Planning Commission Minutes January 21, 2003


The meeting was called to order by Chairman Pizer at 7:05 P.M.

Commissioner Kersenboom led the Pledge of Allegiance.


Present: Commissioners Hoffman, Kersenboom, Perrotti, Tucker, and Chairman Pizer
Absent: None
Also Present: Sol Blumenfeld, Community Development Director Denise Bothe, Recording Secretary




MOTION by Commissioner Tucker, seconded by Commissioner Perrotti, to APPROVE the December 4, 2002 Minutes as submitted. The motion carried as follows:

AYES: Hoffman, Kersenboom, Perrotti, Tucker
NOES: None

MOTION by Commissioner Perrotti, seconded by Commissioner Kersenboom, to APPROVE Resolution P.C. 02-53 (PDF File), approving a Conditional Use Permit, Precise Development Plan, and Vesting Tentative Parcel Map No. 26957 for a two-unit condominium project at 1042 7th Street; and Resolution P.C. 02-54 (PDF File), approving a Conditional Use Permit, Precise Development Plan, and Vesting Tentative Parcel Map No. 26814 for a two-unit condominium project at 538-540 Manhattan Avenue. The motion to approve carried as follows:

AYES: Hoffman, Kersenboom, Perrotti, Pizer, Tucker
NOES: None

Public Hearings

  1. PDP 02-8/PARK 02-6 (PDF File) -- Precise Development Plan and Variance for a 4,500 square foot expansion of an existing office building by the addition of a third floor, and Parking Plan to permit five tandem parking spaces, and adoption of an Environmental Negative Declaration at 824 1st Street, and adoption of an Environmental Negative Declaration (continued from September 17, October 15, and November 19, 2002 meetings).

    Staff Recommended Action: To continue to March 18, 2003 meeting.

    Director Blumenfeld advised that the applicant is attempting to resolve the property sale with the adjacent property owner and that the applicant is requesting that the matter be continued to the March meeting.

    It was the consensus of the Planning Commission that a new public hearing notice be sent for the March meeting.

    Chairman Pizer opened the public hearing.

    Cynthia Furnberg, 912 2nd Street, stated that this is the 4th time this matter has been agendized; noted that she has been advised that Southern California Water Company is not interested in selling its property to the applicant, that the water company is only interested in leasing it for emergency access; and she urged the Planning Commission to deny this request. She commented on her continual contact with the neighbors in the immediate area and reiterated their opposition to the request.

    David Tomblin, Tomblin & Associates, 824 1st Street, stated that the applicant is in continued negotiations with Southern California Water Company for its property; commented on the need for additional time to negotiate this deal due to the down time during the holiday season; and stated that he is not opposed to re-noticing the hearing for the March meeting.

    There being no further input, Chairman Pizer closed the public hearing.

    MOTION by Commissioner Perrotti, seconded by Vice-Chairman Hoffman, to APPROVE the applicant's request to continue this hearing to March 18, 2003; and moved that the hearing for the March meeting be re-noticed. The motion carried as follows:

    AYES: Hoffman, Kersenboom, Perrotti, Pizer, Tucker
    NOES: None
    ABSTAIN: None
    ABSENT: None

    Commissioner Tucker requested that another orange public hearing sign be posted on site; and that for noticing purposes, staff utilize the email list that Ms. Furnberg uses to communicate with the concerned residents in this neighborhood.

  2. PDP 02-17/CUP 02-9 (PDF File) -- Precise Development Plan and Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction of a one-story 13,200 square foot commercial building for a drugstore, including a drive-through lane for purchase and pick-up of pharmacy products, and adoption of an Environmental Negative Declaration at 155 and 159 Pacific Coast Highway, Sav-on Drugs (continued from November 19 and December 4, 2002 meetings).

    Staff Recommended Action: To approve said request.

    Director Blumenfeld advised that the applicant has prepared and submitted revised plans which reflect some of the recommendations made by the Planning Commission; and with regard to driveway access on Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) versus access off 1st Place and 2nd Street, he explained that Caltrans is not in agreement with access off PCH due to concerns of safety and traffic flow. He highlighted the following modifications to the recommendations: for screening purposes and issues of noise mitigation, an 8' high wall along the westerly property line and around the truck loading areas, with a minimum 6' high as measured from the project site finished grade, will be required; that the applicant will be required to post signage for parking to serve customers and employees only and to secure the parking lot after business hours; that the monument sign will be limited 10 feet high; that product identification signing will be limited on 1st Place and 2nd Street to the business name only; that "Keep Clear" warnings will be painted on the street at the driveway to 1st Place and 2nd Street; and suggested that in order to prohibit turning movements westbound, a "No Right Turn" sign from the 1st Place driveway and a "No Left Turn" sign from the 2nd Street driveway will be posted. He highlighted the recommendations from the Public Works Department for off-site improvements as follows:

    1) On-site permeable surfaces are recommended; 2) All on-site drainage will be directed to 1st Place and 2nd Street, not to the highway, and that there will be a filtering system to comply with the City's NPDES requirements; 3) Landscaping shall use NPDES best management practices as required; 4) Downspouts leading to driveways or landscaping areas on site are recommended; 5) Driveway location on 2nd Street should be relocated 20 feet west of the proposed location; 6) Trash enclosures must have a roof, fence or screen; 7) Left-turn signals northbound at PCH and 2nd Street may be required by Caltrans; 8) Gutter at 1st Place must be repaired; 9) Pavement resurfacing on 1st Place is required from property line to property line to the center of the street; 10) New handicapped ramps are required at 1st Place and PCH; 11) New curbs and gutters are required at 1st Place and 2nd Street from property line to property line; 12) New sidewalks within the property line at 1st Place and 2nd Street and PCH are required from property line to property line; 13) All utilities must be under-grounded; and 14) Driveways must be constructed per APWA standards.

    Responding to Commissioner Perrotti's inquiry concerning communications with Caltrans, Director Blumenfeld explained that Caltrans is leaning toward rejecting the driveways on PCH; that Caltrans officials had indicated to him that it did not look favorably upon having driveway access on PCH because they felt it would create a more hazardous condition and tended to impede the flow of traffic along the highway; and that they indicated this prohibition is a situation that Caltrans is trying to encourage on a regional basis, not just Hermosa Beach. He added that Caltrans stated that they would not make that recommendation for approval, but that if a local jurisdiction required it, they would consider the proposal, but that they would not feel obliged to approve the request of the local jurisdiction.

    Chairman Pizer opened the public hearing.

    Erwin Bucy, Regency Centers, 555 South Flower Street, Suite 3500, Los Angeles, stated that the architecture has been enhanced by adding roof tile and tower elements to address the concerns previously relayed by the Planning Commission; noted that the landscaping had been increased; and advised that in his communications with Caltrans with regard to the feasibility of a curb cut on PCH, he indicated that Caltrans believes that proposal would create a safety hazard and that it would impede the flow of traffic. Mr. Bucy stated that the proposed signage is 20 percent below what is permitted by Code - pointing out that they are proposing approximately 295 square feet of signage as compared to the 378 square feet that is permitted. He requested that the applicant be permitted to place non-illuminated, secondary signage on the 1st Place and 2nd Street elevations; and explained the importance of displaying the brand and product identity for Sav-on to show what different services they offer. He requested that the wall near the rear elevation measure 94 inches; and that as you get closer to the 2nd Street elevation, they would propose increasing the height to 14 feet. He noted that landscaping will also be placed near the rear elevation wall.

    J.R. Pagano, District Sales Manager for Sav-on Drugs, advised that Sav-on utilizes the services of a private security company that visits its store locations during the evenings to ensure that no one is unlawfully on the lot after closing hours; and added that in-house security is also used to make routine visits to the stores throughout the evenings to ensure that no one is loitering around the stores after closing hours. He added that the hours for security patrols are routinely altered; stated that patrols visit each store approximately every 3 hours; and that the security personnel are in contact with the area police departments. Mr. Pagano stated that they do tow cars that are improperly using the parking lot.

    Mr. Bucy suggested that if there is a recurring problem with after-hours parking, as determined by the Community Development Director, Sav-on would agree to address that issue to the satisfaction of the department director.

    Eric Hull, Tate & Associates, project architect, highlighted the revisions to the elevations; stated that this building was custom designed for this site; and explained that the revised site plans do reflect that the driveway on 2nd Street has been shifted approximately 20 feet to the west. Mr. Hull stated that the project traffic engineer had also concluded that a driveway on PCH would not be a safe alternative.

    Responding to Commissioner Tucker's inquiry regarding parking lot lighting, Mr. Hull stated that they have not conducted any photometric layouts for the parking lot lighting; and noted that the applicant will dim the lights after hours and shield the lights so that the glare does not negatively impact the neighbors.

    Mr. Hull noted for Commissioner Tucker that the monument sign has been redesigned with an opening in the middle of the sign to address any line of sight concerns.

    Mr. Bucy suggested moving the monument sign further south of the planter area and to enhance the landscaping in front of the monument sign.

    Mr. Hull noted for Chairman Pizer that the shrubbery along PCH will be continuous and that it will be maintained at a minimum 3 feet in height.

    Vice-Chairman Hoffman expressed his belief that the secondary signage on the side elevations is not necessary.

    In response to Vice-Chairman Hoffman's comment, Mr. Bucy noted the importance of displaying product signage in this competitive market. He stated that the secondary signage on the side elevations would be non-illuminated.

    Mr. Hull explained that the secondary signage is largely a function of Sav-on's corporate identity; and reiterated the fact that this site will be under-signed as currently proposed.

    Mr. Pagano explained that exterior signage on the building helps to distinguish what is in the store and to communicate to the public whether this store is a free-standing drug store or a grocery/drug store combo.

    Perry LaNess, 704 1st Place, stated that he and his neighbors are in full support of a driveway on PCH and that the driveways be kept off 1st Place and 2nd Street; and he expressed his belief that the large trucks will cause problems for people living in this area - pointing out that there is not enough room for trucks to safely maneuver on these two streets. He expressed his belief that a single drive-up window for the pharmacy service is sufficient.

    George Barks, property owner, advised that parking lot signs will be posted to prohibit all parking except for that of its customers and employees and that all others will be towed away; stated that he was told by the Public Works Department that the condition for paving 2nd Street was removed due to the City's plan for repaving 2nd Street; and explained that the former car dealerships in this neighborhood had a much more intensive use of the property than what this project will have.

    There being no further input, Chairman Pizer closed the public hearing.

    Ray Abassi, City Traffic Engineer, confirmed that officials from Caltrans had indicated that the applicant can submit plans for driveway access on PCH Caltrans, but that Caltrans believes that type of proposal is not a desirable situation and that it will create a nuisance and a multitude of problems. He suggested restricting the product delivery hours to 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. in order to mitigate any traffic problems on PCH.

    Chairman Pizer expressed his belief that restricting the right turns from the 1st Place driveway and left turns from the 2nd Street driveway would mitigate some of the traffic through the neighborhoods.

    Mr. Abassi explained for Commissioner Tucker that the frontage on PCH is too short and is too close to the intersection; and expressed his belief that limiting the pharmacy drop-off/pick-up lanes to one lane would cause stacking of cars onto 1st Place.

    Having read the traffic study and listened to the traffic engineer/consultant, Commissioner Perrotti stated that there are too many negatives to support the placement of a driveway on PCH and that access should be off 1st Place and 2nd Street; he noted his support for staff recommendation for signage, for the 8-foot wall at the rear of the lot; that the exterior side elevation signs should be business names only and not product signs; noted his support for the applicant's use of private security to patrol the site after hours; and suggested that if the Director of Community Development determines that the private security activity is not effective, that this issue be readdressed and adjusted.

    Vice-Chairman Hoffman noted his support for staff recommendation for the height of the fence/wall at the rear of the lot.

    Commissioner Kersenboom stated that he would support limiting the delivery hours from 9:00 A.M. to 3:00 or 4:00 P.M.; noted that following lengthy discussions of driveway access on PCH, it appears that option is not feasible or safe; suggested that the 1' by 1' directional signs at the pharmacy drive-throughs be illuminated.

    Director Blumenfeld suggested for Commissioner Kersenboom that signs be posted to reflect that no delivery truck shall egress onto 2nd Street and to limit all deliveries off 1st Place and to exit south on PCH.

    Commissioner Tucker advised that he met with the applicant to discuss his concerns with the proposed project; and requested that a written statement from a Caltrans official be provided, addressing Caltrans' position for driveway access on PCH. He noted his support for staff recommendation of the perimeter wall; requested that the wall be decorative to match the split face material that will be used on the store; suggested that on the 1st Place side, the wall should be double split face to muffle some of the noise from the loading dock; and that on the wall towards the west side, he suggested that it be stuccoed to break up the large mass. Commissioner Tucker stated that he does not want any parking space lost on 1st Place; noted his support for a "No Right Turn" sign at 1st Place and a "No Left Turn" sign at 2nd Street; and stated that he would support moving the monument sign back. With regard to the paving of 2nd Street, Commissioner Tucker urged the City to complete that project in a timely manner.

    Chairman Pizer stated that any condition for no amplified equipment for the pharmacy drive-through should be deleted.

    Chairman Pizer re-opened the public hearing.

    Mr. Hull explained that Sav-on utilizes a voice enhancement device at its drive-through windows and advised that it is not amplified equipment.

    Chairman Pizer expressed his belief that the 8-foot wall at the rear of the building near the planter is not necessary; noted his support for the applicant's use of private security; expressed his belief that limiting the product deliveries from 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. would be a severe restriction on Sav-on's operation; and suggested that they be permitted delivery hours from 7:00 A.M. to 11:00 P.M., subject to a 90-day review period following. He commended the applicant for this project proposal.

    Commissioner Tucker requested that the lighting be reduced to half power after the store closes; noted his support for staff recommendation concerning the 8-foot wall; and requested that the wall incorporate split face material.

    Director Blumenfeld highlighted the changes as follows:

    Condition 3c, A minimum 8-foot high decorative "split-face concrete block wall" shall be provided along the westerly property line, "exclusive of the planter area immediately adjacent to the west side of the building" and to screen the truck loading area.

    Add Condition 3g, "No Right Turn" sign shall be posted at the 1st Place driveway exit and a "No Left Turn" sign shall be posted at the 2nd Street driveway exit.

    Add Condition 3h, Signs shall be posted at the loading dock to indicate "Truck delivery access off 1st Place only." Signs shall be posted to indicate delivery hours.

    Add Condition 3i, "The pharmacy drive-through lane shall be stripped."

    Condition 4c, add "Continuous shrub planting along PCH frontage shall be a minimum of 3 feet in height."

    Condition 6, add "Truck and vendor deliveries shall be between 9:00 A.M. and 4:00 P.M., seven days a week."

    Condition 7, delete The parking lot shall be secured after closing Add "The applicant shall provide security for the parking lot after closing. If the Community Development Director determines that a nuisance exists, additional security measures shall be instituted as determined by the Director."

    Condition 9a, add "…located at the southerly edge of the landscaped planter."

    Condition 9c, "Signs indicating prescription drop-off and pickup shall be illuminated."

    Chairman Pizer re-opened the public hearing.

    Mr. Bucy expressed the desire of the applicant to have delivery hours limited to no more than 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M., Monday through Friday, and from 9:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M., Saturday and Sunday.

    Mr. Pagano explained that 80 percent of the Sav-on's product comes from its warehouse; advised that each store averages two warehouse deliveries per week; stated that vendor truck deliveries average 7 to 8 trucks per week; and advised that vendor delivery trucks that service Sav-on stores versus a grocery stores are usually much smaller. He explained that it is critical to Sav-on's operations to allow them deliveries from 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M.

    Mr. Pagano noted for Commissioner Tucker that receiving limitations can be placed on the vendor deliveries; and stated that the receiving hours are routinely posted at the dock.

    Commissioner Tucker requested that if problems arise with the delivery hours of 8:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M., that the hours of delivery be revisited.
    City regard to Condition 7, Mr. Hull requested that the words "drive-by security patrols" be added.

    With the concurrence of the Planning Commission, Director Blumenfeld amended Condition 6 to reflect that "Truck and vendor deliveries shall be limited between 8:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M. seven days a week. Delivery truck engines shall be turned off during loading/unloading. This condition shall be subject to review following 6 months of store operation."

    Commissioner Tucker suggested that a condition be added that no parking space shall be lost on 1st Place, either the south or north side.

    Mr. Hull advised that Sav-on will be adding parking to the street with the curb cuts and that plenty of parking will be available on site.

    MOTIONi by Commissioner Kersenboom, seconded by Commissioner Perrotti, to APPROVE PDP 02-17/CUP 02-9 -- Precise Development Plan and Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction of a one-story 13,200-square-foot commercial building for a drugstore, including a drive-through lane for purchase and pick-up of pharmacy products, and adoption of an Environmental Negative Declaration at 155 and 159 Pacific Coast Highway, Sav-on Drugs and to adopt the amended above-mentioned conditions.

    AYES: Kersenboom, Perrotti, Pizer, Tucker
    NOES: Hoffman
    ABSTAIN: None
    ABSENT: None


    Chairman Pizer recessed the meeting at 9:06 P.M. and reconvened the meeting at 9:15 P.M.

  4. CUP 02-7 (PDF File) -- Conditional Use Permit to allow a wireless telecommunications facility on the Hermosa Beach Community Center at 710 Pier Avenue.

    Staff Recommended Action: To deny said request.

    Director Blumenfeld highlighted the Planning Commission's previous consideration and denial of this proposal at its October 15, 2003 meeting; noted that the applicant had requested a continuance of this matter until the applicant was able to make its presentation before the Hermosa Arts Foundation; and advised that following this presentation, the Hermosa Arts Foundation had indicated opposition to the proposal; and that staff is once again recommending denial, noting that there has been no material change to the applicant's request. Director Blumenfeld highlighted the installation of the cabling throughout the Community Center and on top of the roof.

    Commissioner Tucker pointed out that there are companies that can assist the applicant in effectively screening its cabling materials, antennas and other equipment; and stated that the cable tray should be placed underground and not on the exterior of the building.

    Director Blumenfeld stated that the applicant was not in attendance this evening.
    Chairman Pizer opened the public hearing.

    Rick Koenig, 1825 Manhattan Avenue, Vice-President of the Hermosa Arts Foundation, stated that the Arts Foundation is adamantly opposed to this proposal, stating that it defaces the architecture of the building; and highlighted the extensive efforts to bring this building to its current condition. He pointed out that the extra equipment needed to service the antenna operations will take away valuable space from the Community Center.

    There being no further input, Chairman Pizer closed the public hearing.

    Director Blumenfeld noted for Commissioner Perrotti that there may be an alternative site in the City that can achieve the applicant's coverage needs, but explained that the alternate location may compromise some of the field deficiencies that the company is attempting to address.

    Commissioner Tucker expressed his belief that the applicant had not taken the extra step to adequately disguise this system.

    Chairman Pizer stated that the issue is not just the cabling but all of the ancillary equipment/materials needed to operate the antennas and stated that the limited space in the Community Center should be better utilized than with this proposal.

    Commissioner Perrotti stated that as presently proposed, he would deny the applicant's request, but noted that if an alternate proposal is put forth, he would be open to consideration.

    Vice-Chairman Hoffman stated that a cost benefit analysis should be done; and briefly addressed his opposition to this proposal.

    MOTION by Commissioner Kersenboom, seconded by Commissioner Perrotti, to DENY CUP 02-7 -- Conditional Use Permit to allow a wireless telecommunications facility on the Hermosa Beach Community Center at 710 Pier Avenue. The motion to deny carried as follows:

    AYES: Hoffman, Kersenboom, Perrotti, Pizer, Tucker
    NOES: None
    ABSTAIN: None
    ABSENT: None

  5. PDP 03-3/PARK 03-1 (PDF File) - Precise Development Plan for construction of a new 7,900 square foot multi-use manufacturing building and Parking Plan to allow ten tandem parking spaces and three parking spaces backing directly onto Cypress Avenue at 601 Cypress Avenue.

    Staff Recommended Action: To approve said request.

    Director Blumenfeld highlighted the project rendering depicts an R & D modern style building that is not typical of an industrial building in the area; advised that the project meets all requirements for landscape setback adjacent to residential; and that the building conforms with the 35-foot building height limitation. He stated that the applicant has expressed his intent to occupy 1,825 square feet of the total leaseable area to accommodate the applicant's block, sand and soil storage business; and noted that the other potential tenants on this site will include an architect's office, artists' lofts, and warehousing. Director Blumenfeld explained that the plan is unique and has its compliment of parking which is immediately accessed by a set of stairs and an elevator; noted that there are ten parking spaces that are located in tandem, but added that there are more than enough parking spaces available. Per Section 17.44.210, a Parking Plan can be approved for less than required parking if the applicant demonstrates that the parking can be managed to supply all necessary parking for the project. He expressed staff's belief that the tandem spaces will largely be occupied by single-tenant individuals; that the nature of the uses will not be retail oriented and that as a result, there will be relatively low parking demand. He stated that the parking can be managed as it's provided in the proposed plan. Director Blumenfeld explained that this project was prompted as a result of code enforcement action, and that staff is requesting a 120-day deadline be established in the conditions of approval for submittal of final construction plans and building permit fees.

    Chairman Pizer opened the public hearing.

    Patrick Killen, project architect, explained that the architecture is a modern-style building; advised that the applicant is proposing to do much of the building in a poured-in-place concrete structure; and stated that there are two types of glass that will be used for the tilted surfaces, blue glass and a gray tinted glass for the vertical surfaces that. Mr. Killen explained that the basic circulation of the building will include a parking driveway off Cypress Avenue and will serve the lower level parking; stated that there are two handicapped parking spaces located near an elevator; and noted that another parking driveway will be located off the 6th Street elevation and will serve another area of the building. Mr. Killen stated that the parking will be assigned to the building tenants; advised that five 900-square-foot units will be available and that the tandem parking spaces will service these small units. He mentioned that the proposed building size and actual intended use is 8,289 square feet.

    Mr. Killen requested deleting the condition for the 8-foot high decorative block wall at the west property line - pointing out that the adjacent neighbors are considerably higher than this lot and will not be able to see the 8-foot wall. He stated that the building will be set back 10 feet from the residential property line and that the applicant is requesting to create a garden setting in this 10-foot area so that it blends in with the rest of the hillside, making it more visually harmonious with the surroundings.

    Commissioner Kersenboom questioned how the exhaust fumes will be removed from the lower garage.

    In response to Commissioner Kersenboom's inquiry, Mr. Killen explained that there are a number of screens to accommodate a cross ventilation system, stating that generally in a commercial garage, if one has enough cross ventilation, the garage does not have to have a mechanical exhaust system. Mr. Killen advised that this issue will be put through a very rigorous plan check calculation to determine if the cross ventilation is adequately addressed.

    Commissioner Kersenboom expressed his concern that the neighbors to the west not be disturbed by the noise coming out of the screens on the westerly side.

    Mr. Killen reiterated that there is a 10-foot setback and that the residents are considerably removed from the building.

    Mr. Killen noted for Chairman Pizer that there is currently no retaining wall between this lot and the neighbors to the west; and explained that the building will serve as a retaining structure for the soil; and requested that the applicant be given some flexibility for the landscaping plans in that 10-foot setback area.

    Victoria Lincoln stated that she is currently in escrow with the property next door to this property, 606-612 Loma Drive; requested to view the plans prior to the closure of her escrow; noted her concern with noise and fumes from this site; and briefly noted her concerns with the integrity of the soil between the residents and this site.

    Chairman Pizer pointed out that the noise should be less than what is currently heard on site.

    Barbara Elman, 530 Loma Drive, stated that her house is the third house in from 6th Street; stated that her house shakes with the cars and trucks that travel on the street; and addressed her concerns with the speed of the traffic down the hill, questioning the safety of the parking entrance into this facility. Ms. Elman expressed her belief that tandem parking is improperly used throughout the City.

    Paul Ruda, 414 6th Street, stated that his house is directly across the street from this site; expressed his pleasure with the plans for the building; and addressed his concerns with the amplified noise in this concrete building and the squealing of tires in the parking garage.

    Janet McQue, 2130 Monterey, expressed her support for this proposal.

    Mr. Killen stated that Cypress Avenue will be used to transport the soil and that the 6th Street access is intended to be a much less intensive use. He stated that this building should help to mitigate the noise from this facility.

    Mr. Killen noted for Chairman Pizer that one cannot access the ground floor from 6th Street.

    Commissioner Perrotti expressed his preference for some type of wall along the westerly property line.

    Vice-Chairman Hoffman expressed his pleasure with this proposal.

    Commissioner Tucker stated that a soil remediation closure report should be on file before construction commences; expressed his belief that the westerly property line wall is necessary; stated that the wall should be erected with the decorative block; and suggested that the vents in the building on the west side should be closed in order to alleviate any noise concerns. He recommended that a swirled/ruff finish be put on the concrete floor to lessen the noise from screeching tires; and stated that a grating system should be installed to remove the dirt from the truck tires before entering onto the Cypress Avenue.

    Chairman Pizer commended the project architect for the plans; and stated that the wall along the westerly property line should be 2 feet in height.

    Commissioner Kersenboom addressed his concerns with adequate ventilation of this facility.

    Director Blumenfeld stated that the ventilation issue will be put through a complicated calculation process to determine what part of the structure, if any, requires a mechanical ventilation system.

    Chairman Pizer re-opened the public hearing.

    Mr. Killen advised that the opportunities to place vents on this building exist on the west, east and south sides of the building; explained that fumes are not expected to be an issue due to the short runs/operations of the equipment; suggested that the applicant be permitted to erect the 8-foot wall on the west side in order to contain the sound at the property line and to reverberate the noise back onto this site; and that foliage/trees be placed in this area. He explained that he would prefer to keep the vent holes are proposed, stating that closure of the vent holes will defeat the ability of a ventilation system.

    Director Blumenfeld highlighted the following changes to the resolution:

    Add to Condition 1a, A revised landscape plan, with the inclusion of 36-inch box trees, for the west side of the property shall be submitted for approval by staff.

    Condition 4, The owner shall record a covenant in a form acceptable to the City Attorney relative to the uses.

    Add Condition 5b, Swirl finish shall be provided for the garage floor to mitigate noise.

    Add Condition 6b, A grate system shall be installed to contain dirt storage within the garage area.

    Add Condition 7b, The applicant shall demonstrate with a Phase 1 study that there is no site contamination.

    MOTION by Commissioner Tucker, seconded by Commissioner Perrotti, to APPROVE PDP 03-3/PARK 03-1 - Precise Development Plan for construction of a new 7,900-square-foot multi-use manufacturing building and Parking Plan to allow ten tandem parking spaces and three parking spaces backing directly onto Cypress Avenue at 601 Cypress Avenue. The motion to approve carried as follows:

    AYES: Hoffman, Kersenboom, Perrotti, Pizer, Tucker
    NOES: None
    ABSTAIN: None
    ABSENT: None

  6. VAR 02-4 (PDF File) -- Variance from the minimum lot size requirements of 4,000 square feet for a two-lot subdivision resulting in two single-family lots measuring 2,850 square feet and 2,503 square feet at 836 Beach Drive.

    Staff Recommended Action: To approve said request.

    Director Blumenfeld stated that the applicant is requesting a variance both from the subdivision ordinance and the zoning ordinance; and advised that the 5,353-square-foot property contains a duplex on two lots from the original tract map which was merged into one lot in 1988. Director Blumenfeld stated that the applicant is seeking to develop two single-family homes on individual lots; and expressed staff's belief that there are some extraordinary circumstances that do appear to pertain to this property that don't apply to the same properties in the same vicinity and zone. He advised that this lot, in its merged condition, is only 1 of 4 lots within a total of 52 lots within a 300-foot radius in the area that have been merged, which therefore creates an exceptional and unique condition as compared to the other lots located along the strand or walk streets in the area. He added that of the 31 lots within the neighborhood area located on the walk streets or neighborhood streets, 26 have not been merged and contain lots which have 2,850 square feet or less. He mentioned that the property is located on the corner of Beach Drive and stated that if it is split, the property will have a narrower width along the alley to the rear than the majority of lots in the area. Director Blumenfeld explained that the lot contains sufficient square footage in the R-2 zone to develop it with 3 units. Director Blumenfeld expressed staff's belief that the proposed subdivision won't present any potential detriment to the surrounding properties relative to density and lot pattern; that if the project is developed, it won't be materially detrimental to properties in the vicinity and zone; and that there will not be a detrimental effect with the proposed subdivision. He mentioned that staff will return to the next meeting with a resolution for adoption if the Planning Commission approves this request.

    Chairman Pizer opened the public hearing.

    Adam Gooch, 836 Beach Drive, stated that he purchased the property two years ago; and stated that he had originally intended to build 3 condominium units on this site, but that he now prefers to develop two single-family custom homes.

    Jack Clark, project architect, highlighted the plans and the building architecture.

    Jeff Fredricks, 2810 Court, stated that he lives directly across the street from this subject property and stated that he would prefer to see 2 single-family homes instead of 3 condominium units on this site.

    Dave Silverman, 66 9th Street, expressed his support for the applicant's request.

    Chairman Pizer closed the public hearing.

    The Planning Commission expressed its pleasure with the proposal for a decrease in density and noted support of the findings to support the request for a variance.

    MOTION by Vice-Chairman Hoffman, seconded by Commissioner Kersenboom, to APPROVE VAR 02-4 -- Variance from the minimum lot size requirements of 4,000 square feet for a two-lot subdivision resulting in two single-family lots measuring 2,850 square feet and 2,503 square feet at 836 Beach Drive; and directed staff to return with a resolution for approval in conjunction with the approval of a parcel map for a two-lot subdivision. The motion to approve carried as follows:

    AYES: Hoffman, Kersenboom, Perrotti, Pizer, Tucker
    NOES: None
    ABSTAIN: None
    ABSENT: None

  7. CON 03-1/PDP 03-1 (PDF File) -- Conditional Use Permit, Precise Development Plan and Vesting Tentative Parcel Map No. 26936 for a two-unit condominium at 1449 Monterey Boulevard.

    Staff Recommended Action: To approve said request.

    Director Blumenfeld stated that proposed project consists of two attached condominium units, with basements below two stories; advised that each unit has 4 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms; stated that the units are contemporarily styled; that the required parking is provided in ground floor garages, each with access directly from Monterey Boulevard and Bayview Drive; advised that the standard parking spaces provided in the garages will have to be adjusted to meet the 20-foot standard; and stated that the curb cut on Monterey Boulevard causes the loss of one on-street parking space, but that it is accounted for with the extra guest parking space that's provided on site. He added that the rear guest space will have to be adjusted to meet the standard for the minimum turning radius requirement and that the parking setback requirements will have to be adjusted to meet the 3-foot requirement. Due to the steep decline at the break point, Director Blumenfeld expressed staff's belief that this site has a convex slope; advised that even with the convex slope finding, the project is still slightly over height, but that staff believes this excess height can be adjusted in the project design process. He added that the lot coverage is below 65 percent and that the minimum open space requirement has been met.

    Chairman Pizer opened the public hearing.

    Elizabeth Srour, 1001 6th Street, Manhattan Beach, representing the owner/developer, advised that the rear unit and garage parking deficiency has been corrected; stated that there is plenty of room within the unit to absorb the space that's required for the extra foot needed for the garage parking; with regard to the lot configurations, she explained that there is a steep 7- to 8-foot drop-off at the rear of this property; and that it is her belief there is sufficient evidence to support the finding of a convex lot. She noted that the building will comply with code.

    Chairman Pizer closed the public hearing.

    The Planning Commission expressed its support for this proposal as long as the deficiencies are adjusted to meet the requirements; and noted their concurrence that the lot has a convex slope.

    Director Blumenfeld recommended adding a Finding No. 3 in Section 3, that the project is to be developed on a slope determined to be convex.

    MOTION by Commissioner Tucker, seconded by Commissioner Kersenboom, to APPROVE CON 03-1/PDP 03-1 -- Conditional Use Permit, Precise Development Plan and Vesting Tentative Parcel Map No. 26936 for a two-unit condominium at 1449 Monterey Boulevard; and to add Finding No. 3, Section 3, that the project is to be developed on a slope which has been deterimed to be convex. The motion to approve carried as follows:

    AYES: Hoffman, Kersenboom, Perrotti, Pizer, Tucker
    NOES: None
    ABSTAIN: None
    ABSENT: None

  8. Due to a possible conflict of interest, Vice-Chairman Hoffman excused himself from consideration of Agenda Item No. 12.

  9. CON 03-2/PDP 03-2 (PDF File) -- Conditional Use Permit, Precise Development Plan and Vesting Tentative Parcel Map No. 26971 for a two-unit condominium at 736 Monterey Boulevard.

    Staff Recommended Action: To approve said request.

    Director Blumenfeld advised that the project is located in the R-3 zone; that the proposal consists of two 3-level structures, with two floors above the basement; stated that the project unit sizes are approximately 2,100 square feet; that the applicant will be replacing an existing single-family home; noted that the project is contemporarily styled; that the required parking is provided in the ground floor garages, each accessed by Monterey Boulevard and Sunset Drive; and that the entries are located on the streets and alleys. He added that the guest parking on Monterey Boulevard will lose one guest parking space, but will be accounted for with the extra guest parking space provided on site. Director Blumenfeld noted that the guest parking is provided for each unit in front of the garages and that one space is located on the alley and two on Monterey Boulevard; and advised that the rear guest space will have to be altered to meet the minimum required for a parallel space. He stated that the building complies with the 30-foot height limit, however, he advised that staff is requesting the building submittal contain all the property corner elevations shown on the survey and that the roof plan also contain this information. He pointed out that the survey indicates the westerly corner point elevations are taken as the top of wall condition, which is note unreasonable. He stated that the project complies with the open space, lot coverage and landscape requirements.

    Chairman Pizer opened the public hearing.

    Jerry Compton, 1200 Artesia Boulevard, Suite 300, project architect, explained that in looking at the survey, he did use the lines that are the property line; stated that there is a lot of height at this point because of the way the lot slopes up from the street; and noted his concurrence with the conditions of approval.

    There being no further input, Chairman Pizer closed the public hearing.

    MOTION by Commissioner Kersenboom, seconded by Commissioner Perrotti, to APPROVE CON 03-2/PDP 03-2 -- Conditional Use Permit, Precise Development Plan and Vesting Tentative Parcel Map No. 26971 for a two-unit condominium at 736 Monterey Boulevard. The motion to approve carried as follows:

    AYES: Kersenboom, Perrotti, Pizer, Tucker
    NOES: None
    ABSTAIN: Hoffman
    ABSENT: None

  10. TEXT 93-1 (PDF File) -- Text Amendment regarding downtown parking requirements.

    Staff Recommended Action: To direct staff as deemed appropriate.

    Director Blumenfeld explained that the City Council met and considered several revisions to the Downtown parking requirements that would help create more balance in the Downtown area relative to parking; advised that in the daytime, there is an abundance of parking in the Downtown area, but that a very heavy parking demand in experienced in the Downtown area in the evening. He stated that the restaurants are most heavily occupied in the evenings and that the restaurant uses create some of the largest parking demands. He explained that the City Council is attempting to relieve this parking condition and trying to entice more retail into the Downtown area and that the City Council has suggested the following recommendations: to increase the parking ratio for restaurants by eliminating the change of use credit allowed for restaurant projects of 5,000 square feet or less; and decreasing the parking ratio for retail and office use from 4 per 1,000 to 3 per 1,000. He advised that this effectively reduces the parking requirement for retail and increase the parking requirement for restaurants, which should decrease the demand or location of restaurant uses. He stated that currently, the parking requirements for a restaurant of 5,000 square feet or less is parked at 1 per 100 or 10 per 1,000; and stated that a change in use credit would be applied and will effectively dissuade most restaurant uses from taking retail space and converting it to restaurant use. On the retail side, the City would reduce the parking requirement by 25 percent and in so doing also reduce the in-lieu parking fee.

    Director Blumenfeld advised that staff is also suggesting an addition to the City Council suggested changes, that for all projects, the parking credit shall be set at the retail parking requirement of 4 per 1,000 or a less restrictive requirement as approved by a parking plan - noting that this would have to be presented to City Council if the Planning Commission so approves. Director Blumenfeld advised that staff recently prepared a parking survey in the Downtown which has created a baseline for understanding what all of the uses are in the Downtown area and what the net effect is of setting this new baseline of 4 per 1,000 - reiterating that this would apply to all projects 5,000 square feet or greater. He added that staff is suggesting in the text revisions that the City create special parking regulations exclusively for the Downtown area.

    Director Blumenfeld explained for Chairman Pizer that these changes would also have to be approved by the Coastal Commission.

    Chairman Pizer noted his support for staff recommendation for parking credit.

    Director Blumenfeld noted for Commissioner Tucker that the Downtown area is defined from upper Pier Avenue at Valley Drive to the west and that it is coterminous with the vehicle parking district.

    It was the consensus of the Planning Commission to concur with the changes and to direct staff to return to the next meeting with a draft text amendment for review.

  11. Staff Items

    Director Blumenfeld advised that the Planning Commission would receive its agenda packet this Thursday for the additional January meeting.

  12. Commissioner Items


  13. Adjournment

    MOTION by Commissioner Tucker, seconded by Commissioner Kersenboom, for adjournment at 11:30 P.M. No objection was noted.