Parks and Recreation Minutes, January 12, 2004


The meeting was called to order by Chairman Fishman at 7:01 p.m.

Roll Call

Present: Commissioners Fishman, Bell, Francis, and Sigler
Absent: Commissioner Hollander
Also Present: Steve Burrell, City Manager; Colette Portela, Administrative Assistant Community Resources Department

Approval of Minutes: December 2, 2003

Motion: "To approve as submitted."

Bell/Motion - All Ayes



Public Comment:


Matters for Commission Consideration

  1. St Patrick's Day Parade and Festival (PDF File)

    Travers Devine, 2104 Huntington Lane, Redondo Beach

    Mr. Devine, representing the South Bay St. Patrick's Weekend Committee, stated that the proposal was pretty much the same as the last nine years. The only change would be the funding from the City. For the past few years the city has allocated $15,000 out of the Downtown Enhancement Fund for the committee to draw from if needed. The SBSPDC committee is requesting the city to cover the direct city costs and shuttle service fees only, not to exceed $15,000.

    City Manager Burrell stated that the city costs are approximately $10,000 because there is a pretty full deployment of personnel that includes police, fire and public works. He also clarified that the monies were from the Downtown Enhancement Fund. Prop A funds are used for shuttle service only.

    Commissioner Fishman inquired as to the feasibility of posting No Parking signs 72 hours before the parade to keep any claims of damage from residents to a minimum for not having enough advance warning.

    City Manager Burrell stated that city merchants were upset when we did this some time ago because they believe that customers read the signs as not being able to park there beginning Wednesday, thereby decreasing merchant sales. He also stated that each event holder is responsible for making sure that all posted signs are intact and replaced when needed and this will be the case for the St. Patrick's Day Parade and Festival.

    Commissioner Fishman also asked that the insurance ($2M in general liability) language also includes Best Ratings of A-VII to make sure that the company is financially solvent. He then opened the floor to the particular question if there's anyone that wants to address a one-day vs. two-day event.

    Commissioner Bell stated that he was all right with a two-day event.

    Commissioner Fishman stated that over the last two years as a commission, we reported to the City Council and the Council has made it clear to the commissions, especially this one, as it pertains to two-day events, to be mindful of the impact it has on the community.

    Travers Devine said that he hasn't heard any complaints about the two-day event since they have withdrawn booths from Hermosa Avenue. They no longer close any streets except for the parade. The two-day festival gives them the opportunity to recoup the costs of doing the parade by allowing vendors two days to sell merchandise.

    Commissioner Francis stated that he personally loves the parade but takes issue with other city officials being in the parade in front of Hermosa Beach city officials. Hermosa Beach should be first and foremost throughout the parade. He also stated that the types of booths that the St. Patrick's Day Festival have really don't have any relation to the beach culture. Therefore, he is not sold that this, as a two-day event, enhances the image of our city.

    Commissioner Sigler presented his view as personally enjoying the event, especially since it's the off-season. Most people he has spoken to don't have a problem with the event.

    Commissioner Bell doesn't necessarily know that it lends itself to two days, but he'll go along with it. He doesn't think it's a problem and hasn't heard any complaints from merchants.

    Motion by Commissioner Bell to approve the request from the South Bay St. Patrick's Day Weekend Committee to hold their annual St. Patrick's Day Parade and Festival on March 13 & 14, 2004.

    Commissioner Sigler seconded the motion.

    Ayes: Commissioners Fishman, Bell, Sigler
    Nays: Commissioner Francis
    Abstain: None
    Absent: Commissioner Hollander

  2. November 2003 Activity Report (PDF File)

    Receive and file.

  3. Commissioner's Reports

    Tree Subcommittee
    Commissioner Sigler stated that they were pretty much finished. They have already gone through all the different commissions and received their feedback. Everything looks good. The next step is to get it to City Council on the 27th or the first meeting in February.
    Hermosa Arts Foundation
    Commissioner Hollander was not present to give a report.
    Friends of the Park
    Commissioner Bell stated that not much has been going on because of the holidays but the first meeting of the year will be January 14th at 6:30 p.m. in Room 4 at the Community Center, 710 Pier Avenue. The next event will be "Hearts in the Park" on Saturday, February 22, 2004 from 11 to 1 p.m. at Seaview Park located at 19th & Prospect. There will be a barbeque and family and kid-oriented activities with a chance to exchange ideas of how to improve the parks in Hermosa.
    Museum Subcommittee
    Commissioner Fishman stated that this Saturday is Volunteer Cleanup Day. He encourages anyone to assist in the second stage of cleanup before construction for expansion can be started. The cleanup begins this Saturday, January 17th at 9:00 a.m. at 710 Pier Avenue. The next meeting of the Historical Society is January 21st at 6:30 p.m. at the same location.
    Sunset Concert Committee
    Commissioner Sigler stated that they really haven't had a meeting since the discussion at the last commission meeting in December so there is nothing new to report. Commissioner Francis stated that he received an email from staff stating that we have a $10,000 commitment from Hawthorne Savings and there will be a meeting on the 28th or 29th of January depending on the availability of committee members.
    Surfer's Walk of Fame Committee
    Commissioner Fishman stated because of the holidays, again no meeting was scheduled but a meeting is to take place on January 21st at 4:00 p.m. at 710 Pier Avenue. At that time they will shoot to meet their timelines to ensure that the nominations' paperwork processes are happening so that they can report back at the next commission meeting.

Items Requested by Commissioners


Other Matters

City Council Agenda Item (Segues on the Strand)

Commissioner Francis stated that he would like the Park & Recreation commissioners to voice their opinion regarding the council agenda for tomorrow night regarding the use of electric vehicles (segues) on the Strand.

City Manager Burrell said that he would make sure that the opinions would be noted to the City Council.

Commissioner Francis stated that he believed Mr. Arnoff, who came before our commission and was adamant about not having a second strip of concrete added to the strand for bicycling, is asking the Council to consider allowing segue vehicles to be used on the strand.

City Manager Burrell confirmed this statement. He also stated that another person or company inquired approximately six months ago and we directed them to the city code. They read it and realized that they couldn't do it here. Our code mentions the strand and certain other streets that are named would make segues prohibited. And then Mr. Arnoff basically took the same position. They would be usable in many of our residential streets and/or sidewalks today. There isn't anything that prohibits them because state law treats them as pedestrians. Our city code has had for years prohibited motorized devices on the strand and commercial streets that are adjacent, namely Pier and Hermosa Avenue. Mr. Arnoff's position is that we would amend our ordnance if the city attorney sees the need. So what the City Council has in front of it is two ordnances; 1) That says our existing prohibition is included, but let's make it clear since there is this new law passed by the legislature. Therefore, these segues are not permitted on the strand. 2) This would allow them. Simply to say everything else remains prohibited, but segues are treated as pedestrians and not regulated.

Commissioner Francis weighed in on the issue by stating that his wife and he use the strand as a promenade and did support having a second strand for bicyclists for that very reason.

Commissioner Bell agreed with Commissioner Francis with his reason being anything human-powered are fine but he doesn't think that we should get into electric motor or anything like that on the strand.

Commissioner Sigler stated that he wasn't quite sure about these segues but he doesn't think there's any reason for them to be on the strand. He has friends with motorized skateboards and they're not safe on the strand.

Commissioner Fishman is unanimous with their opinions as well. To take it a step further, it is his understanding under the CA vehicle code, there is an ordnance that prohibits motorized vehicles from driving on the sidewalk and one can argue that the strand is like a public sidewalk and there's a state law involved. The other part of this has to do with the enforcement of speed limits and the lack of enforcement with people speeding on bicycles. How would we regulate any type of speed so that creates yet another issue for pedestrian safety.

Commissioner Francis stated that these should be classified as motorized vehicles.

Edith Rodaway Park Update

Commissioner Fishman asked about the status of the Edith-Rodaway Park improvement regarding the potential for a second basketball court and a meeting with the residents.

City Manager Burrell stated that this would be set up for the next Parks & Recreation meeting, along with all the events. Also at the next meeting will be an item covering the fees charged for special events, classes, and room rentals.

Public Comment:


Motion: "To Adjourn"

Francis/Sigler - All Ayes

Adjournment: 7:50 PM