City of Hermosa Beach --- 10-10-01




It is recommended that the Commission review the attached plans and support the preliminary design for Non-CIP Project No. 005-01 Corona Street and Prospect Avenue Street Improvements – Street Barrier.


Staff requests that the Public Works Commission review the attached preliminary plans and recommend that Council approve the plans for advertising for bid.

Once the preliminary plans are supported by the Commission, Staff anticipates the completed specifications and plans will be ready for Council approval at the first meeting in November 2001.


On May 2, 2001, the preliminary design went before the Public Works Commission for review and support. At the meeting, Ms. Patricia Scelza of 1415 Corona suggested that Staff look into installing a curb ramp and crosswalk at the proposed sidewalk. Additionally, she commented that there might not be enough distance to back a car out of her driveway if the proposed sidewalk was installed. The Commission recommended that Staff come back with the item after reviewing the resident’s concerns.

On July 26, 2001, Ms. Patricia Scelza submitted a letter requesting that the corner of Corona Street and Prospect Avenue be vacated, suggesting that this would benefit the City by reducing maintenance costs and eliminating future safety concerns in this area.


The requested curb ramp and crosswalk at the mid-block of Prospect Avenue are not recommended because various studies show that such crosswalks result in an increase in pedestrian-related accidents. When a crosswalk is in place, pedestrians tend to behave less cautiously as they proceed into the street. They step into the travel lanes with the mistaken impression that the painted crosswalk will protect them from oncoming traffic, which is not the case. The crosswalks create a false sense of security for pedestrians and the risk increases for pedestrian-related accidents. With regard to the backing distance, even with the constructed sidewalk, there would be adequate distance to back out of the driveway.

After reviewing the possibility of vacating the area at the corner of Prospect Street and Corona Avenue, Staff recommends that the street not be vacated since there would be no benefit to the City.

The proposed work consists of removal of the temporary barricade, asphaltic-concrete (AC) pavement, and sidewalk, and construction of irrigation lines, sidewalk, curb and gutter, AC pavement, and planting of the turf area. The newly constructed sidewalk will join the existing sidewalk along Prospect Avenue and serve as a permanent barricade.

The preliminary design plans are attached for review and comment.

Fiscal Impact:    No fiscal impact at this time.

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