: None
      Abstain: None
      Absent: None

      Motion passed.

  7. Commissioners' Reports

    Commissioner Cheatham asked about the status of the newsracks and was advised that the matter is pending on the City Manager's desk.

    Gateway Subcommittee

    The subcommittee has the task to generate positive ideas for a gateway entrance to the City at PCH & Pier Avenue. Commissioners Winnek and Lombardo presented some options regarding a water feature/fountain with a surfer statue, a wall at the bank with the City of Hermosa Beach carved in it, or a possible lifeguard station or volleyball player statue. The cost for the wall is minimal; the cost of the statue will depend upon the material, design, etc. Residents could possibly raise funds for this project. A more extensive progress report will be presented at the next meeting.

  8. Council Agendas/Minutes -4/8/03, 4/22/03 minutes, 5/13/03 agenda

    1. Monthly Activity Reports - March (PDF File), April (PDF File)

    2. Project Status Reports - March (PDF File), April (PDF File)

    All received and filed.

  9. Items Requested by Commissioners


  10. Other Matters

    Commissioner Applebaum stated that residents have complained about parking issues regarding the Loma project.

    Commissioner Cheatham asked if staff had received many complaints regarding Loma.

    Mr. Morgan explained that the first phase of the Loma project has been difficult and that he has spent a great deal of time on the telephone with residents. However, the issues are getting better and the project is making great progress, pushing for August completion. Parking ticket complaints for residents are being addressed.

    Mr. Flaherty noted that railroad tracks had been discovered and the historical society had been notified.

    Mr. Morgan will investigate a complaint that was made regarding a trip hazard at 2040 Hillcrest.

    Commissioner Cheatham announced that Mr. Morgan had been appointed as the new Director of Public Works.

    Commissioner Cheatham noted that a budget workshop would be held the following evening regarding the preliminary City budget for FY 03-04. At least five street projects are being moved to next year totaling $737,000. Approximately $1.1 million in projects are being delayed from 2003-04 to 2004-05.

    Commissioner Winnek asked staff if the restrooms and water fountains are working for the upcoming summer.

    Mr. Flaherty explained that repairs were necessary at 2nd Street over the weekend and toilets were blown up at 14th Street. However, weekly inspections and communication with the county is ongoing.

    Commissioner Winnek also asked for an update on the Pier Avenue plan regarding traffic signals. Mr. Flaherty is following up with the Chief of Police.

  11. Public Comments

    Brian Herzberger, Gould Avenue

    Mr. Herzberger reminded the Commission that elevated motorist speeds are still a danger for local residents. Referring to a traffic study from last September, he stated that over 90% of the motorists are travelling at 40-45 mph, while pedestrians are present. He also stated that a second petition is being circulated to implement better traffic control measures. In addition, he noted that it appeared to him that Commissioner Winnek was more sympathetic to the traffic concerns raised on 5th Street, than those previously raised on Gould Avenue.

    Commissioner Winnek assured Mr. Herzberger that he has the same concern for all traffic issues.

    Pete Tucker, 235 24th Street

    Mr. Tucker requested that the minutes for the April 16th meeting be corrected to reflect that he thinks it is a golden opportunity for the City of Hermosa Beach to take over the issue regarding the Aviation project, not a golden opportunity for the county.

    Chairman Cheatham assured him it would be amended appropriately.

  12. Adjournment

    At 9:10 p.m. Chairman Cheatham adjourned to the June 18, 2003 meeting.